TJL#16#Wherever You Go

By HiddenInTheEpic

255K 17.3K 2.5K

Tracy Campbell is 23 years old fun loving girl. She is always laughing and doing fun around. No one never saw... More

We're Different
Not Her Fault
Like Years Have Passed
Not At All
Of Course
Very Wrong
Midnight Conversation
Sooner Rather Than Later
It's Not
What's Wrong?
Right Or Wrong?
As Soon As Possible
Journey To Zenith
Very Nice
Not A Chance
So Close
Not Easy
Weird Me
Very Stupid
Face Him
No Good
Angry Bird
What's The Point?
Nothing More
Drawing Pin
May Be, May Be Not
Me At Fault
Me Neither
We Need To Talk
Make It Easy
A Better Way
You Got It
More Than Me
Starting The Game
Victorious Smirk
Kick Her Out
Pissed Off
Mark My Words
Not A Good Sign
Play Time
Show You Better
End This Now
My Girl
Check On Her
Wait And Watch
Awakening The Volcano
No Option
Sensual Touch
Take You Out
Force You
Pervert Alert
He Deserves That
No Idea
'L' Word
Naughty Girl
Clumsy Head
So Wrong
Before Or Later You
Oh My Gosh!!!
Great Work
Y For...
Last Fight
Save Your HeartπŸ’“
Figure It Out
Odd Feeling
Everything Behind
Her Smile
This Is Not The End
Wherever She Goes
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis

Over Again

2K 145 38
By HiddenInTheEpic

Tracy's POV

" So, tell me about the new place. How is your work? How is everything going on? Happy working here?" Betty asked me as soon as we entered the restaurant. I sighed deeply. "Wait, what happened?" She asked me.

" Got caged." I said.

" Didn't get you." She said.

" Fall into the trap which I myself had made for me." I said and she looked at me like I have gone mad.

" What? Tell me clearly. I don't need these maze." She said to me.

" I thought I will come here and start to work so that I can stay away from Liam and forget him. I thought it is the easiest way to do so." I said to her.

" Yeah, then what's wrong?" She asked me.

" Everything turned wrong, Betty." I said to her.

" Well how?" She asked me as we got a table for us in the corner of the big dine.

" I found the company where I am working belongs to Edwards and Liam is my boss." I said to her and she looked at me weirdly. I nodded and sighed.

" He is your boss?" She asked me.

" He is. And you can understand. I need to see him everyday." I said to her.

" Why aren't you leaving the job then?" She asked me.

" You know I have signed a contract with them." I said to her.

" So?" She asked me.

" So, I can't resign. It's restricted until the current project ends. It will take nearly 6 months of time." I said to her.

" They trapped you bad." Betty said.

" I don't think they knew I am coming here. I trapped myself." I said to her.

" But now? They can let you go now." She said.

" It's a contract and no one can break it, Betty." I said.

" You can, Tres. You can pay the amount they will ask for their amends. Then why are you doing this still now?" She asked me.

" I can. But the thing is if I do this it will be a disrespect to Edwards and I don't want to do that. Besides if I do this then the promise I made to my family I won't be able to keep. I can't lose this easily, Betty. I need to learn how to fight with this situation. If I accept my defeat that easily then it would be the lowest of me which is the worst and I don't want to be the worst." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" I can understand. But I still have doubt if you can control yourself back seeing him every day." She said.

" I can, Betty. I have to do it. I have to for him for me and for all of us. This is the right thing." She said.

" Think about it, Tracy. I know it very well that you can't hold yourself back. I know it very well. Now everything is left on you. You need to think about it. You know things might get messed." She said.

" No, Betty. I am fine. I am not going to do anything that you are thinking I will do." I said to her.

" But I don't know if you can do this. Stay away from him or give this a chance over again." She said.

" What?!!" I asked looking at her weirdly.

" I said either stay away from him or give your relationship another chance, Tres. I know very well you can't hold it back. You both can't." She said to me.

" You are saying that, Betty? After all these years?" I asked her.

" I might be blind then. But I can't do it anymore seeing your life get messed and destroyed. I know you still love him and he does the same. I know you guys can't stay away from each other. And in the end of the story there will be a happily ever after. Then what is the use of struggling now?" She asked me.

" No, Betty. You are wrong here. There is no happily ever after for us. And we can't be in the same page of the story in the end." I said to her.

" That's what is your wrong assumption. You are thinking something wrong." She said.

" Why are you talking the different thing today, Betty? You never said these things before. You always tried to keep me away from Liam. Now what happened to you? Why are you not thinking about the things at all? Don't you think there are still enemies out there who can kill him?" I asked her.

" Look, Tres, first of all I am sorry. I shouldn't put things this way. For me you did everything. I insisted you to break up with him. I really didn't want you to suffer again losing your loved one but I didn't realize that you are suffering more than that. I was a stupid for saying that. And about the enemies there always will be some. Will you leave to live your life for that? We can die any time. Death is certain. It will come some day. Sooner or later. This why we should live our life like we want to, Tres. If you don't live your life now, you may not be able to make it up in future and it might make you suffer and regret later if you let these moments go by. Capture them and treasure them, make beautiful memories and be happy." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" What's wrong with you, girl?" I asked her.

" I don't know, Tres. But I think I was wrong all that time. I think I was mad or something. I can say that you should give your relationship a chance." She said.

" It's too late." I said to her and sighed thinking that I have wasted my life.

" It's not. You are acting like you have grown old. It's not late. You can do it again. You can revive back your love." She said to me.

" He doesn't consider me more than an employee." I told her.

" Well, he is lying. I am sure. He is just trying to keep himself away from you." She said to me.

" How do you know?" I asked her.

" Isn't it obvious?" She asked. " He never ever stopped loving you. He never wanted to go away from you. You should think about it again." She said.

" I am not getting it why are you saying the opposite things now?" I asked her.

" I might have mislead, Tres. Trying to make right things I have done wrong. I will tell you once I make my mistakes right." She said. " But you think about it over again." She said to me and I looked at her confusedly.

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