Renae Dreams Trilogy

By _jasthewriter

207K 8.6K 14.2K

It's been 5 sweet years since the wedding and the Stone family has grown tremendously. Not only was the drug... More

1.) Renae... 5 years later
Chapter 2.)
Chapter 3.)
Chapter 4.) Dajon
Chapter 5.) Kingston
Chapter 6.) March 31st...
Chapter 7.)
Chapter 8.) Zina
Chapter 9.) Two weeks later...
Chapter 10.)
Chapter 11.)
Chapter 12.) Kingston
Chapter 13.)
Chapter 14.) June 18th
Chapter 15.) Rebuilding
Chapter 17.)
Chapter 18.)
Chapter 19.)
Chapter 20.) Pay Attention
Chapter 21.)
Chapter 22.)
Chapter 23.) September 5th
Chapter 24.) K.J.
Chapter 25.)
Chapter 26.)
Chapter 27.) Privileged vs Color
Chapter 28.)
Chapter 29.)
Chapter 30.)
Chapter 31.)
Chapter 32.) Zina
Chapter 33.)
Chpater 34.) Game day
Chapter 35.) 2 weeks later...
Chapter 36.)
Chapter 37.)
Chapter 38.)
Chapter 39.) Four days later...
Chapter 40.) Fears
Chapter 41.)
Chapter 42.) 2 weeks later...
Chapter 43.)
Chapter 44.) June 4th.... Miss Red
Chapter 45.) When The Past Bites....
Chapter 46.) Settling in
Chapter 47.) Cracking Down...
Chapter 48.) Renae.... two weeks later
Chapter 49.) When It's All Said And Done
Chapter 50.)
Chapter 51.)
Chapter 52.) August 21st
Chapter 53.)
Chapter 54.) Miracles
Chapter 55.)
Chapter 56.)
Chapter 57.)
Chapter 58.)
Chapter 59.) two weeks later
Chapter 60.)
Chapter 61.) December 1st
Chapter 62.)
Chapter 63.)
Chapter 64.)
Chapter 65.) *Trigger Warning*
Chapter 66.)
Chapter 67.) Good news
Chapter 68.)
Chapter 69.) Febuary 13th
Chapter 70.)
Chapter 71.) March 5th...
Chapter 72.)
Chapter 73.) March 18th
Chapter 74.)
Chapter 75.)
Chapter 76.)
Chapter 77.)
Chapter 78.)
Chapter 79.) Not Goodbye, Just See You Later...

Chapter 16.) Karen

2.2K 121 231
By _jasthewriter

It was July 11th and Karen was cooped up inside bedroom with a bowl of honey roasted peanuts, whipped cream and a can soda watching the Michael Jackson video marathon on BET. She wasn't sure why they were playing it two weeks late, but she loved her some Michael so it didn't matter.

The girls were at the movies with Melinda and Antwon, Bryson and Tamia were visiting Keenan and King were out and about on a personal mission trying to find a lead on Ahmed's people.

"Ah come on," Karen huffed upon hearing the doorbell ring.

I just want one day to myself Lord, why you do me like this? She thought as she placed her snacks down and got off the bed.

Sliding her feet into her slippers, she grabbed her robe and put it on then headed out her room and downstairs.

"I'm coming, wait a minute now," she scowled when the doorbell rang again.

"Oh... Lucy... hey... um, what are you doing here?"

"Are you busy?" Lucy asked dropping her phone into her purse.

Obviously, Karen thought but quickly shook her head. "Come in,"

Following her into the living room, Karen sat down and stared at Lucy as she played with her fingers nervously.

Karen watched her for a few minutes then rose a brow. "Something you wanna talk about?"

"You have something to drink?"

"Mhm," Karen hummed eyeing her suspiciously as she stood up to head into the kitchen.

"You look like you need some alcohol,"

"Oh no, I have to go back to work in an hour I just needed to talk to another woman," Lucy sighed and Karen's curiosity peeked.

Handing her the bottle of water, Karen sat back down and waited a moment.

"Ok I think I fucked up... I'm not sure but I feel like I did," Lucy began before taking another chug of her water.

"About what?" Karen asked.

