Renae Dreams Trilogy

By _jasthewriter

206K 8.6K 14.2K

It's been 5 sweet years since the wedding and the Stone family has grown tremendously. Not only was the drug... More

1.) Renae... 5 years later
Chapter 2.)
Chapter 3.)
Chapter 4.) Dajon
Chapter 5.) Kingston
Chapter 6.) March 31st...
Chapter 7.)
Chapter 8.) Zina
Chapter 9.) Two weeks later...
Chapter 10.)
Chapter 11.)
Chapter 12.) Kingston
Chapter 13.)
Chapter 14.) June 18th
Chapter 15.) Rebuilding
Chapter 16.) Karen
Chapter 17.)
Chapter 18.)
Chapter 19.)
Chapter 20.) Pay Attention
Chapter 21.)
Chapter 22.)
Chapter 23.) September 5th
Chapter 24.) K.J.
Chapter 25.)
Chapter 26.)
Chapter 27.) Privileged vs Color
Chapter 28.)
Chapter 29.)
Chapter 30.)
Chapter 31.)
Chapter 32.) Zina
Chpater 34.) Game day
Chapter 35.) 2 weeks later...
Chapter 36.)
Chapter 37.)
Chapter 38.)
Chapter 39.) Four days later...
Chapter 40.) Fears
Chapter 41.)
Chapter 42.) 2 weeks later...
Chapter 43.)
Chapter 44.) June 4th.... Miss Red
Chapter 45.) When The Past Bites....
Chapter 46.) Settling in
Chapter 47.) Cracking Down...
Chapter 48.) Renae.... two weeks later
Chapter 49.) When It's All Said And Done
Chapter 50.)
Chapter 51.)
Chapter 52.) August 21st
Chapter 53.)
Chapter 54.) Miracles
Chapter 55.)
Chapter 56.)
Chapter 57.)
Chapter 58.)
Chapter 59.) two weeks later
Chapter 60.)
Chapter 61.) December 1st
Chapter 62.)
Chapter 63.)
Chapter 64.)
Chapter 65.) *Trigger Warning*
Chapter 66.)
Chapter 67.) Good news
Chapter 68.)
Chapter 69.) Febuary 13th
Chapter 70.)
Chapter 71.) March 5th...
Chapter 72.)
Chapter 73.) March 18th
Chapter 74.)
Chapter 75.)
Chapter 76.)
Chapter 77.)
Chapter 78.)
Chapter 79.) Not Goodbye, Just See You Later...

Chapter 33.)

2.6K 109 141
By _jasthewriter

        It was January 20th, Martin Luther King Jr day to some, no work, no school to a few and a regular day to others. It was 9:30 in the morning and Dajon was doing another interview with Shanti since she was the only radio host he felt was genuine about their craft.

         "Gooooooooood morning Seven-Five-Seven! It's yo girl, your favorite, Shanti and we're back with your favorite athlete and ninety-five point seven's regular, basketball star, number eight... Dajon Davidsonnnnnn," hitting the button for applause for dramatic effects, Dajon laughed pulling the mic towards him.

        "Wassup wassup," he greeted.

        "First thing, good morning and how are you?" She asked.

        "I'm good actually, I dropped my nieces off at school today so I'm in a good mood," he smiled opening the seafood salad she made for him.

        Cooking or ordering out was something the team grew accustomed to doing.

         "Your nieces are kinda like your extended kids huh?" She smiled and he nodded.

        "Don't have any, but I settle for them. Kaari, the one y'all always see on my page talking about Spongebob and Dora, that's my lil roll dawg, she swears she's the boss of me," He said and they both laughed.

        "Would you say you have a favorite or you don't believe in that?"

        "I don't believe in that. I have a special bond with each of them, Reign is more laid back, we bond over reading or watching the discovery channel. My youngest niece Ava, we bond over studying or talking about basketball or her just asking me random questions. Kaari, y'all know how we coming and my lil nephew, I gotta give him a few more months to get used to me, all he does is stare at me as if he's trying to figure out if I'm a bad guy or something," he explained and Shanti laughed.

         "That's adorable, would you say your sister feels as if you treat them equally?"

        "Most definitely," he nodded shaking his Gatorade up.

        "So I'm getting a few questions on my recent post about you, should we get into that now or talk about you coming back for the new season?"

         "We can do some questions first," he shrugged focusing on his food.

       "Ok, so one fan wants to know if you're dating anyone or looking for anyone,"

        "I'm chilling... there might be someone I wanna lockdown... not sure yet," he replied and she smirked nodding.

