Exiled pt 2

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(Y/n)'s P.o.v

We arrived on an beach with a forest. Dream helped me out of the boat and broke it. Tommy got out with Ghostbur.

"Tommy think about how good of a plains biome for our thumbnail." Ghostbur tries to numb the pain.

"This place isn't so bad." I said looking around, it was a dull but pretty scenery. I wanted to lighten the mood. This is what I went through in the Clouds smp, I couldn't live in the kingdom but I could visit for short periods of time.

"Technoblade is talking to me, should I say that out loud?" Ghostbur asks.

"Don't speak to that man." Tommy looked away. Dream started to build a little dirt house, I helped with some of the dirt I had and went in a square form.

"Technoblade is not talking to me." Ghostbur repeated the opposite.

No one's P.o.v

"Well at least we got our things still. Did you bring anything good?" Tommy asks looking at Ghostbur and (Y/n).

"Eh, I'd say my things are pretty op." (Y/n) looked back through her things. She left most of her stuff in the bunker she made when she was a part of Pogtopia.

"Well I've still got all my things Bitch." Tommy says.

"I'm going to take them except Yumeiro's, give me a minute." Dream says and continued to build the dirt house. Tommy looked at him pissed and looked at (Y/n). She was with Ghostbur vibing while floofing his hair. Ghostbur looked flustered but was smiling affectionately.

"Why does the Woman get to keep her things?! Is it because you don't want to be sexist?" Tommy yelled and pointed his hand at (Y/n). She laughed and held her stomaching, letting the little wheezes come out. Ghostbur patted her back and checked up on her, he was a little worried for her. The wheezes sounded like they hurt and he didn't want to see her hurt.

"What?! No! I just trust her and she trusts me." Dream says and turns to them.

"Dream, you said you don't care about anything on the server, but, do you care about Yumeiro?" Tommy asks. He was more clever now. Dream hesitated to answer.

"That's classified information." Dream finally answered. The child let out gasps of laughter and protested against the green screen not telling me, this led to teasing the green screen. (Y/n) was too busy looking around with Ghostbur and liking all the little things.

"Tommy, don't tell Dream that I got this." Ghostbur says and gave him a picture of Quackity.

"Pfft! Why would I want that?" Tommy asks looking down at the Quackity picture then looking at the two.

"We're gonna be okay." Ghostbur says.

"Not gonna lie he got them Gucci shades." (Y/n) pointed to the shades, she placed her thumb and index in between her chin. Tommy started laughing after a few 'pfftt'


"I know that this is really unrelated but when you yelled I thought of the KFC dude. IT'S FINGER LICKIN' GOOD!" (Y/n) yelled, she put some of her hair above her lip as a mustache, even though it was hard to see because of her mask. The others laughed at her. Their laughs making the tension in the air if only for a minute. Dream walked over placing two beds separately.

"Alright sleep in there." Dream says.

"But if I set my spawn, go ahead kill me right now. Wait don't kill me right now I..." Tommy says. (Y/n) went first and laid on the bed setting her spawn. Tommy looked at her sadly and followed her movements, he slept in the bed setting his spawn.

Vibe City; dream smp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now