You get terribly sick while you are both on a magical realm

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He wished you could rest but he didn't trust this magical realm at all, feeling a weird atmosphere hanging around so he rather not wait. He told you if you really can't keep going, you can both rest for a bit, but it would be better to keep going. He walked in a hurried pace, wanting to find the exit quickly, only to apologize when he realized you can't keep up with his quick pace.


She held your waist with worry, asking if you can keep going, suggesting to rest. When you shook your head, saying this realm creeps you out so you aren't stopping, she frowned but nod and helped you walk around. When you suddenly dropped to your knees and puked, she gasped before quickly holding your hair out the way, cringing while also worriedly saying she refuses to let you keep going in this state. When you argued that you both can't rest, she argued back that you can't keep going like this either so it is best to rest and then you can both continue. So she found a safe spot, where she told you to lay down and rest and she will keep guard so you have nothing to worry about. As you laid on the ground, resting, shivering, she couldn't help but stare with upset eyes, wishing she had something to lay on you to keep you warm before she looked around, making sure everything is normal and nothing will harm you.


You used too much magic so you felt weak so the travelling was difficult. Julian hated seeing you have to force yourself to keep walking when you looked ready to collapse so he suggested for you to get on his back. When you shook your head, trembling, he was quick to shrug off his jacket and put it on you, telling you you both better find a way out quickly so you can get proper medical help. He wished he had some medicine he could give you but sadly he didn't so all he could do was walk aside you and make sure you don't collapse. Whenever you stumble, he is quick to wrap his arm around your waist and hold your arm in a tight grip and ask if you are okay.


He refused to let you walk so he carried you bridal style. When you said you don't wish for him to get this sick, he told you he doesn't care and you should worry about yourself. Even when his arms began hurting after carrying you for two hours, he refused to put you down. He only put you down when he felt you shiver so he could take off his cloak and put it around you like a blanket before he picked you back up. When you fell asleep, he decided he might also get some rest so he sat down against some tree he found after he made sure that the tree is safe and nothing weird will happen. He held you on his lap, holding you, hoping you will feel better when you wake up because he knows he won't be able to leave this weird place without your help.


She held your arm with a worried expression, telling you to take it easy. When you suddenly fell through your legs, landing on the snow, she gasped and quickly asked if you are okay, only to stare as you angrily cried out you hate this. She watched as you punched the snow before she crouched down and told you it will be okay. She wanted to continue comforting you but then she got confused as a sweet taste came in her mouth so she picked up some snow and ate it making you stare in confusion. She gasped, saying it tastes like candy before she scooped up some and held it to you, saying this might give you some energy to keep going. When you mumbled it might also make you wish to puke, she cringed and mumbled that might also happen so don't eat the snow before she sat down, telling you you can both rest here until you are ready to continue.


He nervously told you that you can't get this sick now while you are both stuck in this insane world. When you told him it's a realm, he groaned and asked who cares before he told you if you can't use some magic on yourself. When you began explaining you are too weak right now and if you tried, it could end badly, he sighed and said magic is way more complicated than he thought before he began rambling about how they always make it seem so easy in tales when it's actually complicated. When he saw you almost sink through your legs out the corner of his eye, he was quick to wrap his arm around your waist, giving you a smirk, telling you you wouldn't want to fall before telling you to lean on him. Eventually you had to sit down because you couldn't keep it up anymore, too exhausted and stuck coughing. He kept guard while you rested, holding his sword, refusing to take a break.


He kept saying he was fucked. When you coughed out he isn't, he gave you a glare, saying neither of you have an idea where you both are, he cannot fight nor does he have magic, and you, the person with the magic, are too sick to even use it and you are both stuck. When you mumbled for him to shut up, he asked you what you said. Luckily a coughing fit came so you didn't have to repeat it and the argument that was slowly building came to a stop and both just walked in silence. Eventhough he was annoyed with everything and everyone right now, he did keep glancing at you to make sure you are okay. Eventually he undid his shawl before tossing it to you, telling you to put it on.


When he saw how pale you looked, he chuckled, saying you are almost as pale as his fur before he asked you why he should heal you. When you said he can be such an asshole, he huffed and said he's definitely not gonna help out such a rude person. When you muttered you will scratch his horns for an hour, he hated that that was what won him over. He just couldn't help it, he loves it too much when you scratch his horns. So you had to scratch his horns for an hour as you sat on his lap while he sat on his throne, his arms wrapped around you, enjoying the scratching he's getting now. 

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