When Nadia sends a letter asking you both to come visit for a cup of tea

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Sorry if I'm declining requests more than I did in the first book, I just don't like doing requests as much as I used to. I like doing my own ideas more because they aren usually things you won't find in another book or not so easily so it's also way more fun to write them. 


He will accept it. He's always curious when she invites you two to a cup of tea because usually there is something more to it, usually it means Nadia needs his or your help. He doesn't mind though, he finds it better than someone barging in the shop and demanding his help, he rather politely be invited for a cup of tea with some tasty snacks and calmly talk about it. He will tell you about it, handing the letter to you so you can read it yourself


When you are helping Asra at his shop for few days, she will usually send a letter when she's feeling lonely or has something urgent to say. If she misses you, she will say so in the letter. If it's for something urgent or secretive, she will just ask you to meet her for a cup of tea as soon as you can so anyone who steals the letter can't know what it's really about and just seems like a wife hoping for her spouse to come visit her.


He will get nervous, asking you why she would want to see you both before gasping and asking if she's gonna punish him for the illegal things he did. When you gave him a "what illegal things?" look, he named them up, some of which were breaking into Asra's shop, not paying his tab at the pub, having been a pirate, such things. When you chuckled and said are quite sure Nadia wouldn't call him for those things by asking you both for a cup of tea, he frowned and mumbled he hopes so. So he was nervous the whole time while sipping his cup of tea, only to frown, recognizing this taste from somewhere then curiously asking Nadia where she got this tea before telling her a story.


He will get nervous and anxious, asking you if he has to go. When you said you thought he and Nadia were good friends, he played with his cloak while mumbling he can stand her the most of out all your friends and she's very nice and respectful, he just doesn't like being in the palace with all those rich, judgemental people and such. After a bit of assuring, he finally went along. Nadia even had a table set outside in the garden so Muriel wouldn't have to go inside the palace. As he held the cup, which seemed tiny in his hands, he mumbled a thank you for inviting him to Nadia, who smiled and said it's her pleasure and she hopes he likes the tea and biscuits she has prepared, to which Muriel quickly nodded.


She got excited, bouncing around, saying her lady is asking to have a cup of tea with her, only to gasp and say a servant isn't allowed to sit down with the countess and have a cup of tea. When you said a servant also isn't allowed to decline an order, she stared before chuckling, saying that's right but this isn't an order but a request. She put the letter on the table carefully before excitedly rushing to the bedroom, saying she's gonna wear her best clothes.


He will say a "huh?", confusd why his ex-wife is asking for him, only to get unimpressed as he saw Nadia wrote at the bottom of the letter that she's mainly asking for you. But he sighed, knowing he can't just expect her to be all kind to him after what they went through and this is better than nothing so he rolled it back up then walked to you, telling you Nadia is asking for you both to come visit.


He will be confused then groan, knowing there will be talk about work. But he wasn't gonna decline it since it's the countess. He was confused why she wants you there making him wonder if there is something terrible going on and she needs you to fix it with your magic. He told you about it, lazily waving the letter, clearly not in the mood. As he listened to Nadia and sipped the tea, all he could think was that he really wishes this was some wine then began looking around in hopes of spotting some wine, only to frown when he didn't see any and return to acting as if he cares about what Nadia was talking about.


He had a good laugh about it. Of course he accepted, he wanted to know what this lady's scheming. So he visited, making sure to do it at a very busy moment just so her plans would be interrupted and ruined and annoy her. As he sat on her sofa, he held you close just because he liked the look of annoyance, anger, and disapproval on Nadia's face when he pulled you closer and nuzzled your cheek.

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