"Ok, so I'm kinda dealing with multiple men,"

Karen's brows rose and she quickly had to straighten her face not wanting to judge. "Ok,"

"It's not what you think," Lucy softly laughed.

"What do I think?" Karen tested and Lucy gave her a look.

"I'm only sleeping with two out of the three,"

Three? Oh Lord, Bryson got himself a hussy, Karen thought as she eyed Lucy.

"I'm just mingling," Lucy let out a breath and rubbed her hands together.

"You're sleeping with two men and leading on tha' third... dat is not mingling dear," Karen informed her.

"You haven't even heard my reasoning yet," Lucy sulked.

"Right... sorry," Karen cleared her throat.

"I only started messing with the other guy because the first one started ignoring me and blowing me off,"

"Why is dat?" Karen quizzed.

"I fell in love,"

Oh my damn, Karen thought then pursed her lips together.

"And he didn't feel tha' same way?"

"He did... at first but then he said it was wrong and said we should see other people," Lucy mumbled then sighed.

"So what's tha' problem?"

"Because he has a girlfriend or situation I should say and I no longer deal with the other men because I'm still in love with him and I'm starting to get jealous and sometimes upset when he doesn't answer my calls,"

Karen stared at her trying her hardest not to blast her but the longer she sat there listening the closer she became to just revealing what she knew.

"What advice are you looking for?" Karen inquired and Lucy shrugged.

"What should I do? Should I try to move on or approach him about it?"

"What could be stopping you two from dating?" Karen quizzed.

"Kids possibly," Lucy mumbled looking down and Karen looked down at her wedding ring and laughed to herself.

Lucy frowned then stared at her strangely. "What's funny?"

"You're in love with Bryson," Karen proclaimed nonchalantly.

"W-what? Ho—whe— why would you think that?" Lucy stuttered.

Karen gave her a knowing look then scanned her nails briefly before looking her over. "Am I right?"

Lucy avoided her gaze and looked at a baby photo of Kingston then rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Mhm," Karen hummed patting her knee then stood up. "You got a choice to fall back and move on or come out to tha' family about it,"

Lucy narrowed her brows and tilted her head. "Sounds like you're giving me ultimatums with little choice,"

Karen stared at the family portrait of Dajon, Bryson, and Renae and folded her arms. Lucy watched her for what felt like hours before Karen looked over her shoulder at her.

"Both of you are wrong, I wish you wouldn't have come to me about dis,"

"Excuse me? Obviously, you already knew. So either you were going to rat us out on your own term or wait until we told you, like now," Lucy sassed standing and Karen laughed.

"I'm grown, been here before you and I'm sure I'll leave here before you. I don't use my time playing high school games. I won't direct my true feelings towards you like I should, I'll save dat for Bryson. Either leave dat man alone and move on like he's trying to or expose yourselves," before Lucy could say anything, Karen headed back upstairs.

"Ain't this a bitch?" Lucy murmured picking up her purse and bottle.

I'm not telling the damn family about this shit, she must be crazy. Snatching the door open, she stormed out but was smart enough not to slam the door behind her.

Now she had a choice of telling Bryson that Karen knew or keeping that to herself while she tried to figure out what she was going to do.

She was conflicted.


It was 3 in the afternoon and Dajon was currently in the gym preparing for his next game before he took his vacation. With his 2Pac, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. album blasting through his wireless earbuds, he pushed himself to finish his 4th set of 18 pushups.

He rarely needed to workout but with everything that's been going on, Eve taking her work frustrations out on him, Tino popping up at his games harassing him and him having to continuously lie to his nieces about their mother was starting to take a toll on him and affecting him mentally.

He could always handle tough situations, being homeless was one of them, but to have so many things constantly on his back on top of things he's been trying to handle alone was just too much for him. His Agent kept pressing him about taking a break from basketball to focus on his law career but as he stated before it's just a backup plan, but his Agent and others wanted him to take it seriously but it wasn't where his heart was at.

He's always loved sports, he played football and basketball and took up track on occasion, he knew how some perceived men, but black men in general when it came to sports especially basketball and football, they perceived it as an easy 'meal ticket' or a 'get rich quick scheme' and always thought that black men who did get into those two sports weren't 'educated' but that was far from the truth, at least for him it was.

He had a damn good head on his shoulders and knew for a fact he was smarter than half the men in his age range, but he wasn't up for pleasing others, basketball is what he loved, it's what made him happy and if they couldn't see that, well fuck 'em, he still slept good and got paid.

Feeling a presence behind him, Dajon stopped his workout and turned his head and narrowed his brows at Renae.

Removing his earbuds, he stood up slowly and eyed her. "What are you doing out the house... alone?"

"I don't have anyone to talk to," she sighed leaning on the wall and rubbed her stomach.

Before he replied, Dajon pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. He had to remind himself that he had to handle her with delicacy for now but she was trying it.

"How did you get here? You can barely walk,"

"Aunt Tam's car... she's gone with Dad and neither of them are answering my calls," she shrugged sitting on the bench.

Picking up his towel and Powerade, Dajon sat next to her and wiped his forehead and handed her his drink. "Where's Kingston?"

Renae stared at him confused for a moment until it clicked. "Um... I don't know,"

"You don't talk to him?" He rose a brow and she shook her head.

"Like on the phone?"

"What else would I be talking about Z?" He chuckled nudging her and she laughed.

"I don't know... he never asked for my number and I never offered it," she confessed offering him the drink back but he declined.

"You're not supposed to be out of the house Zuri... why don't you like to listen?" He asked extending his legs.

"I don't have any friends," she muttered laying her head on his arm.

"You do... just don't remember right now," he chuckled touching her stomach.

"It hurts you know? Like a lot,"

"What does?"

"My head... whenever I try to remember things or try to force myself to I get these bad migraines that feel like someone's punching me," she admitted.

"I haven't had an actual dream since I've been... up? I don't even remember being put to sleep and when I do sleep I don't see anything just darkness... a lot of it," she continued with sadness heavy in her voice.

"I wrote his name down just to memorize it but it's hard to remember... I even tried to make a small game out of it to help but I get emotional,"

"I'm married to this man, having his baby and I can't even remember him? How stupid is that? I remember everyone else except the guy that I was in love with? How is that possible? How is... how is it fair?" Wiping at her eyes, she inhaled slowly then let out a shaky breath.

"It's hard DJ... I don't have anyone to talk to, I feel alone in this and I hear things when I'm alone and I'm not sure what it is. My therapist... Tish? I can't even talk to her, I don't like talking to her because I feel like she doesn't care or believe me. I don't even know if I'm considered handicapped or whatever because some days I can walk and some days I can't even get out of bed... it's ju-... Aunt Tam is always at work or gone and sometimes I feel like she's scared to talk to me or ask me things, I'm lost... I'm so lost and it scares me," she cried.

"It's not fair!"

"I know Z," He exhaled wrapping his arms around her protectively. "It's gonna be hard, but we'll get through this together... we've been through worse sis... way worse, I got you, we got you ok?"

Unable to reply, Renae only cried harder which broke his heart. He couldn't relate to what she was battling but he was willing to help her get through it just like she helped him get through their past situations, she molded him into the man he is today and he would forever be grateful for that, it's only right he returned that favor and helped her return to the woman that she used to be.


After spending some time with Renae and trying to put her mind at ease, Dajon dropped her off at Tamia's place and headed home to shower for a meeting his coach set up.

After Renae finished struggling with washing herself up, she put on an oversized shirt she found in her bag and laid in bed with her left hand resting on her belly, a piece of paper with Kingston written on it in her other hand as she stared up at the ceiling in deep thought.

  Kin... Kingston she thought to herself.

She was upset with herself for not being able to remember her own husband and even more upset that she couldn't remember anything. There was nothing she did that could help her remember him, not even a piece of him and she hated it. Why was it that she could remember her immediately family but not the man she married? Someone she fell in love with and got pregnant by, out of everyone, why was it King that she couldn't remember?

Tired of stressing herself out about it, Renae turned on her side and brushed her finger across her bullet scar.

         LET ME GOOOOO!

        Squeezing her eyes at the voice, Renae clenched and unclenched her fist while trying to even her breathing and ignore the screaming.

        LET ME GO!

        As the voice came back, Renae's heart raced as she tried to rid the voices not realizing it was her own voice that she was hearing and a memory that she was sadly remembering.

        I don't understand you, please let me go.

        "It's not real," she mumbled covering her ears as the screams got louder.


The familiar voice was quickly overshadowed by gunshots before she could react she screamed feeling someone touching her.

"It's me, it's me," King said holding his hands up when she grabbed her alarm clock.

Squinting her eyes, Renae stared at him for a while then closed her eyes and exhaled.

"Sorry," she mumbled putting the clock down and raked her fingers through her hair tiredly.

"I ain't mean to scare you, my bad,"

"It's not your fault," she sighed sitting against the headboard and closed her eyes.

"What happened? Your brotha' called me and said you had a breakdown... wassup?" He asked sitting on the side of the bed.

"It's nothing, I'm ok,"

        "You could never lie, you know dat right?" He chuckled staring at her and she smiled softly.

        "What else do you know about me?" She challenged folding her arms.

        King went to reply until his eyes traveled down her body. "That's my shirt,"

        "It is?" Renae replied looking the shirt over. "Do you want it?"

        "Nah ma," he chuckled. "It's yours,"

        Renae stared at him for a moment then picked up the piece of paper with his name on it and handed it to him.

        "I wrote it down so I can remember your name... I like the way it sounds," she nervously smiled.

        King brushed his thumb across his name written in perfect cursive and smiled. "Is it working?"

        "I'm trying," she confessed and he nodded placing the paper on the dresser before he laid on his side and just stared at her.

        "Can you help me?" She finally grew the courage to ask.

        "I don't want to hurt you," He admitted.

        Biting down on her lip, Renae lowered her head and stared at her rings.

        King watched as she slid both rings on and off her finger while she mumbled things incoherently to herself. He couldn't make out much of what she was saying but it sounded as if she was coaching herself.

        "Please?" Her voice was softer than usual and he knew she was close to tears.

        "I'm lost... I have this gut feeling or tug at my heart that's telling me I can trust you... but it doesn't seem like you trust me... it's like you're afraid or ashamed of me," She spoke with a shaky voice as the tears dropped onto her hands.

        "This is the first time you actually really stared at me longer than five seconds... we're supposed to be married but I... I ju— I just feel like you're pushing me away... do you want to help me? I don't feel like you want to but I want to believe that you do. Nobody talks to me... it's like everyone blames me or they're scared to say anything to me and I don't even know what I did wrong... was it my fault?" She whispered with tears streaming down her face as she stared at him waiting on his response.

        "It wasn't," He answered.

        "So wh— God," she exhaled wiping her face frustratedly.

        "Why are you all treating me like it is? My Dad won't talk about anything, he won't even talk about my mom, my aunt... I don't even know... she looks at me the same way you do as if you're ashamed of me or afraid of me. I hear these voices... oh my God! They just won't stop, it's always going and going and going!" She cried balling her fists and hit the bed repeatedly.

        "I can't sleep, all I see is darkness... sometimes I feel like I'm being watched if I turn the light off. My chest is constantly on fire and I think the baby hates me, I don't know who I am anymore and it scares me... it's not fair. I have a phone with no pictures... no pictures.... how did I not take any photos of myself? Of us? Everyone says they're going to help me but turns around and treat me as if I'm diseased or something... I'm alone... I'm alone," she cried covering her face.

        With tears in his eyes, King sat up and pulled her into him allowing her to fully breakdown.

        None of them were aware that they were absentmindedly blowing her off and treating her differently. King knew that he was a bit standoffish with her, but he wasn't aware that it was that bad and he for damn sure didn't know that the rest of the family was giving her the same treatment.

        Tish and Doctor Garner told them not to pressure or force things on her but he hadn't realized that they all were making things worse and being insensitive towards her situation.

        He wasn't aware of what she's been battling alone and hated that she was keeping it from them.

        In sickness and in health, those were their vows and he was failing at being there for her during her sickness, things were starting to feel like a test to him. As if God was seeing just how much he could really handle, it was a test but yet he still felt as if he was being punished.

        He wasn't the one suffering for his actions, Renae was and he knew he had to stop what he was doing in the streets even if he didn't want to, for Renae's sake he would.

        It was going on 7:00 and King knew he had to force himself to get up to get dinner started for Renae before she took her medication but he wasn't ready to let her go yet. It's been a while since he got to hold her and the fact that she actually asked if he would lay with her had him ready to jump through hoops.

        He knew he had a lot to work on, but enjoying the feeling of her body pressed against his was heaven on earth. While she laid there asleep, he found himself rubbing on her stomach with his face nuzzled in the crook of her neck.

        There was a chance he wouldn't be able to get this moment again, so he was gonna savor every moment of it as long as she let him.

        First thing tomorrow he would call Trouble and Ace up to let them know he was gonna put a pause on the manhunt temporarily while he worked on helping Renae. He wouldn't rest until the men were killed but for now, he would give her all of his attention.

        Renae's stirring caught his attention and he rested his hand on her stomach and lifted his head to check on her.

        With her hand on top of his, she scooted her ass into him more and King attempted to move but thought against it.

        "Renae?" He called wanting to see if she was awake but when she didn't respond, he laid back down and pulled her body closer into his.

        "I still love you, always remember dat," he spoke more to himself before burying his face in the crook of her neck.

        Another 15 minutes had gone by and he was starting to doze off until Renae moved again. He was trying to ignore it until his dick began to remember its sacred home.

        "Down boy," he scooted back some and tried to smooth his dick down but Renae scooted back into him.

        Shit, he thought as he tried to think about something other than fucking the hell out of her.

        Carefully, he turned on his back and closed his eyes trying to have man to man with his awakened dick but was failing terribly. He hadn't realized just how much he craved her touch until now and he wasn't sure if he could refrain from crossing any lines.

        Taking a deep breath, King turned his back towards her and stared at the bathroom door trying to talk himself out of getting up and going into the shower to jack off, it was either that or risking his newfound bond with Renae.

        "Hhhhh," Renae's gasping caught his attention and he quickly sat up to check her.

        She was curled up squeezing her right leg with her lips balled.

        "Baybeh what's wrong?"

        "My leg," She took in a sharp breath. "It's tingling,"

        "It hurtsss,"

        King carefully grabbed her ankle and applied pressure to her inner thigh as he straightened her leg out slowly.

        Doing the technique Eve taught him, King carefully applied pressure to the back of her knee where he felt the most tension.

        Giving the same treatment to her other leg, Kingston placed a pillow between her legs and laid back down as he continued to massage the back of her knee.

        "Does it still hurt?" He asked wiping the corner of her eye.

        "Mhm," she nodded closing her eyes.

        "I need to get yo pain meds ma,"

        "Ok," she mumbled wiping her face.

        Grabbing her hand, King placed it where his was and got up slowly. "Just do what I was doing I'll be ok?"

        Nodding, Renae continued where he left off while he headed out of the room to get her pain pills from the kitchen.

        He hates to admit it, but in an odd way, her pain came at the right time because he was close to risking it all just to get a reminder of what she felt like.


        It was July 13th and part of trying to do better for Renae, King invited Melinda over to keep Renae company while he helped Dajon buy things for Keenan's 'Freedom Release' party.

        "You sure you don't need help?" Melinda asked watching as Renae had a hard time walking down the stairs.

        "I can do it," Renae assured as she used the wall and rail for assistance.

        Melinda watched her struggle until she reached the bottom then grabbed her hand when she staggered backward.

        "What's the deal? Are you like sorta paralyzed?"

        "I don't really like that term... I'm just slow at having my legs catch up with my brain," Renae replied as she headed for the living room with Melinda following her.

        "Should I make you something to eat?"

        "I ate already," Renae answered as she moved the walker out of her way before sitting down.

        "What's your name again?" Renae asked leaning into the pillows as she rubbed her stomach.

        Melinda frowned her face up but quickly shook it off and laughed. "Melinda... damn your memory is that bad?"

        "Unfortunately," Renae laughed then shook her head.

        "How did we meet again? Kingston told me but I forgot,"

        "We sorta just bumped into each other,"

        "Right, right," Renae nodded.

