You go on a diet

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He asked you why you are going on one. If it's for bad reasons he's quick to say you don't need to go on a diet but on a path to better your relationship with food. He tends to bring many foods with him from the journey so he'll stop doing that so he can't accidentally tempt you. But he still eats things he likes, even if you can't have them, since it is still his food and he should also still be allowed to have his favorite foods.


She's proud of you and motivates you. She assures you that it's okay if you slip every once and then and that's not reason to be angry with yourself. She has the chefs make sure anything you can't have isn't being served on the table so you won't be tempted. She doesn't mind if she has to change her usual meals for you; she looks at the positive that it helps her explore more foods and also help her spouse with their diet.


He'll also do it. He's eaten quite some weird stuff, and went days with nothing at all, so he can handle also doing this. He's even glad to do it, feels like a form of bonding. He'll go shopping with you for the stuff, making the meals together, eating it together. If it's a shitty diet he makes many jokes and saying things to boost your motivation to keep it a fun experience.


He joins your diet. He hopes you can still have eggs, because he has way too many of those. If he notices it's a bad diet for you he tells you this, not wanting your body to suffer. He reminds you that you need some foods so don't cut them out completely, just lessen the intake.


She tries! She wants to go along with it! But she loves food too much to give it up and give it such structure... But she'll still prepare all your meals so you can't do the lazy way out of saying 'that's too much work to do so I'll just ditch the diet'. She jokes to Pepi to snatch away anything bad for you.


He has his own "diet". And it's "diet" because it's not a real one, he's just picky and only eats certain foods; refuses to change what he knows he likes. But he is very supportive. When you get discouraged or reach for something you aren't allowed he's quick to smack your hands softly, telling you 'stop it' and reminding you of how good you are doing so stick to it. He promises fun rewards: which are of course him.


He doesn't care to join. He's gonna eat what he wants. He'll of course not eat what you can't have right in front of you, but he'll not change his eating habits or such. When you argue to help and join you he argues back you are on a diet; not him.


He devoures whatever he wants, you even seen him eat some things you are sure AREN'T meant to be eaten. So when you said you are going on a diet he had a laugh then said he'll join. You asked why, obviously you asked since it's so random and unlike him. He shrugged, saying he's curious how you eat and wants to have a little challenge.

I'm planning to do a Fire Emblem: Three Houses scenario book but that will take quite a looong time to write since it has SO many characters to write about.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora