When you cause a child to cry

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I made a Red Dead Redemption 2 scenario book so please check it out if you are interested.

Requested by: SENI_PETL

You can decide yourself if you made the child cry on accident or purpose.


He will be stuck between shocked and confused. He will be unsure what happened but still comfort the child, asking them what happened then showing them some little magic tricks to cheer them up and distract them so they will stop crying.


If it happened by accident she will understand how it happened and comfort the child, telling you not to worry about it and accidents can happen. If you did it on purpose she's quick to yell your name in a scolding tone before apologizing to the child then demanding you apologize to this poor child.


He let out a nervous sound, unsure what just happened then awkwardly asking you what happened. So once you finished explaining, he will still be feeling nervous and awkward, unsure what to do in this situation then just pat the kid's back, unable to help but chuckle with how nervous he is as he assures the kid it's okay and you didn't mean it.


He will be feeling very awkward, already not feeling comfortable around children because he's always scared of scaring them. He will first think he caused it by being so big and scary looking. When you assured him it wasn't because of him but you, he just got confused,asking why the child is crying because of you. He will try to comfort the child by handing it a little colorful flower, awkwardly muttering it's okay.


She gasped then called your name in a scolding tone before quickly crouching to getto the child's level and assuring them it's okay. She rubbed their back soothingly as they cried then she began talking to them about various things like how pretty the flowers look and how she has a cat at home then asking their favorite pet as a way to make the child focus on her and stop crying. Once the child stopped crying, she took their hand and assured them she will bring them to their mommy then looked at you and told you to wait on her here and can both talk about what just happened here.


He will roll with eyes with a sigh, wondering which parent left their damn child near them. If you did it on purpose he will be a bit confused and ask you why you even did that but he won't really care much. He will act as if he does so people will think the count is a good man, but he honestly will just be thinking that the child should stop that annoying sound and go back to their parent.


He won't care that you caused it, he's just annoyed now he has to listen to this annoying sound. He will only be annoyed with you for causing the sound. He told you to be more careful then looked around, asking what kind of parent even leaves their child alone then huffing that that parent better not start complaining when they are at fault for leaving their child unsupervised.


He doesn't care if it was accidental or on purpose, he would have done it himself anyway, because the sound of a child crying because of pain inflicted to them is very enjoyable to him, especially because of how annoying these little humans are.Though he likes the ones who are easily scared or easy to manipulate because they are fun to play around with and mess up a bit.

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