They buy you a necklace and a weird lady says it's cursed

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I got this idea while watching Peaky Blinders. (I use the show as background noise while I do my hobbies, I only really pay attention to it when fight scenes happen.)


He didn't believe the lady when she told him, not even believing this woman to be a witch, so he gave her a smile and told her he would never buy you anything that would put you at harm before he execused himself and walked away. But through the day, the thought that it might be cursed kept popping up so he asked you if he can have the necklace for a moment. When you gave it, asking him if something is wrong, he gave you a smile and assured you everything is fine before he left. He took it to the Magician to have it checked out by someone more experienced than him in magic. When the Magician said it isn't cursed, Asra smiled and said he just had to be sure because he definitely wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he got you cursed before he thanked the Magician and left to return the necklace to you.


It wasn't really a gift, more that she had a necklace she didn't need anymore and she thought it would suit you so she gave it to you. So when a weird lady told her it's cursed, Nadia calmly assured her she has worn it for many years and she is perfectly fine so she doubts it. She did take the weird warning seriously because from what she has seen from magic, it is weird and unexpected, so while you both were getting ready for bed, she told you about the weird lady. When you chuckled and said that story sounds fake, she gave you a smile, saying she believes so too but it is best to be careful because you never know how the enemy, especially one like the Devil, will attack.


He was in the bar, proudly showing it to the friend he made at the bar since it took him a lot of hard work to get it, saying it's a gift for his lover. Suddenly a lady pat his shoulder and said that thing is cursed. His first instinct was to drop it; so he did, nervously asking if he's cursed now. The lady just told him curses work mysteriously so he stared before he awkwardly laughed, saying he thinks she had too much to drink. Hee picked up the necklace, making sure it's safe and not dirty then stuffed it in his pocket and bid goodbye to everyone and took his leave to go give it to you.


He got it by trading a wooden figurine he carved. As he walked to you, a woman bumped against him so he was quick to awkwardly apologize in a mumble. When the woman said that necklace is cursed, he stared before he glanced at the necklace, debating if it is or not. He frowned before he asked what she means. As he looked up, the woman was gone making him wonder if she even was real or he's seeing things. When you approached and asked where he was for so long, he stuffed the necklace away, saying he went for a walk. He first went to Asra and got it checked out to be certain this object is safe. When Asra said it's safe, he gave it to you.


She hadn't given it to you just yet actually. She was in the market when she saw a stand with necklaces and spot on she thought reminded her a lot of you so she examined it. She tried to have a chat with the owner but the owner of the cart was rather weird so she decided to just put her full focus on the necklace. When the owner of the shop said it's cursed, Portia stared before she awkwardly laughed, feeling uncomfortable, mumbling she thinks she will pass on it then because she doesn't wish to curse her lover. When she got home, she told you about the very weird encounter, awkwardly laughing out how weird it was.


He was watching you from far during a party, sipping his drink, only to freeze and slowly look to see a woman staring at him. All he did was chuckle and apologize, saying he's already taken. When she said your necklace is cursed, he huffed, not taking this serious seeing as almost everyone in the room was drunk, and said your necklace was damn expensive. He took a sip from his drink then looked at the woman, only to stare as she was gone. He didn't feel safe anymore suddenly, suddenly taking the weird comment more serious than just a drunk woman being weird. He wanted to rush to you but you looked like you were having fun so he decided to go to the guards instead and order them to keep a close eye on you and make sure nothing happens to you. He left so he could get his sword from his room. When he returned and you asked him why he has his sword, he gave you a smirk and said he looks badass with it so of course he has to show it off.


He stared at the weird lady before he told her that necklace cost him almost his whole paycheck so it better not be. He stormed to you, not in the mood for this crazy magical stuff, asking you if you are okay. When you gave him a raised eyebrow, saying you are okay, he mumbled that's good before he sipped his wine. He nod to the weird lady, telling you that weird lady told him it's cursed so watch out. When you told him you don't think the necklace is cursed, he mumbled he was referring to the weird lady more than the necklace really.


If it were cursed, he would have known. So when this weird witch whispered to him your necklace is cursed, he gave her a toothy grin, asking who she thinks she is to talk to him before he leaned closer, asking in a low, anrgy and annoyed voice who she thinks she is to talk about his lover like that. When the witch ran away and you asked what that was about, he gave you a smile and said nothing, saying it was just an insane woman before he asked you how you like the necklace.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα