Breathless {Markiplier X Read...

By Skycatlovesu23

280K 12K 5.9K

"You are more than beautiful" You don't really know much about yourself. The only thing that you know is you... More

Praise For "Breathless"
Chapter One: The Man With Black Hair
Chapter Two: Hospital Blues
Chapter Three: A Visit From Mark
Chapter Four: The Truth Behind The Accident
Chapter Five: Opening Up
Chapter Six: A Memory Resurfaces
Chapter Seven: The Daily Visit
Chapter Eight: Another Memory
Chapter Nine: Little Things
Chapter Ten: The Addiction
Chapter Eleven: World So Cold
Chapter Twelve: Enough Is Enough
Chapter Thirteen: Always There
Chapter Fourteen: A Shoulder To Cry On
Chapter Fifteen: Opportunities
Chapter Sixteen: Was That...Really Me?
Chapter Seventeen: Progress
Chapter Eighteen: Putting The Pieces Together
Chapter Nineteen: This Is Me
Chapter Twenty: Thinking Out Loud
Chapter Twenty-One: Struggles
Chapter Twenty-Two: Liar!
Chapter Twenty-Three: Why Us?
Chapter Twenty-Four: Seeing Crimson
Chapter Twenty-Six: Lunchtime
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Drowning In Homework
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Just Who Are You?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Seriously, Who Are You?
Chapter Thirty: So This Is Who You Are
Chapter Thirty-One: Heart-To-Heart
Chapter Thirty-Two: You're Invited!
Chapter Thirty-Three: Let's Party All Night Long Shall We?
Chapter Thirty-Four: Things May Be Heating Up Around Here.....
Chapter Thirty-Five: So....This Kinda Happened.....
Chapter Thirty-Six: Wait What?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: How Could This Happen To Me?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Remember What I Told You?
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Shopping Trip!
Chapter Forty: Getting Ready
Chapter Forty-One: How Could You?
Chapter Forty-Two: The Date
Chapter Forty-Three: You Are More Than Beautiful
Chapter Forty-Four: Thinking Of You
Chapter Forty-Five: Smiles And Tears
Chapter Forty-Six: When I'm With You...
Chapter Forty-Seven: Stay With Me
Chapter Forty-Eight: What's Going On?
Chapter Forty-Nine: Suspects
Chapter Fifty: Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Chapter Fifty-One: Fallen
Chapter Fifty-Two: Back To You
Chapter Fifty-Three: Can This Really Be True?
Chapter Fifty-Four: What On Earth Is Happening?
Chapter Fifty-Five: Seriously, What Is Even Going On?
Chapter Fifty-Six: And That's Why We're Friends
Chapter Fifty-Seven: I'll Come Back....When You Call Me
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Is It....Really You?
Chapter Fifty-Nine: So It's YOU
Chapter Sixty: Save Me!
Chapter Sixty-One: Mental Battles
Chapter Sixty-Two: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter Sixty-Three: Death's Hour
Chapter Sixty-Four: W-What?
Chapter Sixty-Five: Can't And Won't Believe It
Chapter Sixty-Six: Death Is In The Air
Chapter Sixty-Seven: A Secret Uncovered
Chapter Sixty-Eight: It's Not Over
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Stay Away From Me
Chapter Seventy: I Told You So
Chapter Seventy-One: Let Me Be Your Anchor
Chapter Seventy-Two: So, It Was You
Chapter Seventy-Three: Nothing's Gonna Change Between Us
Chapter Seventy-Four: Graduation!
Chapter Seventy-Five: Can't Believe You're Here
Chapter Seventy-Six: Shut Up Wade
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Graduation Party!
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Take Me Away
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Spreading The Word
Chapter Eighty: Planning
Chapter Eighty-One: No This Isn't Happening
Chapter Eighty-Two: Not You Too
Chapter Eighty-Three: Heartbreak
Chapter Eighty-Four: Pitch Black
Chapter Eighty-Five: How Could You Do This To Me?
Chapter Eighty-Six: My Story
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Back Home
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Why?
Chapter Eighty-Nine: No, It Can't Be
Chapter Ninety: Thinking Of You
Chapter Ninety-One: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter Ninety-Two: Unbroken
Chapter Ninety-Three: Love, A Simple Four Letter Word
Chapter Ninety-Four: Falling Into Your Sunlight
Chapter Ninety-Five: Take Me Home To My Heart
Chapter Ninety-Six: Two Hearts, Beating As One
Chapter Ninety-Seven: There For You, Always And Forever
Chapter Ninety-Eight: Golden
Chapter Ninety-Nine: Let's Just Forget The World
Chapter One-Hundred: Shattered
Author's Note
100K Special
One Year Anniversary Special
This Is Absolutely Amazing (200K)

