If you have an injured leg that acts up and makes you bedridden at times

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He went on a journey specially to get some ingredients that can make a magical ointment. So when he has it he can smear it over your leg and it soaks in deep into your leg and heals it.

But sometimes he runs out of it so he has to massage it better and look after you like he would over a sick person. Once you are better he quickly leaves to go get the ingredients so he can have the ointment for next time. When he's gone Faust keeps a very closed eye on you. When your leg acts up she's gone on your shoulders, giving your cheek some head rubs for comfort and assurance it will be okay. When he returns and finds out as Faust came at the speed of light to inform he's quick at your side, worriedly asking if you are okay and apologizing he wasn't here.


She notices even when you try to hide it as the way you walk gets stiff and eventually you can't even walk on it anymore. For this she lectures you, telling you there is nothing wrong with admitting you need to just lay on the bed as you are unable to walk anymore on your leg. If it's so bad you are shouting from pain and squirming she will quickly get a doctor as she always worries the leg gotten much worse or something new got damaged.

She holds you tight on the days that make you emotional over how this sucks and you just want your leg to be all okay again. She can't promise it will be okay as your leg can't go back to how it used to be; so instead she promises you you will be walking in a few days again and then you can both go for a walk in the garden.


If it happens in public he will help you limp but if it gets so bad you can't walk on it he's quick to pick you up bridal style and hurry home; assuring you home's close so don't worry. Even if the house is miles away he will make it short: by running until his whole body is burning. When you assure he can walk he defends he can't as he has to get you as comfort as possible as soon as he can.

So at home he tucks you in then puts a glass of water aside you and some snacks. He will gladly cuddle you if you allow him. Or gives massages to the leg, sighing he wishes he could take pain and wounds over and not only heal himself. When you fall asleep he freezes, not daring to move an inch in fear you wake up. And so when you wake up again you see him right in the same spot, sitting there, awkwardly waiting.


He carries you around, even when your leg is okay again. But if you tell him to put you down he does so, though then follows you very closely with worry; ready to pick you right up the second you limp or make a pained sound. When there are steps he doesn't ask, he just picks you up and walks up them. For this even if you ask to be put down he doesn't listen as he's not gonna make you struggle up some steps.

When you are bedridden he doesn't mind or blame you. He does everything for you. He makes you a lot of meals with eggs, mumbling he heard eggs should help with recovering. Inanna lays against your leg to try and warm it up in hopes it will ease pain. Though if you don't want that then she lays against your side. You get sudden wooden figurine gifts during these times to cheer you up and keep you busy by eyeing the details and playing silly with it on Inanna's fur as there's nothing better to do.


People try to act as if this stuff isn't stressful for those around, but it is. She worries each time she leaves for work. She has to do all walking stuff like a market alone. She has to take care of you when you are bedridden. She has to watch and worry over you as you are in extreme pain, and not being able to help or fix it kills her inside each time. And admittedly it isn't fun or what she hoped for in the relationship. That doesn't mean she loves you any less, she just doesn't like the pain part. But she's willing to accept and embrace it as it is a small price for being able to have and love you.

All these stressful moments don't mean she works less hard. Even harder. She always makes sure you are in top health or able to look after yourself before leaving to work. She usually puts Pepi on your body so Pepi can transmit love to you by purring ontop of you.


He gets it. He has those days as well. Luckily for him he doesn't end up bedridden. So when you two can suffer together it is oddly reassuring as you both know the other gets the pain and are both together in this instead of alone. When you are suffering alone he massages your leg, promising he will get the best doctor to fix this, or best magician to heal it with magic. He bothered Asra so much about this that Asra can't keep count anymore.

When you still want to go out while bedridden he worries and carries you. He got someone to make you a wheelchair when you kept being bedridden more and more. He rolls you around with no shame, assuring you there is no need to be embarrassed by this and to think of it as a carriage. He usually runs with it, laughing as he races around the place; trying to keep it all exciting and fun for you.


Some days it's annoying, other days he doesn't think much of it. Some days he wants to spend a day with you, had hopes for the day, but then you end up bedridden. Which he doesn't blame you for, but it's not fun when the possible fun day turns into a painful one. He will bring you meals, water, books; whatever that you ask for and keep yourself busy with. When you apologize he assures you it's okay and you can't do anything about it.

He will just lay aside you, reading books or playing a game with you. His hand will be petting your head while you are in pain. He offers you wine, assuring wine fixes all pain. When he has to leave for work he gives your forehead a kiss, assuring you he will finish work early and bring some medicine back.


He tried to fix it but the pain was so unimagable that he had to stop because you looked ready to die from just the pain of the leg trying to heal itself. He had to hold you after that for a long time. So each day he did tiny bits, and each time it felt as if you were being tortured at the leg. He let you punch his side, rip at his fur, scream, cry. All of that. At the end of each session he held you, whispering praises while kissing your cheek.
So after plenty of torturious sessions it was finally healed. At first you angrily stated those sessions weren't worth it and rather had half pains, but after a long time of no more bedridden times or just pain in the leg and having to walk awkward: you confirmed it's worth it. You thanked him a lot, which made him feel smug.

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