When it is night but you are still out

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He has weird sleep schedules, always changing each week, so one time you will come home to see him deep asleep, another he will still be awake and reading something or doing stuff in the shop, and another you might come home just at the same time he's returning from a journey so it's always a little fun surprise to how you will find Asra. If he's not there then obviously he won't even know you are out, but if he's at home and you are still out at night he will just wonder if he should call to you via the liquid but usually when he starts wondering this it's when you enter so you are always back on time before he truly begins worrying. He knows you are very talented so he doesn't worry easily as he knows you can just easily set anyone who tries anything bad on fire.


She will send Chandra. Not to tell you to come back home or spy on you, just so she can know if you are okay. She loves that you are out and enjoying your time, that's what she wants; for you to be happy and have fun, but the night is dangerous so she will still worry. So when Chandra returns and gives a reassuring nod then she can finally relax and know you are okay. If Chandra were to shake her head she will immediately get guards and hurry to where you are, ready to come help you.


He will most likely be there with you so that's good because it means you two are having fun and the day flew by and now it's night. If he's not there he will be jealous he's not there but let you be and have your own fun. He will be doing weird things to keep himself busy and make time fly so you can come home quicker.


He will first try to come along so he can be sure you are protected and safe so it's a back-and-forth of you saying no and him making up reasons why he should be there. Eventually when you leave, finally having assured him enough of how safe and cautious you will be, he will stay awake until you return, too worried to sleep. His mind making up all the worst possible scenarios that can happen to you. When you finally arrive back home he's quick in front of you, asking with anxious eyes if you are okay and how it went.


She has to wake up early for work so she can't be staying awake too long but she will try to stay awake as long as she can before she really has to go to bed. If you get back while she's still up she will excitedly ask how it went and if you had fun. Both talk about it while lying on the bed, which she usually falls asleep on so the next day she will apologize many times for having fallen asleep during your story and to please continue telling her now. If you get home when she already had to go to bed she will just ask about how it went the next day.


He will be complaining like a child about wanting to come along. If he may come along he will cheer, saying let's have a lot of fun tonight and do many crazy things. If he's not allowed to come he will pout and frown like a child, looking as if he might even throw a tantrum, but let you go have your fun. He will just pace around, rambling to his dogs and bird about how he can be fun so why can't he come along and that you will now just be bored and wish he came along. He did stop and cross his arms, mumbling though you do deserve your own fun time and not every moment has to be spend together but he loves spending time together. So he just began playing with his dogs to keep himself busy and his mind off how jealous he is of not being allowed to come along.


He will be sleeping because he has to wake up on time for work so he can't be staying awake, waiting for you. And he's not your parent so he doesn't need to do that. When he wakes up and sees you he will just ask you then how it was and when you came back home.


He has a magical orb with which he can see you at anytime so he will just have it floating aside him and on the whole time while he's doing his time. When you finally return he will make it disappear then calmly ask you how it was as if he wasn't just watching it all happen live.

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