Lava thoughts

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No one's P.o.v

(Y/n) was vibing and just got home from work, Atsuya was taking over the stream doing phasmaphobia. Her (s/c) thumb scrolled through Twitter and decided to post, the comments came in saying how Tommy was being bullied by Sapnap and Dream. (Y/n) chuckled under her breath and pulled up Minecraft and discord.

Yumeiro joined the game

"What's poppin?" (Y/n) said, she looked around and found herself in her (f/c) tent.

"Hello Yumeiro," Ghostbur greeted.

"Mamasss!!" Sapnap dragged out his words.

(Y/n) tapped her mask and left her tent and saw all of them in front of her. There was Bad, Tommy, Dream, Sapnap, and Ghostbur. She placed her hands on her hips.

"Ight so which one of you are bullying my childs?" (Y/n) said.

"Whattt? Bullying Tommy? Nooo." Dream said sneakily but the sneaky behind it went unnoticed. (Y/n) went up to the kid and messed up his hair.

"Good." (Y/n) smirked, the kid pulled away from her and went to the prime log.

Sapnap's P.o.v

Tommy was talking Ghostbur to the prime log, I walked next to Yumeiro and wrapped my arm around her. I saw Dream looking at us but I couldn't tell what he was feeling cause his mask covered his face fully this time. I smirked/grinned at him slyly, he turned away harshly. Is he mad? What about?

Yumeiro leaned into my side and looked at the prime log. Yes!! Score!! Wait why am I so happy about this? It's normal to hug friends haha, maybe...? Tommy placed down a bell and rung it over and over.

"Oohh!" I said, my eyes lighting up.

"Bell!" Ghostbur says circling the bell.

"That is a bell," Bad said from sitting on the barrels.

I looked down at Yumeiro in my arms. She was doing little bunny hops matching every time when the bell rung. That was so cute! She's not this wholesome she's more uhh memey! And hot! Wait what? Eh, I be concerned. Yumeiro got off of me after a bit.

Bad's P.o.v

Ghostbur and Tommy were playing with the bell.

I heard some noises from below me, it was Yumeiro looking at me. She was holding out her arms and making grabby hands while jumping on the barrel. Yumeiro looked like a little child asking for uppie's!

I giggled and lended my hand out to her, she grinned brightly and grabbed it. I pulled her up and sat her on the wall with me. Yumeiro stood behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders looking up. She was looking at the bell ringing excitedly. I placed my hands on Yumeiro's and played with her hands, moving her fingers to do a peace sign, putting them back to make them clap. Yumeiro's hands always been so cold and soft like velvety kind of feel. I looked up at her, she was smiling down affectionately at me. There was thumping? Beating out of my chest, my heart was going crazy. It could be because I was so excited to be around her!

"Language," I said to Tommy because he said a naughty word.

I got a boat ready and placed it on the fence, Yumeiro jumped in it. I sat in front of her and went off of the wall. Yumeiro was saying wheee! While holding her arms up, I whee'd with her.

(Y/n)'s P.o.v

"I didn't swear, no one swore." Ghostbur says.

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