You make them a flower crown/They make you a flower crown

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Requested by: Nirvanasart


He spot you making it so he asked you what you are doing. When you said it's a secret, he just chuckled and let you be. When you sneaked up to him while he read a book, he knew you were there but just let you be, curious to see where this goes. When you suddenly put something on his head, saying you hope he likes it, he took it off his head before chuckling and saying he likes it then gave your cheek a kiss, thanking you. The next day, he returned the sweet gesture by also making you a flower crown, using colors he knew you liked so he's sure you will like it.


You both were waiting for Asra so you began picking some flowers and making a crown. When you finished, you held it to her, saying a crown for a queen. She chuckled and took it, thanking you before putting it on, striking a pose and playfully asking you if it suits her. When you nod, she chuckled again before adjusting it so it sits well then both continued waiting.


He appreciated it when you put the flower crown on his head but he was more curious as to how to make it so you taught him, which meant he spend a lot of time just making flower crowns, enjoying it a lot. Eventually he had a pile full of them. He took the prettiest one out of it before walking to you, feeling nervous then held it to you, telling you he made this one for you.


He sometimes makes crown flowers when he's bored and has nothing better to do and will put them on your head when your back is turned before rushing away before you can ask him about it. So you decided to return the favor. When he was crouched down, petting Inanna, you quickly put the crown flower on his head, saying you hope he likes it. At first he was confused but when he took it off his head and looked at it, his face turned red as he stuttered out he likes it and put it back on, feeling embarrassed but also appreciating it.


She will be making them with you and stacking them on your head while laughing at how silly but cute you look. When you put one on her head, she laughed and thanked you. So both held a competition to see who can make most and stacked them on each other's heads.


He will flinch as you suddenly put it on his head before chuckling, asking you if you are still a child and how the children at the tribe would do this. When you asked him if he did it to his mother, he blushed as he mumbled he did but she tore it apart. When you told him he can make you one and you won't tear it apart, he felt embarrassed yet touched by this weird statement before he said he will think about it. Later you found a beautiful flower crown on your desk.


He just stared at his book as you suddenly put a flower crown on his head before he sighed and asked you if you are a child. When you told him it's just a sweet gesture, he took the crown off, eyed it before thinking that he can see how it could be but he doesn't know what to do with it now. He felt too awkward to throw it away since you made it for him but he can't just keep it around, so he just kept it on his nightstand until it became bad and then threw it into the garden.


Absolutely not. He refuses to put it on his head. If you want one, he will just make a flower crown appear on your head. When he wasn't focused, you quickly slammed the flower crown on his head, saying you made it specially for him so he will wear it. But he was quick to snatch your wrists before you could pull away, clenching them tightly before he told you it's good you gave him these flowers because then he doesn't have to bother with picking flowers for your grave.

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