You ask during a heated argument if a divorce would make them happy

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The argument was so heated that Faust went into hiding. When you suddenly loudly asked if a divorce would finally make him happy, he gave you this "what the heck" look then angrily yelled back of course not. When you argued back you sometimes think it would, he angrily gestured to everything around, yelling he wouldn't be living in the same area with you still, cooking meals together, going on adventures together, just loving you in general if that was true. As silent fell, he gestured his hands up as "why would you even think this?" then asked you how you could possibly think that. It was very obvious from how he reacted and the tears swelling in his eyes that what you said had truly hurt him. He had to take a seat, putting his face in his hands, stressed and exhausted from all the arguing and now hurt by what you said. When you tried to speak he just held up his hand, whispering to please stop. He got back up after a few seconds, suggesting you both continue finish this after some time alone to think then left the room.


She always tries to keep herself in but when you asked that question the vase aside her almost flew across the room so she stormed to the other side of the room were no objects were. She asked how you dare even ask her that then said you asking that question just makes it seem as if she should be the one asking you that. When you argued of course you wouldn't want to divorce her, she asked with obvious annoyance why you would think she would then and why you would even ask her this. She was very insulted and hurt you asked it, it was something she wasn't gonna forget easily and still be annoyed, sad, hurt, and confused about for the next couple of days. The argument was going nowhere and were just starting to annoy and hurt each other so she stormed out, saying she has important work to do and that you two will finish this when she's done.


He froze then asked "w-what?", unsure if what he heard was really what he heard then he gasped of course not. He waved his hands around a bit, unsure what to even say now or where to even start then he just dropped them and asked "what" again, so confused why you suddenly went from the topic you two were arguing about to a divorce. He finally got over the confusion and loudly said of course not then realized how louder than he wanted that came out so he said softer of course not. He sighed and suggested to stop this argument as it's leading nowhere and just causing you both to get very angry and upset with each other and he doesn't want that at all.


Everything came to a stop. His face twisted into a confused frown, saying a scared "n-no?", not sure why you would even think that then he nervously began saying how this is just an argument and that he doesn't want you to think he hates you or anything because he never would. He got very scared that he might you think he dislikes you in any way, assuring you he still loves you and still wants to be married to you but this is an issue that needs to be talked about. As it was silent, he awkwardly admitted he doesn't even know how the discussion turned to this heated argument.


She gasped "excuse me" then groaned and stormed away, slamming the door shut with clear annoyance. Before you could follow the door was thrown open and she said with sadness and anger that's a damn insult if you truly think she would be happy with that. She had to go to work so she snatched her bag and stormed to the front door. She turned to point at you, not really sure herself what to say then she just said this will be continued when she comes back from work. The time apart was good as it gave you two time to think about the argument and what was all said. When she came home and you apologized and admitted that wasn't right of you to say with all she has done for you and the clear love and happiness she has for you, she nod then said you are forgiven. After that both calmly talked and finished the discussion.


He looked in disbelief then he began laughing, running his hand through his hair causing it to become messy and make him look insane. He just laughed so when you angrily asked why the hell he's laughing right now, he laughed out, yet sounded very annoyed, because that's the funniest joke he's ever heard. When you said it's not a joke and it was a serious question, his laughing immediately came to a stop that it was even creepy. He stared at you then said he thought he married a smart person because you are the biggest idiot in this whole palace if you think he would ever be able to be happy without you near him.


He gave you a "what?!" look, holding his hands out, his wine almost spilling all over the floor, then he huffed in disbelief, asking if a simple heated argument is all you need to want a divorce. When you argued no but you are starting to think divorcing you would make him happy, he screamed back it wouldn't and to stop thinking you know what he's thinking since you clearly don't. He asked why you would even just say that when it wasn't even about that then just continued the argument, now clearly more annoyed than before.


He stared at you then waved his hand and suddenly you were in your bedroom. You tried to storm out but the doors were locked so kicked them, screaming for him to open these doors and talk to you. But he didn't, all he did was flop onto his throne and rub his face with his hands then keep his face buried in them. He can't do this at times, he knows he shouldn't even be married to you, that you definitely deserve something better than the cruel inhumane being he is, but he can't let you go, he loves you too much. Falling for you was never part of the plan and he hates himself so much for letting it happen, but he did and now he can't turn it back around, and he doesn't think he even would because he can't live without you now.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon