TJL#16#Wherever You Go

By HiddenInTheEpic

255K 17.3K 2.5K

Tracy Campbell is 23 years old fun loving girl. She is always laughing and doing fun around. No one never saw... More

We're Different
Not Her Fault
Like Years Have Passed
Not At All
Of Course
Very Wrong
Midnight Conversation
Sooner Rather Than Later
It's Not
What's Wrong?
Right Or Wrong?
As Soon As Possible
Journey To Zenith
Very Nice
Not A Chance
Not Easy
Weird Me
Very Stupid
Face Him
No Good
Angry Bird
What's The Point?
Nothing More
Drawing Pin
May Be, May Be Not
Over Again
Me At Fault
Me Neither
We Need To Talk
Make It Easy
A Better Way
You Got It
More Than Me
Starting The Game
Victorious Smirk
Kick Her Out
Pissed Off
Mark My Words
Not A Good Sign
Play Time
Show You Better
End This Now
My Girl
Check On Her
Wait And Watch
Awakening The Volcano
No Option
Sensual Touch
Take You Out
Force You
Pervert Alert
He Deserves That
No Idea
'L' Word
Naughty Girl
Clumsy Head
So Wrong
Before Or Later You
Oh My Gosh!!!
Great Work
Y For...
Last Fight
Save Your Heart💓
Figure It Out
Odd Feeling
Everything Behind
Her Smile
This Is Not The End
Wherever She Goes
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis

So Close

2.2K 161 10
By HiddenInTheEpic

Tracy's POV

" I knew that you will make it." Betty said as I called her.

" Yeah, they selected me. I am happy that they accepted me." I said to her.

" Me too." She said.

" What are you doing now, Betty?" I asked her.

" I was just laying lazily listening music. What about you?" She asked me. I facepalmed.

" I am not talking about that. I was asking about your plan for future." I said to her.

" Well, my plan is simple. I am not that hard working girl you that that. So, my easy plan is to trap a rich man and get married then live the life happily without any worries." She said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Can you ever change?" I asked her.

" I don't know. May be not." She said and giggled. " What are you doing in Paris, girl? It's city of love. Go out and find out a man make your own fairytale. Be the princess. Go, girl. Go." She said to me.

" I don't want to find out anyone. I am all ok." I said to her.

" You should. Go get a man and be happy." She said.

" I can't be happy. You know that." I said.

" At least you can try." She said.

" I can't. I won't actually. I won't find out someone. I can't do that. Never ever." I said to her.

" How long will you keep doing this?" She asked me.

" As long as my fate drag me." I said to her.

" Man is the maker of his own fortune." She said.

" Sometimes life is so messed to compare it with the those words." I said to her and sighed.

" No, I don't want to make you upset now. Let it be. I won't force you to do anything anymore. You can choose your life yourself." She said to me.

" Thank you, Betty." I said to her.

" No need to thank me. But welcome though." She said.

" Hmm. So what is your plan for today?" I asked her.

" Will go to visit Bianca. Then will spend some time with the kids. I miss them badly." She said.

Bianca is her elder sister and her only family. Her parents are no more. I still don't know how they died. Betty never wanted to explain and I never forced her to explain as well. Cause I know how much of a sensitive issue it is to her. I can understand cause I suffered like her losing my parents.

" Alright, Betty. Give my love to all and buy extra gifts for the kids from me. Tell them I am going to gift them something very special after I get my salary next month." I said to her.

" Sure but you owe me a treat. Treat me when you come back. I will be waiting." She said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, sure. No problem." I said.

" But it's better if I come to visit you right?" She asked.

" Oh, you will?" I asked her.

" Sure. After all you are my best friend. You deserve a visit from me. We can have a quality time together. Besides we don't roam around from long. This time we will explore Paris." She said.

" I have a job here in case you forget." I reminded her.

" I didn't know that your office is working on weekends as well." She mocked me.

" Alright, no need say that in a mocking tone." I said.

" Then we can explore in the weekends. I can stay there 2 weeks." She said.

" Sure. Call me when you make all the arrangements or you want me to send you tickets?" I asked her.

" No need. I will make it up soon. No worries." She said.

" Then let it be." I said to her.

" I am coming there soon." She said and I chuckled.

" Will be waiting for your arrival." I said to her.

" But at first tell me is that so hot out there?" She asked me.

" Yes. Approximately temperature is between 25 and 30." I said to her.

" Huh!!! I didn't mean that." She said.

" Then what did you mean?" I asked her.

" I asked if there is a lot of hot guys out there." She said chuckling. I laughed.

" I didn't notice. But it's Paris. There must be a lot of hot guys out there. After all City of love as you said. Your love story might start here. A very hot, handsome, dashing and sexy rich man must be waiting for you here. Come and get him." I said to her.

" HAHAHA. Very funny. Life is not a fairy tale." She said.

" Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you for informing me that." I said to her in a mocking tone.

" Well, no need to be sarcastic." She said to me.

" Isn't this what you were telling me a while back to make my own love story? My own fairy tale and to be the Queen of it?" I asked her.

" Princess." She said.

" Same thing." I said.

" Not the same thing." She said.

" Why not?" I asked her.

" Duh. How can they be the same thing?" She asked me.

" You tell me." I said to her to irritate her.

" Leave it. I know you are trying to irritate me and smirking like an witch on the other side." She said. Well she is not at all wrong. I was really smirking like an witch here. I love to irritate her a lot. It's fun. Hahahaha.

" It's so much fun to irritate you. You know." I said to her laughing.

" Don't laugh." She said.

" Ok." I said and laughed again.

" What's so funny?" She asked me.

" Nothing is so funny." I said to her.

" Well." She said.

" Yeah, well." I said.

" You are going to sit at home all the day long? Go out and enjoy." She said.

" Alone?" I asked.

" Yes, alone." She said. " Try to find out the ways to happy being alone as you don't want to find out someone out there." She said.

" Right. I will do that. Bye then, Betty. Take care." I said.

" Bye. You too take care of yourself." She said and I hung up.

It was weekend and I decided to go out alone. I got ready wearing something comfortable. I don't want to take the securities with me. I smirked thinking something.

You are so clever, Tracy. I said patting my shoulder.

I called Ferguson that I am going for shopping with Kyle. He doesn't need to follow cause I am already there. I smirked at my evil plan as it worked.

I came out of the hotel and started to roam around. I was walking mindlessly suddenly I found someone on the opposite side of the road. I looked at him for a second. I took a deep breath as I found it was Luke and I was sure when I found Aurora. I smiled. I wanted to talk to them but I stopped on my spot as I found the third person there. I started to walk the opposite direction. Alright that was so close.

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