        "That leads to the next question... another fan... well actually three of them want to know who exactly is prettyxary," she said and Dajon chuckled picking up a napkin and wiped his mouth.

        "We're cool, don't go trolling her, she doesn't do this internet stuff,"

        "Not a fan of social media?" She asked.

        "Nah, has anxiety and feels as if it's a place where pretenders can feel good about themselves until they go out into the real world... I agree with that to a certain extent,"

        "What part do you disagree about?"

         "I don't really blame Instagram, I blame society as a whole for having certain people feel as if they had to have a certain amount of followers, likes or have their body a certain way just to be poppin, everyone played a hand in that mindset by feeding into those who worship and eat, sleep and breathe for Instagram likes, followers and social acceptance. I just feel like people who aren't really sure who they are, turn to social media as a way of trying to figure out what they really want out of life, rather it's good or bad," he explained.

        She nodded understanding just as a call was coming in.

        "You're live, what's your name, where you from and what's your question?" She answered.

        "Hey, Good morning Shanti, wassup Dajon... my name is Marvin, I'm from Norfolk and I just wanted to say to Dajon that you inspire me, bro. I'm twenty-eight, just earned my Doctorate degree and got two interviews lined up for this afternoon. I've been watching your progress since you first started in the game and the growth that I've witnessed is crazy bro. I was fourteen grand in debt for student loans and had to put a pause on my schooling to find a job to pay off at least some of it. Because of the consistency, I saw in you and the determination I kept going. I'm only six grand in debt and I just wanted to say thank you for those daily morning affirmations you post on your page bro, you don't understand how much they keep me leveled,"

        "That's love bro, keep it up. Do me a favor and dm me yo bank info, I'll knock the rest of your payment out,"

        Shanti's eyes bucked and from the quietness on the other line, she knew the guy was shocked too.

        "Marvin?" Dajon chuckled.

        "Are you for real bro? Like dead serious?"

         "So serious, just send yo information bro," Dajon replied.

          "Well look at that, call up to the station and you just might get blessed this morning," Shanti smiled before disconnecting the line.

         "You know what you just started right?" She asked looking at Dajon and he nodded.

        "Help those who support me, no harm in that," he shrugged before focusing back on his food.

        Shanti stared at him for a moment before scrolling through the comments.

        "Ok... someone wants to know if your brother-in-law is doing ok since the accident?"

        "He's straight, nothing he won't bounce back from," He answered.

        "This question is from a guy, he wants to know if being a basketball star was equivalent to being a celebrity... and he used Chris Brown for an example," she said and he laughed.

        "Some guys look at it that way because that's when a lot of gold diggers or groupies come out. I try to keep that out of my thoughts, I play because I actually love this shit. I ain't choose this for the so-called perks, I'm using this for the greater good. I do the celebrity charity event with Chris and Trey, Chris actually started inviting me last year, and the money goes to the charity of our choice, not the ones that be out here scamming folks. So I guess being a baller is the same as being an artist slash entertainer, to a certain extent tho. I don't really like the media attention, I just deal with it and use it for the good rather than complain about it,"

        "I respect that, the best answer I've heard," she replied as she scrolled through a few more comments.

"We have a few fans but one in particular who wants to know what is it exactly that you look for in a woman who could be your potential girlfriend.... sounds like sis over here tryna get chose," she laughed and Dajon did as well.

"I don't really look for much, if you're dope I can fuck with you. You could be the smartest girl in the world but if your personality is trash I won't give you a time of day. I could be in love with someone who works at McDonald's or something and wouldn't look twice at a girl who owns her hair boutique, I feed off of vibes," he described and she nodded impressed.

"I'd like to see someone try and counter that," she laughed scrolling through the comments.

"Another fan asked if you're a freak or you keep things simple when it comes to intimacy,"

Dajon laughed to himself as he stared at Shanti for a moment. He was starting to feel as if she was reading these questions for her own benefits, but he respected it, she was doing her job.

"What is your definition of a freak?" He rose a brow.

"I guess someone who goes all in... toys, handcuffs... role play... stuff like that," she shrugged.

"That's not being a freak, that's just being kinky and into that S and M shit," he laughed and she laughed as well.

"Well, how about you give us your definition,"

"I'm a freak to those who deserve it... we can leave it at that," he smirked and she sucked her teeth then hit the 'boo' button.

"We're grown, fans want to know... you can't leave us hanging like that," she laughed.

"Everyone has their own definition or theory what a freak is shorty, mine may be weaker than some or may not even be considered freaky enough," he stated.

