You tell them you want to start a new life/don't want to set the world on fire

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My brother showed me a song by 2WEI which was "I don't want to set the world on fire", and that is how this scenario came to be.


He was packing a bag for his next journey as you were reading a spell book, Faust taking a nap on your head, when you randomly said you want to start a new life. Asra froze before he slowly stuffed his scarf in the bag, asking what brought this thought to your head. When you shrugged and said you want to have a calm life without this whole magical stuff, without the Devil, just live somewhere cozy with him and Faust, no worries. He stared before he walked to you and softly put his hand on your head, whispering once you both have defeated the Devil, he promises you he will give you that life with no worries, but first the Devil has to be defeated. When you didn't reply, he went on eye-level with you, worriedly asking if you aren't planning anything serious. You knew he was referring to harming yourself or running away to get away from all this chaos, so you gave him a smile and assured him you aren't gonna do anything like that and it was just a dream you had today that made you wish for such a calm, peaceful life with him. He didn't go on his journey, he stayed home instead.


You both stood on her balcony, just having returned from a tough adventure. She glanced at you to see you were clearly daydreaming so she softly put her hand over yours, asking if you are okay. When you gave her a smile and said you were dreaming a new life, one where she isn't a countess and you don't have to save the world, one where you both can live happily in a cozy home somewhere with no worries. She smiled and said that indeed sounds peaceful. She stared before she forced a smile, squeezing your hand, whispering that sadly isn't reality. When you said you know in an upset tone, she lifted your hand and gave it a kiss to comfort you, assuring you that this whole chaos will be solved quicker than you know it and then you can both put it in the past. When you laughed, saying it's funny she thinks neither of you will be traumatized for the rest of your lives, she laughed along with you before she stopped laughing and stared down at the servants, mumbling that is a huge possibility.


You were both at the Rowdy Raven. It was very late, so late that the bar was almost empty and the bartender was slowly closing up. Julian was happily chatting with the bartender when he noticed how upset you were sitting in the booth in the back, staring at your mug so he told the bartender to wait a few minutes before he hurried to you, asking what's wrong. When you sighed and threw your head back, he was quick to put his hand on the back of your head to to help you avoid hitting your head against the wall. When you said you are tired, he said you can both go home. You couldn't help but laugh and put your head against your stomach, he wondered whether you were drunk, but he just softly stroked your hair before asking again as to what's wrong. When you whispered you are tired of burning the world, he was even more confused before he said you aren't destroying it if that is what you mean, the Devil is, you are helping save it. When he saw how upset and tired you looked, he softly pushed you off so he could crouch down, wrap his arms around you and pick you up bridal style before walking out the bar. It was a quiet walk back home, no one said anything, Julian just carried you before putting you down once at the front door. When you both laid in bed, he worriedly asked if you are feeling better now. When you nod, he pulled you closer, whispering that's good.


You and him were just eating when you randomly said you want to start a new life. His first question was worriedly asking if he's allowed to come. When you chuckled and said of course, he nod before asking how your new life would look like. While you told him, he stared, trying to imagine how that new life would look like in his mind. When you finished, he mumbled that seems nice and he would like that as well. The conversation ended there because you both knew that was a fantasy and this is shitty life is reality, but neither of you wanted to say the truth out loud.


You were having more mental breakdowns because everything was going awful and you got an awful injury on your arm which resulted in you being unable to use your arm for a few days, but it was your good arm you use for everything, so you could barely do anything. As you were trying to cut a cucumber, ignoring the pain, she worriedly said you should let her cut it. When you said you can still cut a damn cucumber, she frowned but let you be. But the pain got too bad so she took the knife from you, telling you to stop forcing yourself. When you teared up and said you hate this shitty life and want to start a new, better life, she gave you upset eyes, whispering not to say such depressive things. When you mumbled it's true, she put the knife away before pulling you into a hug and assuring you everything will get better before she determinedly said she will beat the Devil's ass for causing you all this sadness.


You were both cuddling when he accidentally hit your finger with his golden hand making it hurt, but right after you said you want a new life so all he could do was stare before asking because he hit your finger. When you laughed and said no, he let out an "ow..." before asking if you aren't happy with him. When you told him you are very happy with him, he grinned, giving you a kiss before asking what you mean then. So while you told him about the life you want, he held you and thought of the best way he can make this dream of your come true. So when you said something he can easily buy, he was quick to jump off the bed, pull a paper and quil out his desk before writing it down then promising he will get you this and do the best he can to make this dream life of yours a reality.


It's a topic that usually comes up when you both get a bit tipsy. You will tell him you are tired of your life right now with all the chaos, he will tell you how life could be better, and then both will keep talking about a new life. But when drunk, he will frown and cover your mouth, saying no more depression talk and happy talk before he pats your shoulder, saying life is life, it is up to you to make it a good or a bad one. When you drunkly said you aren't sure if that is good or bad advice, he shrugged and said he doesn't care, it's just advice before he took a big gulp of his wine. Then he slouched in his seat, changing the topic to something weird.


Having the Devil as your husband means you are the most powerful magician because he has taught you the most powerful spells he knows and perfected them with you. But that also means things went into chaos during that practice. One day while he taught you a spell, it went out of hand and you burned a whole village. He found this funny but when he saw how frozen you looked, he told you it were just some children and parents, nothing special. When your hands began trembling and you whispered you don't want to set the world on fire, he was quick to grab your hands and assure you this accident shall not happen again, you just have to train and perfect it. When you calmed down, he added with a grin that when you have perfected this spell, you can easily burn a whole city down.

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