Chapter Twenty-Five: The First Day

4.2K 122 200
By Skycatlovesu23

(R/N)- Roommate's name (a girl name because your roommate is a girl because you can't have a boy roommate because of the rules. Disappointing, I know. Or is it?)
It was finally time. The first day of school. You were nervous but Mark tried to reassure you that you would be okay.

You got into the passenger seat of Mark's car (your car was already at the University) and you couldn't make eye contact with him because you knew that this would be the last time that you would see him in person for a while.
"Nervous for your first day?" He asked you, never taking his eyes off of the road.
"Of course." You said. "I don't know what kind of people I'm going to meet there. And I don't know if my roommate is going to be a complete bitch or not."
"The people there are nice." He reassured.
"How do you know?" You asked.
"Do you not trust me or something?" He asked.
"Of course I trust you." You said. "Why wouldn't I trust you?"
"Because I get up in the middle of the night and slaughter thousands of people for no reason." He joked.
"Very funny." You said. "But for real, I trust you with my life."
"Good to know." He said. "And I trust you with my life as well."
You smiled and began to play with the heart locket that hung around your neck. Mark had gotten it for you when you turned twenty-two.
You sighed happily as the memory of him giving it to you came back to you.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)!" He said, lifting you out of bed, kissing you sweetly on the lips, and carrying you out into the living room.
"Mark, what the hell?" You asked as he tossed you on the couch.
"Stay there." He said. "I've been planning this for a week now."
"Oh God." You said, rolling your eyes as he went into the kitchen.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Mark and two other people sung as Mark carried your cake with twenty-two lit candles towards you. Those two other people were Bob and Wade. "Happy birthday dear (Y/N)! Happy birthday to you!"
"You guys." You said happily as you say up and as the cake was placed on your lap. "You didn't have to do this you know."
"Oh yes we did." Mark said. "You're awesome (Y/N)."
"Plus, you're a damn good 'Drunk Minecraft' buddy." Wade said.
You laughed. But you only really did it to make them happy. You didn't really enjoy drinking too much.
"Thanks Wade." You said, rolling your eyes.
"Blow out the candles (Y/N)!" Bob said.
"Make a wish!" Mark teased.
You rolled your eyes again before you made a wish to yourself in your head.
"I wish that I could be with Mark."
You smiled as you blew out the candles.
"And now we eat cake!" Bob cheered happily.
You all laughed and Bob took the cake off of your lap.
"Well, you guys go on ahead and start cutting the cake." Mark said. "I have to give (Y/N) her present."
"Oooo!" Wade said.
"Shut up Wade!" Mark said, slapping his friend on the back. "Go on, you two."
They did so. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you off of the couch. He led you upstairs into his room (technically your room as well) and closed the door.
"Close your eyes." He said.
"Why?" You asked.
"Don't ask why." He said. "Or no present for you."
You shut your eyes immediately.
"No peeking." He said. You could hear him opening a drawer. You then heard the drawer closing and his footsteps approaching you.
"Hold out your hands." He said.
You did so. You felt him place something on them.
"Open your eyes."
You did so. You saw a square shaped item with pink wrapping paper in your hands.
"What are you waiting for?" He asked. "Open it."
"Don't have to tell me twice." You said as you tore off the wrapping paper. You then found another box, except it looked like it had a necklace in it.
You took the lid off and saw a medium size silver heart being held by a silver chain in the box.
"Mark." You said. "This is beautiful."
"Read the back of it." He said.
You took it out of the box, placing the box on the bed and holding the necklace in your hands. You turned it over to see, in cursive handwriting, there was a message.
"When I'm sad, I think about you, because you bring a smile to my face and are the light of my life.
When I'm happy, I think about you. Because that only makes me even more happy.
When I hold you, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Because I love you.
When I kiss you, I feel like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest. Because you give me a feeling that no one else can give me.
(Y/N), you are truly the queen of the squirrels."
"Mark!" You said, putting a hand on your heart. "That's so sweet."
He took the necklace from your hand and put it around your neck. After he put it on, he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the cheek.
"Look on the inside." He said.
You opened the heart to see a picture of you and Mark together. You were both smiling and holding each other close.
"I love it." You said, closing the heart. "Thank you so much."
"No (Y/N)." He said. "Thank you for loving me."
You smiled and brought your lips to his. You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed him until you needed a breath.
"Let's go eat cake now." He said.

