Who moved in with who

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I had this idea since the beginning of the book. Why didn't I write it way earlier? I have absolutely no idea why.


You both have lived together in the shop ever since you can remember and neither of you are really planning on changing that. If you wish to change something, he will still like if you talk to him about it so he knows what you will be changing around or about his shop.


She asked you to live with her but keep your house so that when you both wish to get away from the palace and/or the people there and all the work, you can both live at your house for a bit until you both are ready to live back in the palace. Even if your house is broken, she won't make fun of you for it, politely telling you she will get someone to fix the broken things. She doesn't mind if your house is small or big, whatever color it is, as long as you like your house, that's all that matters.


He and you both a house since he always wanted to buy and own a house. He ran around the house, checking every room, excitedly yelling this is so amazing before he tackled you in a hug and gave you a kiss, happily thanking you for agreeing to buy a house before he ran to the kitchen, saying he wants to cook something in the new kitchen. When you told him not to burn down the new kitchen, he gave you unimpressed eyes but then chuckled and assured you he won't damage the new house. So while you both ate the food you both cooked in the new kitchen, both talked about the furniture you will both need to buy and necessary things for in the house.


You both bought a small, simple, cozy house together but he still kept his hut as a safe/happy/comfort zone so if he can't handle the stress anymore or just wishes to be alone, he can go to his hut and relax there in the comfort of his old house. You got a house with a garden because he wanted a garden so he can plant flowers and build a chicken coop there. It took him a bit to get used to a house, sometimes mutters about how it's too big with too many rooms, but eventually he got used to this new change and even began liking it a bit.


She loves her cottage too much to ever move out, and it's easy for work since it's very close to her work, so you moved in. A few things had to change so your things could get in but she didn't mind throwing a few things away and moving some stuff for your stuff. She was very excited about having her spouse live with her, saying that this was a dream of hers when she was a child, being able to live in the same house with the person she truly loves, but she never thought it would come true so she's very happy that it is indeed true.


Of course you moved into the palace, and not as if you really had a choice. He basically kicked down your door one day, telling you not to live in this small, boring house and come live with him before he dragged you to the palace. But you didn't mind. You had all your stuff, if you need help with anything, the servants were happy to help you, and you can live with your spouse. One of the main reasosn Lucio wanted you to live at his palace was so when he gets off work, exhausted and stressed, he can open the door to see you and feel his stress go away and cuddle you.


He didn't care, he was okay with moving in at your place or you moving in with him, or just buying a new house. As long as it wasn't a small, ugly house. But then Vlastomil bragged about owning a manor so Valerius then got determined to buy a mansion which will look and be better than his so he did and both moved into there. When you said it's so big, he huffed and said as long as he can make that Vlastomil jealous, he doesn't care. When you mumbled he's way too annoyed about this small issue, he went on a rant about how Vlastomil shouldn't brag about it since his mansion is just covered with disgusting worm stuff and now he can brag about how he has a clean and better mansion with a lovely spouse.


He refuses to live anywhere else besides his home. You live at both his place and yours. Yours on Earth and his on his realm. If you need anything like furniture for your room, he will just snap his fingers and you have it. You can change anything you want in your room, but not his room. Yes, you both have separate bedrooms because sometimes he's still work while you are sleeping so he doesn't wish to wake you up so he got you your own room where you can sleep when he has nights he has to stay up. Plus, he didn't want you changing anything about his room so he also got you your own room so you can change anything you want in there.

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