When you burn your hand while cooking

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He will be quick to take your hand and guide you to a bucket of water, telling you to cool it down and he will then use a spell to heal it. Once the burning sensation went away, he gently took your hand and used a spell to heal it completely before he chuckled and said he will go buy something from the market because the food is now burned.


She will gasp, asking if you are okay while pushing gently against your back to guide you to some water so you can put your hand in it. When you tried to continue cooking, she told you not to and let the servants do it, chuckling a little that she can't risk you burning your other hand as well.


He was quick to snatch your hand away from the heat source, telling you to wait before he hurried away and returned with a little box where he keeps medical supplies, asking you if he hurts badly. If it's a very bad burn and you are in pain, he will give you a painkiller. He put lotion on it and bandaged it, awkwardly chuckling out that that wasn't very smart of you.


He was quick to take your hand and put the fire out to prevent from burning the food as he takes you to a bucket filled with water, worriedly asking you if your hand is okay. So you both sat at the bucket, waiting a few minutes as you held your hand in the water. When you said it still stings, he was quick to get up and say he will buy some lotion from the market so you had to take his hand before he could run off, telling him it will heal in a few hours so no need for him to go to such a crowded place he's uncomfortable in, but he shook his head and insisted. After a small hour, he returned with lotion and put it on your wound very gently, flinching and mumbling an apology when you let out a pained noise.


She gasped, quickly taking your hand and asking if you are okay before asking you what you did that caused it. When you told her what you did, she couldn't help but chuckle, telling you that you made her heart race so quickly before she told you to go treat the wound and she will finish cooking the food.


He was just confused why you are cooking when there are servants to do it. So when you burned your hand, he was quick to take your wrist and drag you to some cold water, asking you if you are insane and why you wouldn't just leave the cooking to the cooks. As you held your hand in cold water, he told you to stay before he left and returned with a doctor, who had lotion and bandages for your wound. When you told him it's just a small wound that will heal quickly, he shrugged with a little huff and told you it's better to be safe than sorry.


He was quick to put his wine glass down and take your hand, guiding you to some water and putting your hand in it, asking you how stupid you are and why you did that. When you said it's not as if you meant to do it, he sighed and said he's gonna get his wine back. While you had your hand in the water, he got a servant to finish the food while he left to get some lotion to put on your wound.


He will just glance, wondering how idiotic you are before he tapped your head, which caused you to look at him, confused why he did that only to yelp when you felt something strange so look back to see your hand was healed. When you thanked him, he chuckled and told you to be more careful or he will put mittens on you before he left to continue doing whatever he was doing.

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