When you wish to apply a face mask on them

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I once saw someone complain about a character not liking something the MC did (it was on my Miraculous Ladybug book) and how rude it is and how they would never want such a boyfriend, so I want to make this very clear: Just becase you are dating someone, doesn't mean they have to like every single thing you do to and/or with them. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, just because you are dating, doesn't mean the things they dislike suddenly go away.

For example; if they don't like being hugged, don't expect them to suddenly like it out of nowhere when you hug them just because you are their lover.

Requested by: Mr_lero_Way


He will chuckle and let you do it. laughing when you said in an annoyed tone his damn hair keeps falling in the way. As he waited, he read a book and pet Faust. When you wiped it off, he gave you a smile and thanked you, saying now he will have fabulous skin because of you.


She always puts one or two on once a week. If you wish to apply it for her, she will let you do it. If you don't know how to do it, she will gladly teach you how to apply the face. While she waits, she will talk with you until she has to take it off. When you were done taking it off, she smiled and thanked you.


He will take his eyepatch off and hold his hair back as you apply it, letting out a weird noise when you applied it before he blushed, embarrassed by the noise he made before he said it feels weird. As he had to wait, he pout, saying this is boring and he wants to go do something more fun. When you removed it, he touched his face, wondering if it did anything before he thanked you.


He never done it, and when you asked to do it, he awkwardly denied because he found it weird. But when you asked again with puppy eyes, he couldn't help but mumble fine and let you do it. He didn't like it at all, it felt weird and uncomfortable. When you wiped it off and told him he's so handsome and thanked him for letting you do it even though he disliked it, his face turned bright red as he stuttered out not to say such embarrassing things.


She will gladly let you do it and apply one on you then both just hang out until the time is done and then remove it. She likes these moments, just sitting here with her spouse, chatting while applying face masks to each other.


He always does fancy face masks and stuff, claiming he has to keep this fabulous face as fabulous as possible. When you ask to put it on, he will let you, telling you the whole time to put it everywhere evenly and don't apply it too thickly and do it correctly.


He will only do face masks if he has something special coming up like a meeting or a party. While you apply it, he will just read his book. When you finish, he will thank you.


You asked him and he denied, telling you he isn't planning to put that stuff on his fur. After enough complaining, he sighed and changed into the human form he uses when he goes with you to Earth and let you apply it. He found it weird, boring and annoying so he never let you do it again.

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