        "Are you single?" She asked.

        "As a dollar bill boo," Melinda laughed.

        "You don't date?"

        "I do, just not as of late... I am getting to know this one guy though... he's a tough one to crack but I think I got him,"

        Renae smiled.

        "How have things been for you and King? Is this hard on you two?" Melinda asked.

        "A little... I had a breakdown last night and I'm sort of embarrassed," she admitted.

        "How come?" Melinda asked and Renae shrugged.

        "I just feel like um... Ki... shoot," Renae murmured searching for her paper.

        "King?" Melinda inquired.

        "Yes," Renae laughed and Melinda stared at her strangely.

        "You can't remember his name?"

        "Sometimes... if it's in a short period of time, it's like it comes then poof, it's gone... weird," Renae shook her head.

        Melinda studied her for a moment then rose a brow. "Why were you crying?"

        "Crying?.... oh right... I don't know, I just felt like he was ashamed of me or like scared of me,"

        "He is... I mean I think he is," Melinda replied and Renae frowned.

        "What? Ashamed of me?"

        "Embarrassed... just a little but it's nothing to worry about. I told him it wasn't your fault, you didn't know those guys would come back for you,"

        "Guys? What guys?" Renae's frown deepened. "And how do you know he's embarrassed?"

        "When we were at the park... he was just venting tho, don't think too much in it. You guys can get through this,"

        Renae stared at her briefly then looked down at her rings. "You... you two hang out?"

        "Nothing like that, just as friends. When he needs advice, that's all," Melinda shrugged picking up the remote.

        An unexpected wave of heat came over Renae, and she began rubbing the back of her neck repeatedly while trying to calm her breathing.

        "You said guys... what guys?"

        "Guys? I never mentioned any, I was talking about King," Melinda laughed waving her off.

        Clearing her throat, Renae leaned forward and fanned herself. She was feeling suffocated and a bunch of other emotions she couldn't yet explain.

        "What else did he say?" She asked.

        "He's not sure if he should give up or not, but he doesn't want to because you two are married and it would be cowardice of him to offer a divorce,"

        Divorce? Renae thought then closed her eyes.

        "Are you ok? You're shaking," Melinda spoke, trying to hide her enjoyment.

        "Mhm," Renae nodded lowering her head as the tears blurred her vision.

        "Can you um... can you.... I just want to be alone," Renae spoke with a shaky voice.

        "Are you sure? I didn't mean to upset you... oh my God, King's gonna hate me when he finds out,"

        "No," Renae shook her hand and closed her eyes. "I won't say anything... just leave please,"

        "Are you sure?" Melinda asked touching her arm and Renae brushed her off.

        "Ok... call me later, I locked my number in your phone," she added before getting up.

        She heard the door open then close, Renae clasped her hands together and took a deep breath but the thought of King speaking ill of her only heightened her anger and before she knew it she kicked the coffee table into Tamia's entertainment system and let out a heart-wrenching scream.

        He's not sure if he should give up or not, but he doesn't want to because you two are married and it would be cowardice of him to offer a divorce. Repeating those words in her head, Renae hit the sofa repeatedly then kicked her walker over and screamed.

        She felt played, she finally decided to open up to him only to find out from Melinda that he was singing a different tune with her.

        It didn't seem right, nothing about this seemed right, but the fact that King suggested that she try to remember Melinda only peeked her suspicions. He was her husband but yet communicating with other women about them and his issues... she couldn't understand that.


        "Hell nah, when bro gets home, I bet money his ass gon' wanna fuck as many hoes as he can," Kingston laughed as he searched his pocket for Tamia's house key.

        He and Dajon had just gotten back from placing the gifts at Dajon's place and Dajon wanted to ride back with him to check in on Renae before he met Eve for their date.

         "First thing he gon' wanna do is shower nigga, watch," Dajon chuckled but their smiles dropped when they noticed the broken table and china pieces over the floor.

        "You got yo strap?" Dajon asked looking around for any signs of struggle.

        "In tha' car," King replied walking through the living room then headed for the stairs but stopped when Renae turned the corner as if she didn't see him.

        Dajon narrowed his brows then looked at King before looking back at Renae and tilted his head.

