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Seouloft's P.o.v

I dusted my hands off and stepped back looking at our machine. You see, I was with Sam and Fundy making something for the server.

"This looks good," Sam says. The two of them by my side.

There was a machine that looked like a bowling alley. Powered by Redstone and a few other mechanics, also by Redstone. It took a week just to make this. We got lucky since there are more people working on it, it didn't take long to make.

"What are we going to use it for?" Fundy asks looking at Sam and me.

"I can ask Honey to host a Vibe city event and it could be this." I pointed to the machine. Fundy's ears perked up and Sam nodded. I'm taking these as yes's.


TIMESKIP: minutes pass


Everyone gathered up in the dream smp. Vibe city Presidents being Honey and Yumeiro stood on podiums. The security guards being Blviir, Keurumi, and I stood next to the podium.

"GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS! FOR I AM THE VIBE CITY PRESIDENT! WITH MY VICE PRESIDENT YUMEIRO!" Honey screams in his awful British accent. I forgot that's how Vibian people talk.

"WHAT'S POPPING?!" Yumeiro yelled in her pitchy accent. The crowd was either trying not to laugh or was covering their ears. There was no in-between.

"ANYGAYS! WE ARE HOLDING A BOWLING EVENT! SEOULOFT, SAM, AND THE FURRY HAVE MADE THIS EXCELLENCY!! PLEASE COME UP HERE YOU THREE!!" Honey yelled again, I could see Fundy's ears drop when being called a furry. I chuckled at it and walked up to the stage with the two of them.

"Before we say anything, I am not a furry." Fundy says bitterly into the mic. I moved him out of the way, the others laughing at us.

"We've made this machine or bowling alley, mainly powered on Redstone that took a week," Sam explained, he seemed shyer. I've gotten closer to Sam. A reason why I am so close with Yumeiro is because of our love for Redstone, the same happened with Sam.

"We're going to be playing a game of bowling. Here are the rules! The goal is to get all the pins down, in this case, fences. The fences will go down by a sticky piston once the snowball which is the ball hits it. Do not go on the ice, the ball is supposed to go on the ice. Do not put anything in the gapped sides. Do not use anything as a substitute ball. Blviir and Keurumi will be volunteering to help. That's about it have fun!" I explained and finished with a close eye smile.

They cheer whilst Fundy, Sam, and I went over to the open bowling alley and checked if it was working. We got it all set up. I wonder what's about to go down?

(Y/n)'s P.o.v

I cracked my knuckles, a few of the streamers went already. When I mean a few of them I mean Eret, George, Karl, etc. I was playing with Tubbo's hair and petting his ears. Tubbo's leg bounced up and down as he leaned into my hand, he was relaxed.

"Your up next, Bluebell!" Fundy calls out to me. I didn't notice some of the dirty and confusing stares that Fundy was getting.

"Ight!" I said bopping Tubbo's nose before getting up and going to the bowling alley. Honey and I had the same thought when we heard about this.

"Can I change it up a bit? Like if I were to go against Honey?" I asked, placing my hand on my hip.

"Uhh, sure!" Sam said, holding his shoulder near his neck. I stuck my tongue out teasingly at Sam, Honey came by my side to the other bowling alley.

Vibe City; dream smp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now