Magician Melvin

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To say that Melvin was unpopular would be an understatement. He wore only thrift store clothing, his only pop culture knowledge came directly from Dungeons and Dragons, and he always smelled slightly of cigarette smoke and cats.

Toby and his friends would poke fun at Melvin every chance they got: in classrooms behind the teachers' backs, in the hallways, in the locker rooms, at the bus lot, even in public if Melvin was unlucky enough to cross their paths. They'd wave their hands in front of their noses and yell loudly "Ew! Is that SMELL-VIN?!" before shoving him against a locker, causing him to drop his many books.

Melvin longed to escape this world he was stuck in, where he only knew ridicule and embarrassment at school, as well as neglect and harassment at home.

One day, Melvin decided to watch some online videos on simple card tricks. If magic couldn't be real, perhaps he could at least make it feel real. He practiced every evening at home, but just wasn't quite getting it. So he started practicing at lunch too, and before long a few students began to ask what he was doing. When Melvin showed him the few tricks he'd learned, they were in awe at his skill in sleight of hand. For the first time, Melvin had people who liked him, if only a little.

A few weeks went by, and one of of Melvin's new friends suggested he do an act for the talent show, and even if he didn't win, he might at least make a good impression.

Melvin went to the signup sheet, and his heart dropped as he saw a name already signed on the list... Toby. His new friends had managed to keep Toby off his back, but what if Toby did something to sabotage his show or embarrass him?

No, he wouldn't let that happen. This was going to be his time.

In the weeks leading up to the Talent Show, Melvin practiced and practiced on new tricks, and began to sew a costume and make some props. The night of the show came and the house was packed with parents and students. Back stage, Melvin waited nervously for his turn, doing all he could to avoid Toby.

It didn't work.

Toby knew Melvin was in the show and decided to purposefully walk by, "Oh look! SMELL-VIN is in the show! What are you going to do, SMELL-VIN? Gonna clear out the audience with your B.O.?"

At that moment, the Principal walked over and pulled Toby aside, informing him that there was a performance going on, and the entire audience can hear his racket. Toby just sneered and waited his turn. Melvin watched at Toby and his jock buds did some half ass'd version of a Kid Rock song.

When Melvin went on however, it was just like being in the lunchroom again. The audience reacted to everything he did, his volunteer for the disappearing trick was very helpful, and when he bowed at the end he could hear the whole auditorium clapping for him.

To Melvin's great surprise, he won first place that night, and even though he would be returning to a broken trailer park with a couple of drunks for parents, he'd at least have one shiny new thing in his room... a trophy.

Toby however, was sour. Who in their right mind could like a twerp like Smelly Melvin? How had some stupid card tricks gotten him so many friends so fast? And how in the hell did that loser snag the big win from him?

That couldn't stand.

Melvin enjoyed the next week of school as an entirely new person. Teachers and students congratulated him on his job well done, and many asked him to show a few tricks in the hallways between classes. Kids were talking to him on the bus now, kids were joining him for lunch, kids were relating to his problems at home, kids were being nice to him all over.

Friday afternoon came, and Melvin was excited to have been invited to an outing that evening with new friends. Blissfully unaware, he walked around the corner and felt several hands grab him at once, with one big hand covering his mouth.

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