When you find someone else attractive

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Requested by: MaroonKite

People: your partner finding someone else attractive does NOT equal them wanting to cheat on you or planning to. You can find someone attractive without feeling romantic/sexual appeal.

If you think your partner is so quick to change their mind on who they should be in a relationship with I advise you to quickly have a chat about that.


He doesn't mind, he will even come look to see who it is then give you his opinion of them. Sometimes he just chuckles and gives you the side glance of "are you serious?" but other times he hums and says they are attractive. So both will stand there, discussing why this person is so attractive, or not; basically both end up bonding over the attractiveness of someone else.


She finds that okay, as long as it stays to a respectful and no-emotion/feelings-attached attraction. Because she feels that to some people. She won't lie; if she sees someone who looks great she will say so, and usually compliment that person. It makes her happy when she compliments someone and she can see their whole face light up and turn a shade of red then sees them walk away with confidence and happiness radiating off them. It also gives her a good name as countess, but she dislikes when people think that is why she does it because she does it out of honesty and truth, not to get a good name and rumors about her.


He's stuck between finding them attractive himself but also hating them because his spouse finds them attractive. So if you ask what he thinks of them he will mutter they are fine with a shrug. If that person had a distinct feature he doesn't have he will feel a bit insecure, wondering if he should also get such a feature and if you hate that he doesn't have that. He tries not to talk about it but such little things always surface up, usually also because he just does a bad job at hiding it because he wants to complain but not make it obvious, which makes it obvious.


He gets insecure and doubtful immediately when he sees you eyeing someone attractive. He knows you find them attractive, and so he will have this worry on his mind the whole time. To the point it ends up breaking himself down slowly as he thinks and confirms stuff; thoughts like "I knew they couldn't find me good. Idiot. They need someone better, someone nice to look at" and it keeps going like that until you finally get him to stop ignoring you, which he ended up doing without having realized, and talk to you about this. It always ends with you promising him you like him, all of him, even the little flaws because that makes him him and everyone has flaws so it would be inhuman and weird if he didn't have any, and you can find a different feature, like a certain face shape, attractive while still also liking the other shape as well.


When you tell her of the attractive person she'll usually respond with something like "I know, right?! I been eyeing them for a while." It's honestly one of her great things: she finds beauty in everyone, and those who wouldn't be considered beautiful by society. And she will gladly tell them things, like "I really love your shirt!" and then start a whole conversation with them for a bit then leave, having made a new friend.


He's petty, even he will admit that grumpily if you ask and keep pushing. So he will have this on his mind the whole time; and bring it up each change. For example he will ask how this shirt would look on him then ask if it would maybe look better on that one person. Eventually you are just groaning for him to stop it but he won't. It only stopped when you asked if he's that insecure over himself, to that he huffed an absolutely not, especially not to that person.


He doesn't see many others as attractive, which he thought he would since he has to work with such ugly people, so he doesn't get it when you get attracted to someone and claim they are so attractive. He will bash them down on every little feature, huffing and chuckling, almost mocking. You can't tell if he does it out of jealousy, boredom, or stress-relief: but at this point you think it might just be all three. Soon your attraction to that person kind of dies down as you start to see all the bad features he had pointed out.


He will transform to that person's appearance, asking if this appearance is what you like. Each time he went to his human appearance you would notice tiny changes, changes he noticed you like in the people you feel attractived to. When you pointed this out he just got a mischievous grin then claimed he's trying to figure something out. He never stated what so you could only assume it was figure out which form you will like best, but you aren't sure and decided to just let him be his weird self.

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