You want to tell them something personal but don't feel ready

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I wished to tell my mother about my trip with my awful boyfriend I had years ago but I don't feel ready so that's how I came up with this.

(For those who don't know, years ago when I was 13 or 14, my boyfriend who claimed to be 15 but was actually 17 manipulated and dragged me to another city after school and then forcefully kissed me even when I said no and tried to push him off. Luckily I ran away and got home safely. But I never told my parents about this, and I wish to tell them, but I don't feel ready.)

(The full story is titled "Bilal" in book one for those who wish to read the whole story about it.)


If it's something personal that needs to be said now to help in an adventure, he will softly put his hand on your shoulder, saying he knows it's tough to share personal things but it is important now so there isn't much of a choice. If it isn't important and it can wait, he will assure you to take your time to share it and only do once you feel comfortable enough to do so.


She will not force you, she will just softly put her hand on your hand, saying in a calm, assuring tone that you can share anything with her when you feel ready, you do not have to force yourself. When you mumbled you want to tell her, she gave you a smile and said you can tell her once you feel ready or else you might regret telling her when you aren't mentally ready.


He was unsure what to do or say, unsure if he should tell you to share or to let you keep it hiding, so he just said he's your husband so you can share anything with him. It was silent for a bit so he awkwardly added you obviously don't have to if you don't feel ready. When you said you really want to tell him but you don't feel ready, he was quick to assure you by saying it's okay two times before he said you can share it with him once you feel ready and he will patiently wait.


He stared at the floor before telling you something weird about himself. When he saw your confused expression, he mumbled he shared something personal so now you don't have to feel uncomfortable sharing. So it became a little game. He shared something personal, you shared something personal, he did, you did, until both of you couldn't come up with anything anymore. Once it was done, he felt a little happier, thanking you for trusting him enough to share so much.


She went from energtic to calm very quickly, taking your hand in an assuring grip, saying she is very open-minded so she would never judge you so you can share anything with her. When you frowned, she assured you she will tell nobody else and it might even help you to get it off your chest. When you had an expression that clearly said you don't feel ready to share, she gave you a smile, saying it's okay and once you are ready, she will listen, even if it is during work, she will stop her task and listen.


When he saw you approach, looking as if you wish to share something personal while fidgeting, he put down his work and waited for you to arrive. When you arrived, it was awkward silence so he asked if there is something you wish to share. When you said it's dumb and turned, he was quick to jump up, go in front of you and say nothing you say is dumb before taking your shoulders and making you sit down on his chair so you can get comfortable, assuring you whatever you wanted to say just now you can tell him. When you felt ready to share, he sat on the floor and listened to you, paying full attention.


He was just enjoying his glass of wine when he could just feel you staring at him so he told you there is no need to burn two holes in his head and if you wish to share something, he is willing to listen. When you sat down aside him and said you wish to share but don't feel ready, he put down his glass, mumbling that's troublesome before he looked at you. He stared, debating what to do or say before he softly put his hand on your leg, saying he might be so judgemental sometimes but he would never judge you about anything personal you wish to share to him so you don't have to worry about that. When you said you are ready to share, he glanced at his glass before pointing at it, awkwardly asking if you wish for a glass of wine to feel more comfortable/relaxed. When you chuckled and said you are good, he nod before he took his glass and sat comfortable, giving you a nod to you to signal he's ready to listen so you can start.


He watched as you fidget. You were expecting him to urge you, but he patiently waited, not even having an amused smile like he usually does when you get nervous or scared, he just calmly waited. Once you felt ready, he paid full attention to you.

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