When you get injured and try to act as if you are okay

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For some reason writing and my English (I'm a Belgian so my first language is Dutch-Flemish) didn't seem to work today so sorry if it's bad.

Requested by: Maroonkite


He saw it happen so even when you just walked off he knew you were injured. He glanced to Faust with unimpressed eyes. He approached you later when you were seated and took the injured body part, telling you not to squirm then used a spell to heal it.


She let out a gasp when it happened but you said you're fine and tried to walk off but she was quick to call your name like a mother calling her child who did something wrong. It actually worked to stop you and make you let her inspect the wound before she said she will ask the doctor to come visit. You tried to assure her it's fine so she gave you two options; either the doctor or you go to Asra and let him heal you with magic but this wound will be taken care of either way. She went with you so she was sure you got it looked at.


He flinched as it happened then watch you with widen eyes as you tried to walk off as if nothing happened and then he wondered if this is what he looks like when he injures himself then just chuckles about it before walking away. So he slowly asked you if you don't need to get it taken care of but you innocently asked take care of what so he pointed a little to the wound then frowned when he realized he's the doctor here so he should just take care of you. So he told you to stay then ran off and returned with the needed supplies, excitedly saying with a smile he will finally put his education to some use.


He worriedly asked you if you are okay so you assured him you are very okay. He told you you should get it treated but you said no so he stared then looked at the wound before frowning. He knew you would stick to this fake act so he simply just picked you up and walked to Asra and asked Asra to use his magic stuff to heal you because you are refusing to admit you are injured and get treated.


She just chuckled as you tried to act cool but clearly were in pain. She told you she will take care of your wound, assuring you her brother showed her enough so no need to worry. When you tried to walk off she just dragged you to a chair and pushed you down and told you you better stay seated or she will sit on your lap to keep you down.


He panicked, asking if you are okay. The two dogs began barking, mainly because Lucio was freaking out. You said yes even though there were tears forming in your eyes from the pain so he said he's not a fool then dragged you with him to get you wound taken care of.


He asked if you are okay so you said yes but blood began running down the wound and you pressed your lips together so he held his hands out, the wine almost spilling out his drink, asking in an annoyed tone who the hell you are trying to fool then told you like a scolding mother to get take care of that wound before it infects.


He just used magic to heal it before you could even start acting tough so as you huffed you are fine, not even realizing it was gone because you still thought it was there. He hummed of course because he made it so then walked away, leaving you confused then examing the wound to find out it's healed and gone as if there was never even anything.

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