"Ok fine... what's the nastiest thing you've ever done to someone?"

"You tryna get me caught up with my sister, gon' head man," he threw his head back in laughter and Shanti busted out laughing.

"Ok, fine... Renae, I'm sorry girl, the ladies just want to know," she giggled before scrolling through the comments again.

         "Let's put a pause on the fan questions and talk about your comeback, the new season starts in February correct?"

        "Yup," he nodded putting the cap back on his Gatorade.

        "How have you been preparing for it?" She asked.

        "I get up around four in the morning, pray for about thirty minutes, stretch, meditate, and then I'm out the house by five-thirty jogging with my bro Kwan. He's my brother-in-law right-hand man and practically family. He used to play football in high school and college so he knows how it is to train. After we hit the gym, grab a power snack, workout then I'll do drills on my sister's backyard,"

        "Did you have to train your mind to actually include prayer in meditation into your routine? You know some would argue that's doing a lot for no reason," she commented.

        "Nah, I didn't have to train my mind to incorporate praying and meditating because my sister doesn't play when it comes to that. She has small bible reading sessions with her kids and husband before they go to bed, it's not forced it's honestly something we like and I think everyone needs a lil prayer and meditation in your life," he answered.

        "I definitely agree with that,"

        "So what are you hoping for this new season? Are you playing in the states or internationally?" She asked.

        "I'll be in the states more, our first game is actually in Richmond and then we'll go from there,"

        "Are you and your teammates still cool?"

        "Definitely, we're all in a group chat, we just talk shit as usual," he chuckled.

         "Interesting... a fan who's actually a local wants to know why you only interview with us and not any other platforms... she wants to know are you afraid?"

        "Afraid?" Dajon chuckled spinning in the chair briefly.

         "There's not a lot of genuine radio hosts, most of them only invite you on their show to be nosy and add their unwanted opinions. Am I afraid? Definitely not, I pray before I leave the house and my sister anoints me on a daily, Mama K taught her that. I come here because y'all in my hometown, y'all genuine about the shit and don't overstep. Most interviewers don't give a damn about boundaries or the rules you set in place before the show started, they want views. It's only one thing I asked y'all not to talk to me about and y'all respected that. You other radio hosts can take notes tho," He explained and she laughed hitting the applause button.

         "Is there any advice you want to give to anyone who may want to follow in your footsteps?" She asked.

        "Just be you, keep your grades up, always have a plan b and c, don't turn into a lapdog and stay humble, that'll get recognized and respected longer than being a fraud,"

        "And that's our interview, don't worry we'll be following Dajon's journey... we also have a few secret interviews planned so stay tuned,"


        "Lordddddd," Renae huffed seeing the many reports about Dajon's latest interview regarding him not liking the other radio stations.

        "What I tell you about reading tha' comments? They don't pay your bills, let dem talk, he told tha' truth," King commented as he limped into the kitchen and Kairo reached out for him.

        "I'm not reading the comments, it's the gossip blogs that are putting out the narrative that DJ basically said fuck the rest of the media outlets,"

        "So?" King shrugged handing Kairo the other half of his banana.

        "Look, one even wrote: Basketball Star Dajon Davidson gets personal in a spicy interview with radio host Shanti. They discuss sex, relationships, his new eye candy Ary Lopez, who's Instagram handle is @ prettyxary. She has over two million followers, and has two photos of the two out... some fans were speculating that they were a new item despite his failed relationship with his ex Eve Stanley, who's a trauma and pediatric nurse... the two separated not too long ago and paparazzi caught Davidson and Lopez out in California looking real cozy but Davidson who's twenty-five says they're just friends and states he's just chilling... but from the way he defended Ary, fans are speculating it could be more and even took it upon themselves to comment the eyes emoji under his former girlfriend's photos. Stanley has since turned her comments off and posted a subliminal message that reads: Pay attention to those who are always talking with very little to say, those are the people you should be worried about. Davidson has not made a post of comment in response to that and neither has Ary, but she did post a snippet of Davidson's interview where she cheered him on for speaking highly about prayer... could these two become the next 'It' couple?"

        "I swear I hate these damn blogs, so freaking messy," she sighed placing her phone down and went back to washing the dishes.

        "They do it because they know it'll get a rise out of people ma, like you," King said then chuckled at the face she made.

        "You know I don't play when it comes to him, I'd fight the damn bloggers my damn self," She frowned and King laughed picking her phone up and opened her camera.

