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No one's P.o.v

It all began with the Clouds smp. A few youtubers and streamers were on their, they were friends of Honey's. Honey got into the game Minecraft a lot and made an smp to play on. A kingdom built with houses all around it.
Honeyclouds was the king, the ruler of the smp. (Y/n) happened to be on the smp for the longest time, they lived together in peace.

On the server was (Y/n), Blviir, Elixir, Seouloft, Honeyclouds, Mochii, Cynosure, Name_less, Infernal, Fluffshi, Luxy, and Keurumi. They all had their own separate channels but were still part of the dropouts.

The mask design for (Y/n) was a two eyed with lashes, blush, dots on the cheeks, pink lips, and shaved smol eyebrows. Her outfit was different as well. It was the old design.

Blviir and (Y/n) seemed to change the peace that was in the kingdom. The two girls would have constant bickering back and fourth at each other till Blviir made her next move. Blviir found (Y/n)'s secret base in a hill, she grieved if with fire.

This caused the both of them to go to war. Blviir started a rebellion against (Y/n). The rebellion was made of Elixir, Cynosure, Infernal, and Name_less. There would be constant turf wars and some destruction showing through their fights.

Seouloft who is (Y/n)'s second best friend stood by but would hang out with here and help her with her ideas. Seouloft is the second trustworthy person to (Y/n).

"It's okay Yuyu," Seouloft would say.

After many turf wars, the rebellion and (Y/n) came together on the outskirts of the kingdom. The two stood in front of each other stacked in armor and items. Blviir gave her speech and criticized (Y/n), that's when (Y/n) made her move.

"Pick your choice. Surrender or face death." (Y/n) says coldly.

"We will never surrender!" Blviir shouted.

"You chose wrong." (Y/n) said.

She enderpearled in the kingdom and pressed a button. A bunch of explosions went off destroying the houses of citizens and the rebellion. The rebellion appeared in front of her, their faces full of shock, anger, and fear. (Y/n) stood in front of the chaos's and explosions not looking back. They fought against each other but in the end they made a peace treaty and gave up their most valuable items. There was peace for now.

During the war against the rebellion there was accusations of Honeyclouds being a scum of a King. There were true rumors of him over taxing people or running away from responsibilities. To help this the citizens had a vote for a new king. In the end of the election Honey lost to Keurumi. Keurumi was the quiet kid doing his own thing and entertaining himself. The citizens looked at Keurumi upon the throne.

"Finally, the title I deserve. A KING! As your king the first thing I decree is to BANISH HONEYCLOUDS!" Keurumi yelled. There was cries from some of the citizens, others pushed and hit him out of the kingdom.

"Yumeiro. Come here. You've been at the bottom for way to long, I'm making you my head guard." Keurumi says. (Y/n) stood next to him with her axe. She agreed to the offer, she was villainous...

From that day forward, Blviir started a secret rebellion with Honeyclouds, Seouloft, Elixir, and Luxy. They planned to take back the kingdom. Keurumi and (Y/n) tortured the citizens with higher tax or just treating them poorly. (Y/n) found out the day that the secret rebellion was going attack them and planned ahead for it. She made secret doors in the hills with pistons and behind them were an army of mobs. (Y/n) informed Keurumi about the day of the attack and how she prepared.

The attack began. The rebellion came running towards the castle with rage. (Y/n) unleashed the wrath of the army mobs behind the wall. They were so caught up with fighting with the mobs, Keurumi watched from above seeing the rebellion die off. He was talking to (Y/n) about how great this is and how much more they can do. She slowly came up to him, cornering him on the edge of the balcony. He didn't notice.

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