When you bring them breakfast in bed

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I know I always add "When" at the start of my titles, even when not needed, but now it has become such a habit that it seems wrong without the "When" at the start.


He groaned awake as he watched you approach with the breakfast. He stared then asked if it's his birthday so you said no, which made him ask if it's some holiday then, to which you also said no. He stared then slowly said happy anniversary so you laughed you just wanted to do something nice so he can stop guessing events. He let out a sigh of relief, saying he thought he missed some important event. He sat up, watching with a smile as you put the tray down and both sat on the bed, starting to eat the food. He didn't say much; just eating the food with nothing on mind, just enjoying the moment.


She gets breakfast in bed a lot if she asks the servants to bring it to her so for her this wasn't anything special, but she still appreciated that you put in the effort and thanked you for it, giving you a little peck before inviting you with a smile to sit with her and join her. As you both sat there, enjoying the meal, she couldn't help but keep thinking she will have to ask the servants to clean the bed because she doesn't want to go to bed later and have crumbles in her bed and give insects or rats a reason to start coming to her bed


He was spread out wild on the bed, making weird tiny noises in his sleep. You decided not to put the food near him as seeing his spread limbs made you assume he will just accidentally knock it so put it safely on something then climbed aside him and shook his awake, calling his name. He just groaned before turning your way and wrapped one arm around you, weakly tugging you, mumbling something in his sleep. You tried again and now he finally opened his eyes, staring into yours with a dazed look then he just slurred he smells something so you nod to the food. He had to take a few seconds to spot the food as his brain was still waking up. He flopped his head back down, yawning he wants to eat it but also continue sleeping. He laid there for a bit but then sat up suddenly, even causing you to flinch, and he took it, knowing if he doesn't get moving now he will just keep going back to sleep. As he nibbled some of the food you asked him when he came home yesterday so he chuckled sleepily he stopped by the Rowdy Raven on his way so very late.


He woke up to smell food then got out the bed and walked to you as you stood at the kitchen area, making some food. He greeted you, only to flinch and stare in surprise as you twirled and complained he's awake. He slowly asked if that's not good so you explained you wanted to bring him breakfast in bed so he was quick to say he can go back to bed but you sighed no need now. He felt bad for ruining your plan so he mumbled sorry but you assured him it's fine. So both just ate breakfast at the table, which the whole time he looked like a puppy that's feeling bad about something so you assured again it's really fine and he can stop feeling so terrible. But he just promised you next time he will stay in bed.


She's always cooking meals for you so you thought you should make one for her. You had to wake up so early to be sure to do this on time when she wakes up since she wakes up early. You managed to time it just right as she woke up to see you enter the room with a tray full of breakfast items. She let out a happy noise as she stretched, yawning this is so awesome. She sat upright so you put it over her lap, which made her laugh there is a big chance she will knock this over. As she began digging in, she laughed about the weird dream she had and how shocking you doing this is.


He didn't really get it. He appreciates it, but he doesn't get it since there are chefs and servants to cook and bring it. He doesn't want you to lift a finger if it isn't needed because he wants you to enjoy things and leave the boring work stuff to the people who are actually being paid for it. Of course if you enjoy cooking then he will joke you may do this every day then.


He woke up then stared as you stood there with a tray with breakfast. You held it up, saying you made breakfast for him, he just asked with unimpressed and still tired eyes what you did wrong so you were quick to defend you did nothing wrong. He groaned, mumbling when you do stuff like this it means something. You told him this means you love him so he better appreciate it. You put it on his lap once he sat upright and then watched him eat it slowly. He said it's nice and he does appreciate it but you don't need to do this again. He didn't mean it's bad but he's not one to eat a lot in the morning so this was very heavy on his stomach and he has a feeling he will have a stomach ache later, but he still finished it all because he wanted you to know he really does appreciate it and like it.


He's always awake when you are, even if you wake up as early as you can. It makes you wonder if he even sleeps or if he does it because he doesn't want to be seen unguarded. So you just told him to stay in bed at least, which confused him but he loves a mystery so he did, lying more comfortably. When you returned with a tray full of food, announcing you wanted to do this for a while now, he chuckled and watched with as if you were some cute animal as you approached him. He took the tray from you, taking your hand and pulling you onto the bed then placing the tray between you two. In the end you ate most of it; him just taking some small pieces and snacking on it, mostly watching you eating the food, still that look in his eyes.

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