        "Pose with yo luh feisty ass,"

        "Not feisty, but I'll pose," she laughed walking around the kitchen island and struck a pose.

        "Still fine with yo back brace and all," he chuckled posting the picture to his story before placing her phone down.

        "Do you realize your ass has an entire highlight dedicated to me rocking this damn thing?" She giggled.

        "Somebody gotta hype you up," he smirked then held his fist out to Kairo who happily bumped it.

        "Have you spoken to your mom?" She asked handing him his plate of food before she sat next to Kairo while he ate the banana in peace.

        Ava was in bed asleep with a head cold and wanted nothing but quiet.

        "She called me before I came down here, she on her way to Milan, Italy with her bougie self," he laughed and Renae smiled.

        "She needs to hurry up and come back, I miss her cooking,"

        "She'll be back," he said just as the doorbell rang.

"I got it," Renae said when he attempted to get up.

"I ain't handicapped," he chuckled then busted out laughing at the face she made before laughing herself.

"Nice try," she snickered before heading out the kitchen.

        After checking the peephole and security camera, Renae went ahead and unlocked the door.

       Staring at the unfamiliar delivery guy, Renae narrowed her brows at him and cocked her head to the side.

        "Good morning... are you Mrs. Stone?"

        "Good morning, yes I am," she replied still staring at him skeptically.

        "I just need you to sign here before I give you this," He said holding up the package.

        "I didn't order anything,"

        "This was actually sent... from a Joel... I guess he or she didn't know your address... it's been sitting in the mailing office for a week," he explained.

        Renae stared at the box for a moment before she went ahead and signed for it then grabbed the package and headed inside.

         "What was dat about?" King asked peeking around the corner.

        "Just a package," she said as she joined them in the kitchen and grabbed the box cutter from the drawer.

        "From who?"

         "Joel... I'm surprised she sent something," she laughed as she opened the package revealing a bunch of photos, envelopes, old letters, old passports and cash from different countries.

         "What's that?"

        "She gave me what I needed," she smiled softly pulling out the photo of Ahmed and the Melinda imposter whose name was really Arlina Josephine Brown-Tucker.

        "Arlina?" King scrunched his face up. "No wonder her ass chose Melinda, dat old ass name,"

         Renae couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips and Kairo laughed his little heart out.

        "What you laughing at?" King chuckled wiping Kairo's face.

        Giggling, he grabbed King's hand and tried to pull his watch off.

        "Aye," King laughed stopping him. "Definitely not,"

          "They literally all try to steal your jewelry, what the hell you be doing?" Renae laughed as she continued to pull things from the box.

        "They get it from you, always in my shit," he joked.

        "Look," she tapped his hand as she picked up the photo of Ahmed, Egypt, and some guy.

        "Wait...." Renae mumbled staring closer at the picture.

        She felt as if she had been hit with a ton of bricks, the man in the photo was also the guy from the night Ahmed came to get her but 'left' her to get high. It was also the guy that shot her.

        "I think I know him,"

        "Let me see," King said wiping his hands and grabbed the photo.

        "He doesn't look familiar,"

        "To you... this is the guy that I ran into at the Farm fresh and Big Lots area... this is who Ahmed paid to pretend as if he had dope to sell. Remember I ran into you that night?"

King nodded still staring at the photo.

"Everyone is tied together to him in some kinda way... but what the hell does his so-called dealer want with me? They aren't related like he said, because it doesn't say it here..."

"Pimps do some crazy shit ma," King said giving her a look and she stared at him confused.

"What?" She asked looking through the rest of the things.

"Some do a luh something to get a luh something," He clarified.

Renae's head rose slowly and the look of disgust plastered across her face once the realization hit.

"Just saying... he was a coke head... dude was prolly his plaything for tha' time being."

"Hell no.... he doesn't giv— ewwwww," she scrunched her face up and King laughed standing up.

"No wonder he had so many connections... he kept dat back door available,"


It was a few days later and Bryson has just sold the third house of the day. That made him 16 thousand dollars richer in his bank account with his earnings now at $42,756.00.

He had 12 thousand of that put into a savings and 5 thousand of it into his daily checking where he kept himself on a 700 dollar weekly budget. Yvon had asked him to move in with her the other day and he's been drowning himself in work trying to figure out if he was really ready for that next step.

He was serious when he told her he was all about her and not entertaining anyone else besides her, but moving in together was a big leap... he wasn't ready for that part of commitment yet.

That's where things went wrong with him and Lucy... Lucy, some days he could still feel her as if she was close by.