"We're here."
Mark's voice piled you back into the present. His voice sounded so sad when he said that to you.
You sighed and got out of the car. You didn't care how many people were around you or how many people saw (you and Mark were getting plenty of ship names due to the amount of videos that you've done together and how many videos and subscribers that your channel has already), you threw yourself into his arms. He hugged you back, tighter than he has ever hugged you before.
"I don't wanna go." You whispered. "I just wanna stay with you."
"This is for the best." He said. "Besides, we'll see each other again. I'll come back as soon as I can and we'll be together, I promise."
"We'll talk as much as we can, won't we?" You asked. "And you'll go to rehab, right?"
"Of course (Y/N)." He said.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you most."
He kissed you, the kiss feeling a lot sweeter than usual.

You didn't want to stop kissing him or to break out of his arms but you didn't want to be late on the first day.
"Don't ever forget me." You said.
"I couldn't even if I wanted to." He said. "Goodbye (Y/N)."
"Goodbye Mark." You said before you turned your back and made your way into the University.

The first thing that you did was pick up your schedule from the office. Your class didn't start until eight AM, but it was an one hour long.
"Ugh!" You groaned. "And I have six classes too!"
You went to your dorm room to find that your roommate had set up their stuff on their side of the room. And she was also sitting on the bed, texting.
"Oh!" She said, looking up from her phone and turned it off. "You're my roommate? Oh my gosh! You're (YT/UN)!"
"Yep. That's me." You said, sitting down on your bed. "Just call me (Y/N) though."
"Oh. Okay." The girl said. "I'm (R/N), by the way."
"Nice to meet you (R/N)." You said.
"I hope you don't mind me asking." She said. "But are you and Mark dating?"
Your heart hurt at the mention of Mark's name. You didn't want to think about him but you managed to answer (R/N)'s question.
"No." You said.
"Oh." She said, looking sad. "Your guys' fans really want you to date."
"I really want us to date too." You thought.
"So I've heard." You said aloud. "Hey, what's your first class?" You wanted to get the subject off of Mark.
"Literature." (R/N) said. "Why?"
"That's my first class too." You said. "What are you majoring and minoring in?"
"Fashion major with a minor in creative writing." (R/N) replied.
"Cool." You said.
"I like your necklace." She said.
You looked down at the necklace Mark gave you. You clutched it in your hand and sighed before replying, "Thanks. A very special someone gave it to me."
"How sweet." (R/N) said. She glanced at the alarm clock on her bedside table and said, "Well, we better get to class."
You got up from bed and asked, "What are we supposed to bring?"
"Probably just normal first day stuff." (R/N) replied. "You know, pencils, binders, papers, and such."

