When you tell them their new friend is planning to betray/use them

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You can decide who it is, whether someone from the game or just someone you made up and the reason why they are betraying them. (Except for Lucio and the Devil's scenario)

It's left open ended so you can decide what they do next.


It was hard for him to believe, mainly because he only befriends people he truly trusts so for him to find out they are planning to betray him, it was difficult, also made him wonder if his judgement of people is getting bad. He wasn't sure how to go about this so he stayed at home, sitting at the table, tapping the table with his fingers while deciding what to do. He looked at Faust, asking her what she thinks he should do.


She was talking to the person right now when you walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder, leaning to the side of her face so she held up a hand to politely ask the person to wait. As you whispered to her their plan to betray her, she narrowed her eyes at you. While she always believes you, she cannot just start hating someone simply because you say so, whatever you heard might even have been heard wrong or a silly rumor. As you whispered the reason, she could see why so she nod then smiled and continued the conversation with them. Once they left, she told some guards to keep an eye on them and report any suspicious behaviour to her. Whenever she met them after that, she was more alert and didn't believe anything they said but didn't show she knew of their plan to betray her.


He has many friends, some of which are criminals so he knows there is always a chance one of them will use or betray him. So when you told him about it, he just chuckled and assured you he expected this so don't worry. He didn't worry too much about it. He will only begin worrying if they also start targeting you, but if it's just him, then he doesn't care and will just shrug it off. When he meets them again, he will still just act like he always does because he rather avoid unneeded conflict.


He didn't really even consider them a friend. He even felt awkward around them as they seemed to be a bit pushy and as if trying to get something from him. He worried he might just be paranoid and not used to having friends so he awkwardly asked you if he's overthinking it. To which you told him to wait and hurried off, then returned and angrily said they were planning to use him. All he did was stare before nervously asking you where you went to to get this information. When you assured him he doesn't have to worry about that, he slowly hummed before mumbling he will just ignore them. He then suddenly realized something, asking why they can remember him, wondering if the "curse" Asra put on him is wearing off, but you frowned and said they somehow got their hands on the herb that lets them remember him. This made him feel unsafe, worried, and nervous so you were quick to take his hand and assure him you will take it away from them so he doesn't have to be scared.


She was so happy to have a new friend, already deciding what the two could do to become closer. She was at home, checking her money to see if she could take her new friend with her to the market and just bond while shopping, only to look to the front door as you entered. She wanted to happily greet you, only to frown and worriedly ask what's wrong as you didn't look happy but annoyed. You took a seat across of her, telling her that you just heard something. As you began explaining to her about how this person is faking to be her friend and planning to use her, Portia got this sad, disappointed look as she let this information go through her mind. She felt so disappointed as she felt so happy to bond with someone new. Thinking about it, she did find it weird how this person suddenly appeared and they got along a bit too well and the person seemed to know exactly what she likes and her personality. So she slammed her money pouch shut, definitely not gonna spend money with this person she cannot trust anymore.


It was a fellow count who came to visit. Lucio already found it suspisous but said whatever, let's just get it over with and listened to their boring rambles about how he should come visit them. As he was at the dining table, listening to them, twirling his fork, bored out his mind, you suddenly entered. He immediately perked up, sitting better, watching you, clearly hoping you have something exciting to say or are about to drag him away from this boring person. As you leaned down and whispered they are planning to attack in the night, his fork stopped in its twirling before he squinted his eyes at you. He then looked to the count and forced a smile, saying it seems he has to go, his spouse needs him for something. He got up and hurried out with you. As he walked, he ordered two guards to follow and one to gather all the guards avaible. He ordered the guards to all guard tonight, which they did. And you were right, at the night, you two jumped in shock at the shouts of screams and swords hitting armor. He couldn't help but chuckle as he took his sword off the table, saying finally something exciting is going on.


He stood at this boring ball, standing at the table with food and drinks, watching the person across the room. As they made eye contact, he lifted his wine glass as if to greet them then looked as he noticed you approach. He watched you put some food on a plate before you told him in a low voice about the person and how they are gonna betray him. Valerius glanced to the person then asked how you can be sure, pouring himself a new glass of wine. So you told him how you are certain then took his arm, whispering for him to be careful. He looked at you for a few seconds, finding it weird how you can say that and his heart will still skip a beat at the fact that you care for him and want him to be safe even though you both have been together for so long now. He gave you a little smile and told you of course then sipped his wine and continued watching the people, waiting for some drama to happen or to overhear some gossip.


He made an alliance with the Hanged Man for a certain reason. As you entered, he just smirked and watched you walk up the steps to him. As you reached him, he held his hand out, wishing for you to take it. So you did. You took it, letting him gently pull you closer so you stood between his legs. He asked you what's wrong as you said you were gonna be busy doing something today. You just traced his horns before saying you were busy, trying to find out something. He hummed before asking you what you tried to find out. You told him about why the Hanged Man joined, that he had a goal in mind, but that goal was not similar with his. While this was expected, the Devil didn't like it, it meant the Hanged Man can ruin his plans and get him further away from his goal. He nod, thanking you before grinning and pulling you on his lap, telling you you did a good job then gave you a kiss. He just held you on his lap, tracing over your body with a finger, deep in thoughts, trying to see what his next moves should be.

I'm sorry if this was bad. I thought it would turn out better but it didn't and I wrote this whole thing and it would be a waste to just delete it.

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