They thank you for everything

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This is the last scenario so it'll be a long one! Thank you all for the support, love, and comments you have given me. I appreciate all.


He watched you restock the shelves. He's not sure but it hit him suddenly how thankful he is. So hard it brought him to tears.

"Thank you."

The bottle almost slipped out your hand when you turned and saw your husband standing there, tears sliding down his face, hands trembling. The bottle was quick to be put aside and his hands grasped instead. You held them tight, asking him what's wrong. But he shook his head, whispering with a weak chuckle:

"Nothing. I'm happy. I'm thankful. To have you. I never thought you would be back here, so thank you. I love you so much, you can't imagine it."

You observed him for a few seconds then gave him a hug, your own tears forming from his sweet words. Both held each other, his hands holding your clothes in a tight grip, as if you might leave if he loosens them.

The moment got interrupted by the door opening. Both quickly pulled away, wiping faces with awkward chuckles then went back to work.


She came to the bedroom, sighing from exhaustion. Not exhaustion for sleep but exhaustion from work. She sat down on the bed so you looked then went behind her. Your hands slide over her back, to her shoulders, then start rubbing them. Testing various ways until you hear that sigh of relief and her shoulders slouch. Her eyes closed, enjoying it a few minutes then she gently took your hands and turned to look at you.

"Thank you, my love. For this massage, understanding, and being here for me. Know I'm always here for you as well."

You gave her a smile then a soft kiss, assuring you know. A smile grew on her face as well then joked a leg massage would be appreciated as well. You chuckled then told her to lay down and you'll give it; jokingly adding only because of how sweet she just was. It made her laugh while she laid down and got comfortable.


You both had an argument so were in seperate rooms, calming down. As he sat there, alone, he realized this was such a silly thing to fight over and he wants to be back aside you.

"I'm sorry." Your head shot up to the doorway to see him standing there, looking ashamed. His tone was clearly sincere, showing he released how stupid it all was.You let out a sigh, saying it's fine, but he shook his head and hurried to go in front of you. He gently took your hands. "You do so much for me, I shouldn't be arguing with you but instead thanking you for everything." He put his forehead on your knuckles, holding your hands tighter; sighing he does so many idiotic things and all his stupid jokes yet you stay with him.

You watched him ramble on and on. Soon a smile grew then chuckled, giving his forehead a kiss, jokingly saying he's so silly. You pulled your hands out his, just so you can wrap them around him. Rubbed his back, saying let's not fight anymore and go do something fun. He was very quick to nod, hugging back, whispering that sounds like a good idea.


The bed was too comfy for either to leave, and being in each other's hold being even more comfortable so accepted the fact this is how the day will be. His hand mindlessly stroked your hair, a distant look in his eyes as if he's deep in thought. So you curiously asked him what he's thinking about. He stayed silent a second then looked at you;

"I love you. You made me a better person. Thank you for that, and everything else."

You stared at him, processing his words, then a smile grows and hold him tighter. Gave his cheek as you assured him he doesn't have to thank you for that and you also love him. Curiously you asked him why he thinks he became a better person so he began telling you fo how his confidence has grown, less isolated, happier. His hand went from rubbing your hair to your back, telling you of how you have made him a better person without even having to think much of it.


A yawn came from you, even though you tried to keep it down, while opening the front door. Tiredly called out to your wife that you are back. But then fell silent as the cottage was only lit by the candles. Which normally isn't strange as the evening was already here so a candle is always needed to be able to see. But now there were more candles, arranged so neatly. But the main attention grabber was your favorite meal on the table, with Portia standing aside it, in her best clothes, holding a bunch of flowers.

She approached you then held the flowers to you. "I want tonight to be only about you. To show my thanks to you."

Slowly you took the flowers then assured her there's nothing to thank you for but she shook her head.

"No. There's everything to thank you for. Every second with you, even the bad ones, they are all worth it and I wouldn't trade any of them. I love you."

Your heart swelled so you had to take in a deep breathe then pulled her in a hug, thanking her. You didn't feel tired anymore, you never do around her; just seeing her gets you energized and joyful again. Both held each other then she giggled to let's eat before the food gets cold.


He's always affectionate, always saying sweet things. But today was different.

"Thank you for everything."

You stared at him for a bit. He's always affectionate but it's in the joking around manner: surprise hugs, kisses, whispering teasingly in your ear. But this was calm, sincere. It came from somewhere deep within, and held so much. Once you processed it walked to him and gave him a hug, saying it's all gladly done. He wrapped his arms around you.

"I mean it. Thank you for everything. Don't ever leave me, I won't be able to go on without you."

You grew a bit worried where all this is coming from but decided to assure him for now instead of interrogate. So cupped his face in your hands, chuckling he's so sweet then gave him a kiss, assuring he's stuck with you and you with him so he doesn't have to worry.


You came home from visiting a friend. It was late as you both lost track of time. So you sneaked to the bed, not wishing to wake up your husband. But... your husband's not there. After bit of exploring, certain he didn't have to go anywhere today, you found the man. He laid on the couch, hugging a wine bottle. His eyes blinked open then looked to you. He was quick to sit up and pull you to stand before him, hugging your waist, nuzzling his cheek to your stomach.

"I was waiting for you." You could smell the alcohol right off him so you chuckled, saying he should go to bed, but he shook his head. "I began thinking." Your hand went to pet his hair, smiling as when he's drunk he gets rather affectionate. You asked him of what so he answered after a second or two, "You. Us. All you done for us. Thank you for that. Thank you for handling such a bad husband."

You lift his head up, assuring him he is doing his best and you appreciate that but now time for bed. He groaned then wrapped his arms tighter around you and pulled you to lay on him. You didn't fight back, just chuckled then held him and closed your eyes.


He stared at you as you were playing around with a spell. He admired your features as you admired the magic in the air. It got ruined though as suddenly two arms wrap around you from behind; pulling you out of your focus. It was just a spell for fun so could laugh it off, asking him what he's doing. The Devil gave your neck kisses, going to your ear, then said a soft;

"You are the only one who can make me feel these things. Thank you for giving me a chance."

With the Devil you can never tell what he truly wants or desires, sometimes you think you do but turns out you didn't, but now you are certain he means each word and feels the same way to you the way you do to him. So turn around in his hold and give him a kiss, joking that him being soft makes you nervous. He chuckled then assured to savor it because won't be happening often.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now