When you come back home from a long journey away

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I think I already did this, or maybe it's something very similar I'm thinking of, but I can't find it so I decided to just go ahead and write it anyway.


He's usually also gone on a journey when you are so sometimes he's home first but other times you are home first. When he's home first and he sees you return from your journey as well, he will chuckle and tell you he also just got home then ask you how it went. If he comes home to see you are already home, he gets so excited and happy, immediately searching for you so he can give you a big hug and tell you all about his journey.


When her bedroom door opened, she knew it could only be you since no one else would just open the countess her door without knocking or asking. She watched with a smile as you dragged yourself to her then wrapped your arms around her and dropped your head on her, muttering you are home. She chuckled and pet your head in a praising manner, saying you indeed are and you must be very tired now so rest for a bit. She assured you servants will take care of anything like bags, unless you wish to unload your stuff personally, so don't worry about that.


He will be so excited when it's the time you said you would be returning. He will make sure the house is clean and everything is okay so you don't have anything to worry about when you come home. When the front door opens, he's so quick to rush to it, this having caused him to almost or get injured multiple times, before excitedly greeting you and pulling you into a tight hug. When you pat him, saying you are also happy to see him but need air, he awkwardly laughed sorry before asking you how it went and if you had fun. He dragged your bags inside and dropped them somewhere before flopping on the sofa and patting aside him to motion to sit and tell him all about it.


He was chopping wood when you returned. He didn't realize you were back, too focused on chopping the wood, he only noticed when Inanna suddenly ran past. He watched Inanna jump on you causing you to fall over. He couldn't help but frown in worry, strictly saying Inanna's name to tell her to get off but you assured him it's fine. He watched you pet the wolf, telling her how you also missed her. His face got a bit red from embarrassment as he realized he's starting to get jealous because of how much affection and attention you are giving Inanna and not him. He just silently picked up your stuff and carried it inside, only to tense up when you suddenly hugged him from behind. The redness was slowly going away from his face but now it was returning, especially when you told him how much you missed him and how you were only thinking on the way back home of showering him in affection once you get home.


She was readying all the ingredients to make your favorite dish for when you come home. When she saw a figure approaching the house with bags, she immediately knew who it was. She tossed the ingredients to the side and rushed to the front door, throwing it open, happily yelling your name before rushing over. She tackled you in a hug, telling you how much she missed you. She took your bags over while excitedly asking you how it went and ushering you into the house.


He will have a party ready to be thrown the second you step a foot inside. Even if you tell him there is no need for this, he will insist there is and it's also just a good excuse to throw a party and have fun. If you have interesting stories, he will tell you to entertain the guests with them. Once the party is over and everyone left, he will still be excitedly asking you about your journey, asking you if anything dangerous happened or if you had to use your magic at any point. If he hears you were in danger, he will huff and say he told you to take the dogs with you for extra protection.


He will just greet you, asking you how it was while taking any extra bags you can't carry. He will help you unpack while listening to whatever you have to say about your journey. Sometimes he will ask you to bring something from there so he will ask if you brought it. If you bring him a wine from the place you travelled to, he will be very grateful and excited, already pouring himself a glass to try it out.


He will be able to sense you arriving back home so he's already waiting at the front door for you, which always scared you the first few times and made him laugh. He will greet you, asking how your journey was while using magic to make your stuff be unpacked and placed back neatly where it should be.

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