A cab driver 's scary TRUE night shift story!

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Hey guys this story that I am about to tell you it didn't happen to me but the taxi driver who was driving me but nonetheless it's still scary.

Last Halloween I was going to a party and once me and my friends were tired we were all going home at about 5 am.

I was ordering myself a taxi and a friend from the group was waiting with me.

We were waiting for my taxi about 3 minutes.

Usually, where I live you would get a text saying when the taxi was gonna arrive but since the old taxi company got in a bit of a trouble with its employees another company was formed from the employs that were fired from the last.

And this new company their drivers are always quick.

So the driver arrives and I get in.

I was asking the driver about his job, and all the weird shit that happens to taxi drivers.

So he told about the worst night shift he ever had.

It was 1 am He was parked at the bus station looking for fares.

And a huge guy about 6ft5 approached him and said: Hey man can you give me a ride to CENSORED also can I put my luggage in the trunk.

The driver replied I will put it in the trunk you just hop in.

The taxi driver puts all his baggage in the trunk and gets in, and they start going. They pretty much didn't say a word to each other for the next 15 minutes.

The guy was just staring at the driver who was also a bigger guy but not big as the creepy 6 foot guy.

After they were half way a cop car was signalling the driver to pull over.

They were both looking at each other as to figure out why he would stop them at this hour.

And this is as he said the most terrifying things he ever experiences in his whole life.

The guy pulls out a blade and put it to the drivers throat and Said if you pull over I will cut your throat.

The driver says ok. The guy says Lose the fucking cops or you die.

The driver started speeding and driving dangerously to try to lose the cops.

About 10 minutes have passed, and the cops were still with them the guy was getting inpatient and even more aggressive.

Lose the fucking cops you fucking idiot! The driver was very calm and said don't worry I am on top of it.

So they were approaching the last bus stop, which was a few minutes from the actual destination.

And the driver decides he's gonna pull the handbrake and bail from the car as soon as they reach it!
They reach it, and the cops are still on them. The driver in literally 6 seconds pulls the handbrake and jumps out leaving the man in the car.
The cops stop and yell at the driver to stay down and the guy to get out of the car.

The guy gets out and starts running with the blade in hand.

The cops chase after him and call backup.

While the man is being detained and questioned.

The guy trips and falls down after maybe 40 meters or 130 feet.

The cops cuff him and bring him back to the car.

The driver gets detained, and the cops let him go.

The 6-foot guy gets in the back of the cruiser and Looks the driver.

But the driver was glad he was never gonna see the guy again.

The cop went to the man and dropped the bomb that the guy escaped from prison and was very dangerous.

And that the driver was lucky to be alive.

Posted by u/ICY031

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