Betrayal pt 2

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(Y/n)'s P.o.v

"He's finally realizing that he needs to pay." Dream says coming to Tubbo's side. My other son stammering on his words looking at what he's done. The others in the community house watching and calling for his name or gasping.

"I'm sorry, Tubbo." Tommy apologized, he focused his gaze downwards.

"I-I'm sorry." Tubbo apologizes back. This somehow warmed my heart, even for a little bit. Dream got the disc from my Bee boy after my gremlin told him to. I swam up the water to the rest Vibians. The boys, Honey and Seouloft, taking a look at both of my hands.

"Tommy, are you sure about that decision? You made the difficultly go way up." Techno says, his voice was more rasped which meant something was off.

"This isn't me, I mean I look around and this isn't the person I want to be." Tommy says in his hands.

"Tommy, we can get out of here. We can pearl out. I can cover your escape. For another day, for another day." Techno says with a ender pearl in his hand.

"Techno, if this is what I become, then I don't want to be me anymore. I'm... sorry." Tommy says looking at everyone once again.

"What do you mean, Tommy?" Techno says a little more worriedly. I knew where this is going.

"I'm with Tubbo." Tommy says, I saw Techno's smile fade away quickly.

"Perhaps I wasn't clear yesterday, when I said I'm going to destroy L'manburg and you don't have to help me. When I said you don't have to help me Tommy! I meant that you could sit it out! Not switch sides! And fight against me!" Techno yells at him hurt. I knew his pain all too well, he's apart of one of the two people that I trust the most. Seeing him like this...

"Well, what am I doing?!" Tommy said grabbing his axe again from the chests.

"Your betraying me is what your doing!!" Techno yells.

"I'm worse than everyone I hated I didn't want to be!!" Tommy yells arguing with the Blood God. He went closer to Tubbo's side.

"Just know what your doing Tommy." Techno says. The Bitch boy nodded.

"No, no, no, listen Tubbo, thank you for giving me the disc. I just wanted to say your an idiot. An absolute idiot. You have no power and your the worse president that has ever been elected because your no president at all. No listen!! Listen! Your not even president!! Quackity is more president than you! I'm more president than you!! You get pushed around by everyone on the server!! Because you are an idiot! You are a fool!! YOU JUST GAVE ME THE ONE THING THAT I NEEDED TO DESTROY L'MANBURG!! I DON'T CARE ABOUT L'MANBURG! I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING! I'VE SAID THIS BEFORE!! The only reason I had not destroyed L'manburg is because you had the disc. I had to be friends with you to get the dumb discs back. I don't care about you. I'm not your friend. I cared about getting the disc back, and I got it back. That's the only thing that really matters. You can even run your nation right! RANBOO IS IS TRAITOR!!" Dream switched sides and went on this whole speeched. Suddenly... all the voices stopped. I know what I needed to do. I am going to become... loopy.

"What?!" Quackity yelled, all eyes were now on Ranboo.

"No thats not true." Tubbo says in disbelief.

"It is true!! Look in his book!" Dream says. Written in it was a meeting with Techno and Tommy then telling them everything. More statements of disbelief or anger of Ranboo betraying L'manburg was heard. Tommy and Techno denied even seeing or knowing him. Ranboo stood there with an ashamed look.

I ruffled up my hair and taking out strand, making it a mess and in places it shouldn't be. I felt a sinister smirk make its way to my lips. Digging my nails into the iconic '^^' blushy mask.

"Listen, Tubbo. L'manburg is weaker than its ever been and it's because of you. You have destroyed everything. You have ruined your friendships. You have ruined L'manburgs allies. You are a horrible president, Tubbo!" Dream says smirking showing his fangs, bloodlust. Techno and Dream started to plan. Feeling the bloodlust come off of them.

No one's P.o.v

(Y/n) jumped from the roof again, The others backing up besides Dream and Techno. A crazed look on her face. Hypnotic swirls in her (e/c) eyes, her hair a rats nest, and a mad smile grinning from ear to ear.

"(Y/n)?" Honey said looking down at me confused.

"M-Mum? What are you doing?" Tubbo says backing up some more, Tommy grabbing his shoulder.

"It's wrong... wrong... wrong... wrong.. wrong!! Wrong!! Wrong!! WRONG!! These voices in my head are right~! I should chop all your heads off~! I keep asking why won't you forgive me~?! WHY WON'T ANYONE FORGIVE ME~?! I DON'T NEED ANY ONE'S FORGIVENESS ANYMORE~~!! NOTHING MATTERS~!! HAHAHA~!! IT ALL DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER~! I WANT TO WATCH THIS WORLD BURN TO ASHES~! CHAOS WILL FOREVR REIN~~!! YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE HELPING ME~? HAHAHA~! PLEASE~!! I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD LAUGH AT YOU BEING DUMBASSES OR SPIT IN YOUR FACES~~!! THIS WORLD WILL BURN IN BETWEEN MY FUCKING FINGERS~~!! YOU MEANT NOTHING TO ME~!!" (Y/n) screams and laughs manically. She yanks off the sad boi hours veil from off her head. Gripping the sides of it and ripping it apart. The dark green and white patterns going everywhere. She pulls out her old '^^' mask and catches in the air. Placing it on the side of her head with a devious grin.

"Wh-What? No..." Seouloft says, his eyes widening to the size of saucers. A dark shadow covered Honey's eyes.

"I'M ANTI VILLAIN OF YOUR HISTORIESS~~!!!" Yumeiro says holding up her rocker signs that her hands made, her tongue stuck out. It was longer and went past her chin. There was shocked faces and angered looks. Some shook in fear or felt pains in their hearts.

"I fucking knew it!! Your fucking dirt!! Your nothing!!" Blviir shouted, Seouloft held her back by holding her under her arms.

"Nothing but a villain." Keurumi says with a dark stare. (Y/n) gave him one right back. There were glares at the two of them.

"We're fucking back boys~! I'll do anything to help ruin lives and watch the world decay~" (Y/n) says and put her elbows on the arms of Dream and Techno.

They ran out of the community house and thought of their next plan, their next vile plan...

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