Death do us apart

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No one's P.o.v

Before Ghostmeiro came to life, the smp mourned for her. It's been a week after Yumeiro's death and the members were all over the place with their mourning.


George's P.o.v

I kept rocking back and fourth in the community house, hugging my knees and lifting up my clout goggles to show my teary eyes. I miss her so much and just the thought of her never coming back and never seeing her again destroys me.

Dream was coping in a more silent way. Taking his mask off and holding his forehead in his hand. Sapnap was staring at nothing and processing, letting everything sink it before finally mourning. He sat on the floor looking at nothing. If we're mourning might as well do it together.

"I miss her..." I mumbled.

Skeppy's P.o.v

I've been mourning for Yumeiro for who knows how long. Crying constantly and having no motivation to do anything. The only times I do get up to help is to help Bad. It's like Bad completely shut down.

Bad stood in front of the egg, staring at it emotionlessly. He looked numb. He hasn't talked for awhile. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

Eventually pulled him in for a hug, what was worrying me was that Bad didn't hug me back. He didn't move his arms.

"My little Muffin..." I heard him mumble then slowly hugged me. It was his old nickname for her.


Quackity's P.o.v

I couldn't handle Yumeiro's death. I asked Puffy to meet me outside of the bakery. Soon enough I saw the sheep walk to me, she looked like Schlatt in a way. Sitting on the prime path next to me.

"How are you holding up?" Puffy asks, I could tell she was distressed and mourning too.

"I don't know. I hate this... why did she have to go?!" I started to melt down and vent to Puffy about everything I've been feeling ever since Yumeiro died. I felt the tears form then fall down my cheeks.

Puffy put her arm around me and gave me a side hug. Then pulled away and took off my beanie and rubbing the top of my hair.

"We all miss her, but she wouldn't want to see us like this. We have to keep pushing on."

Philza's P.o.v

I had to break the news to the kids. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. Seeing them at Tommy's old base. I walked up to the three of them.

"Phil!! What are you doing here, Crow father?" Tommy asked.

"Hi Phil!!" Tubbo yelled waving at me with Ranboo behind him. I noticed that Tubbo's horns grew a bit more and his goat ears dropped down. They weren't like Schlatt's.

"Uhm, I have to tell you all something really important." I said in a quieter tone. The three of them came up to me and circled around me.

"What is it?" Ranboo asked.

"As most know, in the war. Tubbo, Tommy, your mother... died. She's no longer with us." I said gently. It's a lot to take in especially since it's the kids mother. I know I co-parent with Yumeiro to raise Tommy but Tubbo was now an orphan. If I have to I'll take him in too. The look on their faces was devastating.

"You must be joking! That's simply not true, she's not dead!" Tommy rambled in denial. He shook his head.

"Oh. Well... man..." Tubbo mumbled. He was processing everything I just said. Wrapping his own arms around him and hugging himself.

"Your... kidding. Right...? Oh my god..." Ranboo says in disbelief. He had a dark look on his face.

"I'm sorry. She's gone."

Niki's P.o.v

I heard about Yumeiro's death... I should've been there. I should've stayed longer. Jack broke the news to me, I was off to break the news to Fundy.

Seeing the Fox sitting outside of his secret base. I kneeled down in front of him.

"Niki? What is it? You look like you need to say something," Fundy says picking off the petals of a flower.

"Fundy... it's about Yumeiro. She's not with us anymore..." I said softly. It's best to be gentle with these sort of things.

Fundy dropped the petal and little flower. He held his head down low. His face was dark and a calm depressed.

"What now...? ...Bluebell..." Fundy mumbled,

His fox ears fell down. His tail went down too. I saw Eret come out of the secret base looking traumatized, I think he heard everything. I pulled Fundy in for a hug and opened my other arm open for Eret to join. A soft yet sad smile on my face. Eret slowly came up to us and joined the group hug. Mourning together.

Techno's P.o.v

After the war, I was back at my winter cabin. Sitting at my desk by the fire. The door creaked open. Phil stood there and closed the door.

"How are you doing, Techno?" Phil asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I knew along about Yumeiro's death ever since it happened.

I put my pen down and laid in my arms on the book I was writing in. The pages were blank because I wasn't motivated, I couldn't think about anything else but her. I swear I blame myself for her death, I was apart of the team of Yumeiro and Dream.

"It's okay to break down, I'm here for you."

Honeyclouds P.o.v

I've been mourning ever since it happened... I lost my best friend. I spend my days sobbing and not getting any sleep. Seouloft witnessed the whole thing and saw her die, even heard her last words. He completely shut down. Became mute and didn't move at all. His eyes looked so emotionless. I wasn't doing any better.

Oddly enough, I saw that Blviir is acting differently too. She's been quieter and has been avoiding almost everyone. She's calmer but also miserable. I caught her crying one day and saying to herself  'you don't realize that you need something till you loose it for good.'

Keurumi seemed no different. He always seemed the same. He didn't even mourn. When we brought Yumeiro up, he would just smile.

The words repeated in my head,
death do us apart.

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