That Time Of The Month

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Ross: He always hated that certain week out of the month, but did whatever he could to make you feel any better. He’d rub circles into your stomach when you were bent over in pain, not once complaining. He wouldn’t leave your side until you felt better!

Riker: He would always know when you were on your period, so he’d come home and surprise you with your favorite chocolate and candy. He’dd fix whatever you want for dinner, doing anything you ask of him. He knew when you snapped that is wasn’t your fault, so he would ignore it, kissing you to make it feel better. 

Rocky:  ”Ow,” you groaned, clutching your stomach in pain. “What can I do?’ he asked, eyeing you warily. “Just make it stop,” you begged, almost on the verge of tears. He chuckled, “I don’t really think I can do that…” he murmered. You punched him in the arm, not nearly enough to hurt him. He took the hint, and shut up. He grabbed a heating pad and some of your favorite movies to soothe your pain!

Ratliff: In a way, he loved and hated that time of the month for you. Sometimes you were grumpy, which he didn’t like at all. However, it gave him an excuse to spoil you with yummy home-cooked food. It’s a hard time telling what you’d crave next, but he’d make whatever you want just to make you feel better. 

Ryland: “What’s wrong?” he asked quietly, watching you doubled over in pain on the couch. “The same thing that happens every month,” you whined, holding your stomach. He sighed, picking you up and setting you onto his lap. He grabbed the nearest blanket, cuddling you close until he soothed you to sleep. 

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