        "Hey," She dryly replied heading for the kitchen.

         King had a weird feeling in his gut and was trying his hardest to shake the feeling.

        "What happened to Aunt Tamia's table and her China pieces?" Dajon asked standing in the walkway of the kitchen while Renae boiled water for some tea.

        "I broke it... on accident,"

        "You flipped a table over on accident?" King reiterated.

        Renae glanced over at him then looked at Dajon. "My walker gave out on me,"

        King and Dajon picked up on her vibe and when she opened the cabinet to get the tea King noticed something he wished he hadn't.

        "Where're your rings?" Dajon asked completely oblivious to what King saw.

        Renae looked at her naked hand then shrugged searching through the box. "No clue,"

        King had his eyes glued on one thing and he was telling himself over and over again to let it go.

        "Last I saw you, you had them on Zuri," Dajon reminded.

        "I don't know where they are," she laughed. "I can barely remember my own damn name sometimes,"

        "But y—"

        "When tha' fuck did you do dat?" King cut him off and Dajon frowned.

        "Nigga... calm down, I'll find the rings," Dajon laughed holding his hand up and King pushed his hand away and walked into the kitchen and grabbed Renae's arm.

         When she tried to pull away, King's grip tightened around her.

        Dajon was ready to say something until he noticed the fresh cuts and his brows dipped. "Z..."

        "What?" She asked then snatched her arm away from King only for him to grab her wrist.

        "What tha' fuck you doing dis shit again for?" From the tone in his voice, she knew he was pissed off but so was she.

        "It's nothing, let me go,"

        "Answer my question," he demanded grabbing her other arm and Renae winced.

         "You're hurting me," she whined trying to free her arms.

        "If I have to ask you one more time... so help me Father God," He gritted.

        Pulling away from him, Renae tried to walk away but King grabbed her arm and Dajon went to pull him back only for King to shove him back.

        "Mind your business," he warned before turning his attention back on Renae.

        "What the fuck? Are you crazy? Let me go," she fussed trying to push him away but he barely moved a centimeter.

        "Me? You're pregnant and doing dis dumb shit again, what tha' fuck wrong with you huh? Are you trying to fuck shit up between us?"

        "What! Me?" She scoffed snatching away from him then pushed him.

        "It's you, you're the fucking liar! I can't believe I even opened up to you, you played me!" She screamed pushing him back again.

        "All your smooth-talking and playing the victim and trying to get me to hate you just so I could feel sorry for you and you were being shady this whole time! I hurt myself trying to remember you and you fucking played me!" She spoke through clenched teeth as she began hitting on him while cursing him out in the process.

        Dajon wanted to intervene but decided to walk away and let them figure it out while he cleaned up the mess.

        When she went to slap him, King caught her hand and pinned her up against the wall as she struggled to fight him off.

        "Get off of me!" She screamed trying her hardest not to cry but her hormones were getting the best of her.

        King wasn't sure what the hell she was talking about but from the hurt laced in her voice, he knew he wanted to make whatever she assumed he did wrong, right.

        "GET OFF ME!" She cried pushing on his chest with her free hand until he grabbed it and rested his forehead against hers ignoring her insults.

        "Why would you do that to me?" She asked once she stopped trying to fight him off of her.

        "What did I do baybeh? Tell me so I can fix it, I would never hurt you Nae, I love you too much for dat ma," he told her genuinely.

        She could hear the sincerity in his voice but Melinda's words still played in her head.

        "Let me go,"

        "Talk to me," he replied.

        "Let me go," she repeated.

        "I can't do dat, you know I can't," He told her and she scoffed.

        "I don't even know you! Let me go!" She screamed swinging on him wildly.

        Hearing the ruckus, Dajon rushed back inside the kitchen just as King lifted her up.

        "Get out," he asserted blocking another one of Renae's punches.


        "GET OUT!" King roared growing frustrated.

         "I recognize that... nasty ass, she better be in one piece nigga," Dajon advised grabbing King's keys and whistled on his way out.

        When he heard the door close, King snatched Renae's panties off and sat her on top of the counter and dove in face first.

        "Oh my God!" She shrieked gripping the counter with one hand and trying to decide if she wanted to push him away or pull him closer with the other.

