If you always wear a mask because your face is badly scarred

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Requested by: SerenaDecker


He tried to use magic to fix it but there's a risk it would ruin it more so you decided against it and said you'll just learn to live with it. He gets sad and feels as if he failed when he sees you taking the mask off. So sometimes you get a random hug as he feels bad and wants to hug you as a sorry, though he won't tell you as he doesn't want to make you feel bad. He's still glad you take it off and try to get used to showing it more. Even years later he still tries to find a safe spell to fix it but every spell seems to have a risk that comes with her so he's trying to accept the fact he can't fix this.


She finds it kind of sad. She tries to encourage you to take it off more, assuring you not as many as you think are looking are and that everyone has their own things going on so they probably won't even notice as they hurry past you. So with her help each week you took it off; and even a second longer than the previous week she saw as progress and building confidence so she was proud even if you take it off just five seconds in public. She also likes to see your face as she finds it a very good looking one, even if you don't think so. 


He's sad he can't give you his mark and let you heal yourself. So he makes sure you know you still look good by giving you kisses on the scarred area and compliments. When you get insecure he will come rushing out the other room and tackle you in a hug and shower you with kisses and compliments. Outside when someone makes fun of your mask he tries to keep it all friendly by saying he thinks it's rather cool and comparing you to some cool figures in history or plays and try to come up with funny scenarios so everyone keeps light-hearted and in a good mood instead of a fight starting here.


He gets it. If he could hide behind something for his whole body he would do it in a second, but sadly that would attract attention and that he doesn't want either. When someone makes fun of you for it he's quick to appear behind you with such a scary atmosphere and glare that causes the person to fall shut then hurry away. When your mask breaks he's quick to fix it for you. When you take it off at the hut he's always unsure how to react, and he can't help but keep glancing over. Not because of the scarring but because of how beautiful your face is.


She always assures you it's okay and it tells a story so there is no need to hide it. But he still gets when you cover it up, and fully supports that and lets you do it. When you come home and take it off to her that makes her happy as that's a sign you feel comfortable in the house but especially around her. When someone makes fun of you for the mask she's quick to defend you, even looking ready to start a fight so you have to keep her back. She gets so furious at how people can be so insensitive! She insists you take it off few times a day to avoid making it have a bad stench and just so your face can feel some fresh air.


He gets it. He has this feeling with his stump, but luckily he can put a fancy arm to hide it and not many think about it as its an arm. But for you it's the face: the center of attention when people look at you. He offered to give you a golden mask but you gave him the exact design you want then instead, and he was more than happy to go find the right people to make it. When you take it off around him he feels special as to him that's a sign of you trusting him and showing a vulnerable side of yourself to him. When you get insecure and want to cover up, even around him, he's quick to gently hold your face in his hands, promising you are the best looking person he has ever encounter, and that's even above himself, and that he hopes you will realize that he doesn't even see the scarred part badly but something brave to be proud of.


At first he always gave you that disgusted and "what the fuck" look when he saw your scarred look. So you accused him of it, to which he argued of course he's gonna look like that if he rarely sees your face and he forgets you look like that since you always wear a mask. He argued that it's like someone showing their bone sticking out their body and that you can't expect people to look normal at it and act as if it is normal because it isn't. So it took him some time getting used to him, and was also the main reason you had to walk around the house without the mask so he can, and once he learned how you got it he finally got used to it and even began admiring it. He did end up apologizing for his previous behaviour to this situation.


He gives you various masks, usually skull types. He basically plays dress up using you with the masks, and even sometimes snaps his fingers so your clothes change to match the mask. So most of his gifts to you are masks. When you take it off he just stares; admiring that scarred look, liking how rebellious it looks and unique. When someone makes fun of you they won't be seen anymore afterwards.

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