It was weird to him that she still had that effect on him even in her absence... she would always have a piece of him that only they would understand but as the days went on, he felt himself falling deeper out of love with her.

There was a part of him that wanted to hold on but he knew it would be and was dangerous.

At the end of the day, he would always consider her a good friend, he just wished they could've met under better circumstances it would've made things less complicated.

Sighing, Bryson sat inside his car and stared at the house he just sold for 7 thousand dollars. The same house he used to dream about buying for Renae and Dajon, the same house he used to keep taped to the fridge as a motivation of what he was working so hard for.

That same house that he could've bought but just sold; it was bittersweet.

Running his hand over his waves, he exhaled deeply before starting the engine and powered the heat on.

Backing out of the long driveway, he eased onto the street and slowly cruised through the quiet neighborhood getting lost in his thoughts.

His life went from being something kinda decent to mixed up with Egypt, to complicated and put into a compromising position when he had to choose between saving a woman he used to love or his daughter who he wasn't even aware was his.

From there he thought he finally had his life figured out until he and Lucy started messing around.

It's been a while since he had the touch of another woman and an attractive woman at that. They just got caught up in a twisted love tale and ended up disappointing each other in the end.

Then there was Renae... his sweet Zuri. His life went downhill after the shooting and as much as he tried to pretend as if things hadn't happened he had her face as a reminder of just how fucked up his world really was.

He could've been a better father, he just felt so much pressure from every direction. It was as if the moment he found out Renae was actually his, he wasn't sure how to act anymore.

Being her actual father became foreign to him and he hated that he let a lot of his fears get in the way of their relationship.

She was his world and he messed it up by not being there for her in her time of need. He still hated himself for that and was still beating himself up about it daily.

He hated disappointments and hated being the one doing the disappointing.

Life had a funny way of humbling and humiliating a person but it was all about how you reacted to the situation.

He said a lot of things he wished he hadn't but he couldn't take it back and respected King's decision for wanting nothing to do with him.

He crossed the line and knew he had to live with it.

The honking of a car snapped Bryson out of his thoughts just in time for him to hit the brakes missing the incoming truck.

"PAY ATTENTION!" The driver yelled as he sped by.

With a shaky hand, Bryson put the car in park and sat at the stop sign trying to compose himself.

If his bladder was full he was sure he would've pissed right on himself and that would've been an embarrassing story to tell the cop that was pulling up right behind him.



"No ma'am," Layton chuckled when Karen tried to walk near the street. There was a 6-hour difference between Italy and the states and Karen was 6 hours ahead than everyone else.

It was 7:15 there and 1:15 back in the states, she was supposed to be back at her hotel but wanted to get out and explore during the sunset.

"Do you men have to be so serious all of tha' time?" She smiled placing her hands on her hips as the wind blew through her new pixie cut.

"Mhm," Rue nodded motioning for her to walk.

Laughing to herself, Karen stepped to the right of them and proceeded to walk and sip on her drink.

With all the traveling she's been doing, she earned herself a slight tan, gained 5 pounds in her hips and learned two new languages.

She was having the time of her life if she did say so herself and hated that she didn't travel a lot more in her earlier years, especially since Micah Sr. loved to travel, that was always his dream for the two and she felt as if she was fulfilling it for him little by little.

"Karen," Layton called when her phone rang for the third time.

"Karen," he repeated finally catching her attention.

Before she could say anything her attention went to her phone and she quickly removed it from her back pocket and found a nearby table to sit at as she answered King's call.

"Sunny boy," she smiled when his face came into view.

Layton sat at a table in front of her and Rue sat at the one behind her and kept their eyes traveling to everyone passing by.

"Wassup, what you doing out so late?" He asked after examining her background.

"Just walking, enjoying the surprisingly warm weather. How are you?"

"I'm straight, Nae just left to meet with her physical therapist, tha' girls taking a nap and luh man over here tryna stay up with me instead of napping," he chuckled putting the camera on Kairo who was staring at the tv as if he knew what was going on.

"He's just afraid he'll miss something if he closed his eyes, you know he stole your entire face right?" She said then laughed.

"He also does tha' eyebrow thing I do and he has a habit of just staring at people until they say something, luh man a trip," he chuckled putting the camera back on him and Karen smiled.

"He's yours to a T, definitely no denying dat even if you wanted to," she snickered.

"I am him, he is me," King laughed propping his foot upon the pillow.

"How long will you have the casts on?"

"Arm, until March, my leg is supposed to be around tha' same or a week later," he answered and she nodded.

"Still can't believe you jumped in tha' back seat like you were tha' Hulk or something," she laughed then shook her head.

"When it comes to dem I'm whoever they need me to be," he stated and she smiled.

"Is Ava still sick?"

"Yeah, she's running a fever now. Said her stomach was bothering her, you know it's flu season, so I made her some chicken soup with celery and carrots chopped up inside. She ate half of it before going back to sleep."

"Poor thing, I know she wants to run around and be her normal outgoing self," she said and he nodded in agreement.

"I'll give her a few days, if she gets worse I'll call Eve's friend over before taking her to the hospital," he informed just as Kairo started fussing.

"Sounds like someone's ready for a nap, I'll call you later or tomorrow ok?" She said and he nodded picking Kairo up.

"Be safe lady, I love you,"

"You too, I love you and goodnight," She replied before ending the FaceTime.

Standing up, she stretched then picked her drink up.

"I guess we can turn in," she smiled walking ahead of the men.

"Yuh need any food?" Rue asked checking the time on both of his watches.

"I sorta want to try their ravioli dish... I think the restaurant is closed tho,"

"It closes in an hour, we'll mek it," Layton assured as they approached the SUV.

"Good because my stomach doesn't retire until I go to sleep," she said and they all laughed.

"Gud to kno,"


        "Did you find everything you were looking for?" The cashier asked Claire as she rung her items up.

It was 4:30 in the evening and she decided to stop at the Kroger's to pick up a few things for dinner tonight. She was making a three-meat lasagna that consisted of beef, mild sausages, and Italian sausages. She was also making green beans with bacon and potatoes mixed in it, baked mac and cheese, grilled turkey breasts, pound cake, and cornbread.

She wanted to celebrate her success in landing her teaching job at Windsor Oaks Elementary. She planned to stay there and teach the second graders for a few years then switch to middle school, for now, she was happy and wanted to celebrate with Keenan.

        "Ma'am," the cashier called snapping Claire out of her thoughts.

        "Sorry, yes I found everything alright, even got a few sales," she smiled picking up a magazine and flipped through it.

         "How's your day going so far?"

          "Pretty good, finally landed my teaching job... that's what the wine's for," she replied then laughed putting the magazine back.

        "Teaching, what level and subject?"

         "English and second graders," she answered and the cashier smiled.

        "I wanted to go to college for teaching but then again I also wanted to be a therapist,"

         "You can always be both, a teacher during the early hours and a therapist in the evening,"

         "How long would I have to go to college if I wanted to do both?" The cashier asked.

         "Four years to earn your bachelor's, if you wanted to become a therapist I'd say maybe an extra two to earn your masters... some may require a Ph.D. but I think you'll get by with your masters," she answered.

        "My GPA is currently at a C average... I don't think I'll get into any good colleges with that,"

        "If it's one thing I learned in college it was that C's are good as well, it's still passing. But don't be like and go right off into an expensive school, I just finished paying off my loans. Go to a community college first, it's cheaper and they'll help you knock out classes before you transfer. TCC is a good community college, I went there to finish my last year because I took out too many loans. I only needed to take three classes and only had to pay five thousand for that semester," she explained and the girl smiled.

        "Thank you,"

         "No problem, I wish I had help," Claire laughed removing her card from her pocketbook.

        "Tell me about it. I've been here since summer of my sophomore year and my manager keeps giving promotions to the newbies but always have me working until ten on school nights,"

        "I know these stores are like sister companies but Harris Teeter will actually work with you and they let you make your schedule. Definitely check them out, I worked there during high school until I left for college," she told her.

         "Girl, I think the Lord sent you or something. This is the most interaction I've had with someone and the most help I've gotten in a ten-minute conversation," The cashier laughed as Claire swiped her card.

        "I'm a firm believer in being put in the right place at the right time. You just needed some reassurance boo," Claire said as she grabbed the shopping cart.

        "Well I hope you enjoy your week, thank you..."

         "Claire," Claire replied extending her hand and the girl shook it.

        "Naila, thank you,"

        "Nice meeting you Naila, do yo thing boo, I'm rooting for you," Claire smiled before leaving out the store in an even better mood than before.


Thoughts on the interview? Y'all like reading that part of Dajon's story?

What y'all think about Joel sending the 'receipts' to Renae? Snake in the grass or she's valid?

Bryson reflecting on his life, y'all feel bad for him? Could Bryson and Lucy have been something more?

Mama Karen living her best life huh?😂

Claire getting her teaching job and helping a fellow sista, how y'all feel about that?

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