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Authors note: this chapter was suggested by @CursedWeeb_ and @Haikyuu145, thank you for the story suggestions! This is the last of all the Anon drama though and will go back to the SMP!

No one's P.o.v

The whole Yumeiro's face almost got leaked and Yumeiro got attacked by Anon drama disappeared from the internet after Honeyclouds cleared everything up and made a response video. The fans and simps were now just waiting for (Y/n) to come back as Yumeiro.

Since the Anon drama happened to be the good friends they are, Niki, George, Quackity, and Tommy with fatherinnit went to go visit (Y/n) in (C/n). They wanted to make sure she was doing okay. They reserved a few hotel rooms and got their flights.

George's P.o.v

I stood in the mirror looking at myself, I was trying to look good but it doesn't matter because I'm color blind. This was the first time I was going to meet Yumeiro.

I tugged my hoodie and turned in the mirror. I was wearing a grey hoodie with some blue jeans and my clout goggles.

"You're still looking for what to wear?" Quackity laughs at me.

"Well I want to look decent," I said looking into the mirror.

"You look fine! Just hurry up, Niki got Yumeiro's address." Quackity says. He left the hotel room. I looked down at my bag that had the blue alpaca, Lulu, I suppose this looks decent. I tugged my hoodie again then left the hotel room.


TIMESKIP: The (L/n) home


No one's P.o.v

A Uber arrived in front of a big but not too wealthy home. The five of them stepped out of the car and went to the front door, Tommy knocking on it eagerly. It was answered after a while.

"We don't want any." (M/n) says putting a hand on her hip. She wore a mask like Yumeiro's but the eyes were "> <" and the blush was blue.

"Miss Meiro?" Tommy says. The realization hit (M/n)'s face.

"Pitchy kid? No way!" (M/n) started laughing. The others looked at her a little confused and trying to hold their giggles.

"I'm not pitchy!!" Tommy says, her laughs died down. She leaned against the doorframe.

"So your Tommy, then that's your dad, and my little shit's friends? Well, come in. (Y/n) is probably running around the house taking pictures with her Polaroid." (M/n) says walking inside of the house leading them in. They walked into the house. They awed at the big-ish house.

"What a lovely house." Niki complimented.

"Thanks! (B/— Roro is out with his friends right now so your not gonna have a chance to see him." (M/n) says guiding them to the living room. Some of them sat on the couch and some sat on the floor.

"He was probably gonna sell me drugs again," Tommy says.

"Drugs? Yeah weyyyy!" Quackity says.

"Hey love, oh hello." (F/n) walked into the room. He was getting curious because he heard others in his house. (F/n) also wore a mask like Yumeiro's but with the eyes like "- -" and the blush was purple.

"Hello, uh are you Yumeiro's dad?" George got up from his seat and walked up to him.

"Yeah but call me Yu, it's from her username. Who are all of you?" (F/n) asks looking at everyone. He smiled gently.

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