I dream of being locked in a dark room, was it a dream or reality

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Growing up, I had this recurring nightmare. I was a small child in a bedroom sitting on a bed, I assume it was my bed. It was dark, but either the moon or a streetlight shined light through the window, enough for me to see a toy box. I would walk over to the door and try to open it, only to find it locked. I would pound on the door yelling for help, hoping someone would let me out. Then I would get a grey stuffed elephant out of the toy box and get on the bed again. The elephant felt like a comfort to me. I would then wake up from this dream, crying and scared. My parents always dismissed the dream and told me to go back to sleep. When I was about 12, I was looking through photos of me as a baby, and there was the grey elephant. The same one. I told my mom and she said it was my favorite toy when I was little. To this day I can't help but feel like the dream was true and at some point the nightmare actually happened and I was only recalling something real.

I don't think I'll ever know the truth...

Posted by u/voguebaby77

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