You ended up taking two pencils, four binders (one for each of the main subject classes. There was a lunch break after fourth period and you decided to grab your other two binders during that time.)
"I hope the teacher's nice." (R/N) replied as you sat down.
"Me too." You said.
Just then, the bell rang and an old man with graying hair entered the classroom.
"Good morning class." He said. "I am Professor Anderson an I'm your Literature teacher for this year. Now, before we get started with class, I'm going to lay down some rules that I have for my class. First things first, there shall be no food or drink, and that includes gum. If I see any of that, you will get a detention. The second rule is that when I assign you homeworkers, I expect you to do it. You all decided to put money into going into this college and you shouldn't blow it off partying all weekend and doing whatever it is that you kids do. If you miss more than three homeworks in my class per semester, I will give you a detention per missed homework. The eighth one will result in you failing the semester and having to retake my class next year along with next year's English class. I take it that none of you will want that. As for quizzes and tests, there will be quite a bit of those. And very few of them will be multiple choice to make sure that you truly understand what I'm teaching you. Now, I think that's it for the rules. Oh, no it's not. There is to be absolutely no sleeping in my class. If I catch any of you sleeping, I will give you two detentions as a result. Now, I may be very strict but it's not because I'm an "asshole" as you kids would call me, I'm strict because I care about the futures of each and every one of you and I would hate to see any of you fail. Now, that's all for the rules of this classroom. I'm going to pass around your textbooks. You all paid valuable money for these and you'll pay even more valuable money if you cause any damage to these. So handle them with care."
"Sheesh." (R/N) said to you as the textbooks were being passed around. "This guy is really strict."
"You can say that again." A voice behind us said. "That's the third time that I've listened to that guy's bullshit."
Both you and (R/N) jumped at the sound of the voice. You turned around to see a boy wearing a plaid shirt and jeans sitting behind you.
"It's not bullshit." (R/N) said. "And you've been held back two times?"
"You got that right." He said. "I just can't seem to get that research paper that we have towards the end of the semester right. Plus, I also fuck up that exam which is worth twenty percent of your semester grade to make matters worst."
"Is that because you're one of those worthless bastards that doesn't do their homework and just fucks around in school?" (R/N) asked.
"I'm only here because Pops said that I had to go." He said. "Gotta live the dream that Mom never did, he said."
"That's nice." You said, joining in on the conversation. "Your dad cares."
"He didn't give two shits about me when Mom was alive!" He said.
"Your mom died?" (R/N) asked. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't sweat it cutie." He said. "She didn't matter to me anyway."
Before you or (R/N) could respond, you were both give your textbooks.
"Holy shit." You said as you grabbed ahold of your textbook. "This is so fucking heavy."
"It's like I'm carrying a bunch of bricks." (R/N) agreed.
"It only gets worse from here ladies." The guy that we were just talking to said.
"Who the hell are you?" You asked.
"My new name is Jet." He said. "I legally changed my name when I was eighteen. Pretty fucking exciting if you ask me."
"Whatever." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Holy shit." You said after your fourth period class had ended. You now had four heavy textbooks and four slightly less heavy binders in your hands. Oh, and your pencils were stacked on the top.
"Let's drop this shit up at the dorm and get some lunch." (R/N) said.
"I couldn't agree to do that any more." You said.
"But we have to climb the stairs."
"Need some help with those, ladies?"
You turned around to see Jet standing behind you.
"'Sup asshole?" You asked.
"Now now (Y/N)." Jet said. "Watch your mouth."
"How did you know her name?" (R/N) asked. "We never gave you our names."
"She has a YouTube channel." Jet said. "And I know tons of YouTubers so of course I know her."
"You sound like you're full of shit." You said. "Plus, why the hell do you look really familiar to me?"
"They say that at least nine percent of the world's population look like you." Jet said.
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" You asked.
"It has to do with the fact that you probably saw someone who looked similar to me." Jet said.
"Whatever." (R/N) said. "Can you give me a hand with these Jet?"
"Of course-" he cut off because he didn't know her name.
"(R/N)." She said. "(Y/N) and I are roommates."
"That's pretty cool." Jet said, holding a of (R/N)'s stuff in his arms. "Bet you two get along pretty well."
"Yeah." She said. "We do. Even though that we just met and all."

As you, Jet, and (R/N) walked up to your dorm, you couldn't shake off the feeling that you had seen Jet before. One way or another.

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