I think my old dog came back to me

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I lost my dog to a type of pneumonia a year and a half ago. She saved my life once and had been in my life since I was 4 (now 22). I took her death really hard. I missed her so much that I stated seeing her in my dreams. Those dreams made me so happy that I'd be really sad when I woke up. One night when I dreamed about her, I hugged her and told her to come back to me. A few days later but fiancés dog started acting strangely. He's a really lazy dog and doesn't really like interacting too much with people, he's so aggressive but just kind of likes his independence. So he starts acting out of character. He begins to actually play with toys, really similar to how my old dog did and he does this thing where if you pat him and then stop, he'll nudge your hand so you keep patting him. It's exactly the same thing my old dog would do, it was her signature thing. He also grew really attached to me. Before he would always go to my fiancé or his mum to be petted it to sleep next to, but now he only comes to me. I want to believe it's my old dog coming back like I asked her to, but I also feel like it's all in my head.

Posted by u/jRaeLupa

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