You have to give a speech

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He assured you you would do good as he guided you to the stage, whispering to you phrases you can use if your mind goes blank and/or you panic. As you gave the speech, he watched with a smile, proud of how far you have come.


She assured you you would do good many times before you went on. She felt proud, watching you giving the speech. When you hurried down the stage, saying you must have looked like a floor, she couldn't help btu chuckle and embrace you in a hug, assuring you that you did an amazing job.


As you gave the speech and you glanced at him, he gave you a grin and thumbs up to assure you you are doing an amazing job. When you finished, he gave you a big bear hug, telling you how amazing you were and how you should give more speeches before he asked you how you felt giving it and if you practiced that speech beforehand.


He admired you as you gave a speech to the people. He could feel how passionate you felt from where he stood, he could see the determination in your eyes. When you finished and walked down, asking how you did, he stared at you, still amazed before he mumbled that was amazing. When you chuckled and said it was nothing, he frowned, saying you shouldn't say that because he could never do that and it's amazing you could do such a thing.


When you were too scared to go in front of all those people to give them a speech you didn't even get to prepare for, she took your hands in hers, assuring you with a grin that you will do an amazing job and that you shouldn't be so unsure of yourself before she softly pushed you to the people, mouthing that she's rooting for you.


He watched with a smile, proud to see you up there, giving a speech to the people. He had given you many tips beforehand about the many times he had to give a speech so you can feel prepared. When you came down, he asked how it felt to stand up there. When you felt a bit scared yet powerful, he chuckled, assuring you you will get used to it.


He found it quite amusing to watch you attempt to give a speech. He has given many speeches so he's used to it. When you came down, he told you that was a nightmare to look at before he emptied his wine glass, put it down, took your wrist and dragged you away. When you asked him where he's taking you, he told you to an empty room so he can teach you how to give a proper speech with good body posture.


He watched from his throne, using an orb to see your speech. He couldn't help but chuckle in amusement at the crowd's expression, finding humans so amusing. When you returned, he praised you before jokingly saying that you should stop being a magician and become an orator.

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