The time I lived next to a pedophile

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So this story happened when I was around 6-8 and I was living in a very shady neighbourhood. This might not be very creepy but I didn't know where else to post it so here we go.

When I was living in this shady neighbourhood my sister was my babysitter, she didn't really watch over me and let me do what I wanted. (Which is bad you should never let a 6 year old do what they want) I would always ride my bike down and around the streets because I didn't have to worry about getting hit by cars since it was a very quiet neighbourhood.

One day I was out riding my bike when I saw two little girls around my age playing in a yard. (We'll call them Maya and Eve) I rode over to them and and asked what they were playing and if I could join and they said I could, I was playing with them for about 15 minutes when a man walked out of the house. (we'll call him Dave)

He looked at me and smiled, commenting on how he'd never seen me around before(which was kinda weird cause I rode my bike everyday) Maya seemed pretty happy to see Dave but Eve wasn't as joyful, which now that I know what happened i understand why. I talked to Dave a little and he asked me if I wanted to go inside for a snack, to which I said sure since it had been lunch time.

I went in his house and had a snack then went back outside with the two Maya and Eve which I found out went to my school and I was very happy about that, after a while I heard my sister yelling my name so I went back to my house, she grabbed me by the shoulders and told me to never go to his house again.

About a month later we got a knock on our door and my sister opened it and we were met with a police officer, she asked us if we knew if Dave was home and we both said no. I think the following day it showed on the news that Dave was arrested for having child pornography at the time I didn't understand what that meant but now thinking back I just worry what would of happened if I kept going back to that house..

(Oh btw, Maya was Dave's daughter and she got taken by CPS and Eve was her friend, I never knew what happened to her)

Posted by u/MySafeWordIsGay

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