        With his tongue working inside her furiously, King held her in place as he signed his name inside her.

        Renae's body was reacting to his touch a way she had no memory of and as bad as she wanted to stop him, her mouth had a mind of its own and begged him to keep going.

        With her back arched, her hand holding onto the cabinet door above her and her legs begging to be closed, she had her head thrown back in pleasure as she moaned uncontrollably.

        King used his pointer finger and middle finger to open her pussy lips before he delved his tongue deeper inside her.

        "Oh my God," She whimpered gripping his hair and pushed his face further.

        "Pleaseeeee.... fuck, waittttttt," she cried out trying to push his head back but he grabbed her head and began smearing his face in all her wetness as he sucked and nibbled on her clit.

        Renae was speechless, all the things she wanted to say were caught up in her throat so the only sounds she could make were beating on the counter.

        As her stomach tightened, she tried to push his head away only to force his face down just as the strong wave shot through her body and exploded over his face.

        Panting, she released his hair and got down from the counter slowly when he stood up to wipe his face.

        When she attempted to walk away, King pulled her body into his.

        She could feel his heart racing and hard-on but he could feel her body trembling as if she was ready to break any second.

        "I would never hurt you Nae, please believe dat,"

        "I want to," She spoke with a shaky voice as she removed his arms from around her. "But I don't,"

        When she tried to walk away, he pulled her back into him and slipped his finger inside her.

        "Don't walk away from me... talk to me baybeh," he begged adding in a second finger.

        Closing her eyes, Renae tried to keep it together but let a few moans slip out as she held onto his arm.

        Tongue kissing her neck, King bit down on her shoulder then quickly sucked on it when she whimpered. Pumping his fingers faster, he grabbed her hand and stuck it inside his sweats and groans when she touched his dick.

        Turning around in his arms, Renae grabbed his face with one hand and brought him in for a kiss as she stroked him with her other while he continued to finger her.

        She wasn't sure what had come over her, all she knew was that she was horny and he was making her pussy jump through hoops for his touch.

        Both breaking the kiss, their eyes locked as they moaned together.

        She wanted to look away but a part of her told her not to, so she didn't. Pulling his face towards hers, King rested his forehead against hers and curled his fingers as he fingered her faster just as she picked up the pace as well.

        "I love you," He grunted plunging his fingers inside her.

        Biting down on her lip, Renae held onto his shoulder and stroked hi faster as she moaned uncontrollably.

        Seeing her expression change, King pulled her body close to his and held his fingers inside her as they came together.

        "Fuck," he cursed removing his fingers and pulled her into him.

        Nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, King gripped a handful of her ass then smacked it as she stroked him quickly in her hand.

        Getting his second nut, he held her body close to his and repeatedly smacked her ass as she whimpered in his ear. When he finished, he gripped her face and stared at her for a while before he shoved his tongue down her throat.

        Renae thought he was gonna swallow her tongue the way he was kissing her until her body jolted and King placed his hand between her thighs just as she came unexpectedly.

        Licking up her nectar, King tilted her chin and gazed into her watery eyes. "I love you, I would never hurt you baybeh, you gotta trust me ok?"

        Renae stared at him for a moment then nodded wrapping her arms around his neck.

        "I want you to feel comfortable with talking to me baybeh, I know it's hard ma but I swear to you I'm not out here trying to play you or hurt you. I'm just trying to help,"

        "Ok," she sniffled.

         "Let me get you clean before I fix up down here," he patted her back and she slowly stepped back.

        Looking at the mess, he chuckled to himself then bent down to pick up her panties before he picked her up.

        "Will you shower with me?" She hesitantly asked as he walked up the stairs.

        Smirking, King licked over his lips. "Long as I get to taste you again,"

         "Seriously?" She giggled.

         "Deadass ma," he chuckled and she smiled nervously.

         "Ok... just this last time," she replied and he smirked.

        "Whatever you say, boss,


👀👀👀👀👀 for some reason I'm having trouble viewing y'all comments during the chapters which is annoying, I tried to get help and nothing changed. 🙂

But anyways, how are you guys? What are your thoughts?

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