You both stop at a creepy/weird town while on a journey

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I got the upright ending for Muriel and the reversed ending for Lucio...

(I don't play Portia's route because I see her as my best friend so her route feels uncomfortable/awkward to play.)


It was a normal town, or at least that's what you both thought. As you were buying some food, Asra glanced to the street you both just came from, only to stare, swearing that house wasn't there before. As he stared, he only now noticed there was no one else outside besides you, him and the owner of the stand. Before he could think further into it, you asked him something so he snapped out his thinking and looked at you, asking you what you just said. As you both got a room at an inn, he was staring outside, unable to sleep, feeling unease. Just as he was about to close the curtains, a building vanished causing him to freeze and stare before he softly cursed. He hurried to you, shaking you awake before he told you to pack your things because this town isn't real. When you yawned, asking him what he means, he took your bag and told you this whole thing is a hallucination, probably a game from the Devil, so you both should hurry out. By the time you both had gotten dressed and out the inn, the whole town was gone. When you mumbled this is even strange for the Devil, Asra nod in agreement before he took your hand and hurried back to the road you both were taking before going to this town.


You were both exhausted when she spot an inn so she tugged your sleeve before pointing, saying it might seem creepy but it is better to sleep in an inn than outside. As you both enter, you immediately noticed the people sitting at tables, drinking out of mugs, silently staring at you two. Nadia decided to ignore it and just focus on getting a room for you two. She politely asked the owner with a smile if they have a free room she and her lover can stay at for the night. When the owner eyed her up and down, clearly in a sexual manner, you wanted to punch them but Nadia took your hand in a grip that assured you it's okay. When the owner handed her an old key, she thanked them and laid down a few coins before walking to the room. You both barely got any sleep as weird noises kept coming. Crows, footsteps, bed creaking, whispers, etc... When you mumbled you think sleeping outside would have been better, Nadia sighed and whispered she can't say she disagrees. When morning came, you both were more than happy to leave the weird, creepy inn and continue the adventure.


It was a town like any other. You bought some food, Julian drank a beer or two, both walked around to see what this town has to offer, and then rented a bedroom in the attic at an inn for the night. As you and Julian slept, you woke up to a loud scream. Julian also sat up, barely awake and looking ready to fall right back asleep. When he noticed you standing at the window, he asked you what's wrong as he got out of bed and walked to you. He wanted to ask why you look shock only to trail off and stare outside. Outside were a ton of people on the ground, blood surrounding them. Julian nervously asked if this is a massacre. Before you could reply, loud banging came on the door causing you two to flinch and stare at the door, your tired brains trying to figure out what's going on. Julian did the first thing in his mind; try to open the window, which failed so he kicked the glass in. When it was broken, he told you to climb out. He helped you crawl through the window and onto the roof. He cursed when the door broke so he got out as quickly as he could, which resulted in his legs getting cut by the broken glass, but he didn't care, they would just heal. You used your magic to form an ice slide, which you both slid down on. You both just ran away and didn't look back. When you met Nadia again, you told her about the town, and she send some guards over to investigate it and arrest the murderers.


You both stopped at this little town with very friendly people. Too friendly for Muriel's liking. As you wanted to pay for the food you ordered at a tavern, the owner happily told you there is no need and travellers are a rare thing. You didn't think much of it, free food is always fun after all, but Muriel felt very uncomfortable with how the owner kept smiling at you two. He stood very close to you the whole time, tugging you closer whenever one of those people talked to you, not trusting this town at all. When you both ate and slept, you both got ready for the road again. As the tavern owner came with a smile, saying you two can stay longer, Muriel was quick to take your bag in one hand and your hand in his other, pulling you closer, mumbling you two have to go before he hurried away. Once you were both far away from the town, he let out a sigh, saying that place creeped him out.


The town you both stopped at was creepy, or at least at first glance. Everyone ignored you and Portia, but as you began thinking, you realized something so you tugged Portia's sleeve to stop her from wandering around, telling her they aren't creepy but scared of you. She was confused so you held out your hand, casting a small fire causing the people nearby to gasp and scatter. When you told Portia that some towns have a huge fear of magicians, she frowned, saying that's mean because you are a very kind person and they have no reason to fear you. You tried to assure her it's fine and you both should just buy some food for the road then leave, she already hurried to the middle of the town. She stood on a crate before waving her arms, asking for everyone's attention before she pointed at you, saying you are a magician but you are very kind and have never hurt anyone with bad intentions and are now on a journey to save the world. You tried to tell her she's overreacting and should get down, but she added that she understands having a fear of magic but you would never mis-use your magic and you won't use any magic while in this town so they can come out of hiding and continue their lives. She got down with a smile, saying that she couldn't just let people give you such fearful/disgusted looks without assuring them that you are a good person before she took your hand and went to a food stand to buy some food for on the journey.


You were both walking through a town. It looked abandoned, no one in sight. When a loud crash came from within a house, Lucio flinched and put his hand on his sword handle, asking if you heard that. When you asked if he's scared, he straightened his shoulders, saying of course he isn't. When you told him to invesitage it then, he glanced at you before huffing a huff that said "I will do it and show you how I'm not scared". As he walked around the house, he pulled out his sword very quickly when the floor creaked, only to sigh when he saw Mercedes. He pointed at the dog, telling her not to mention that to you before he continued investigating. He found nothing so he exit, telling you nobody or nothing is around, not even food. As you both walked back to the road, Lucio stared at a window of a house, swearing he saw a very pale, ghostly woman pass it. He tugged your sleeve so you glanced. He pointed at it, saying he swears there was someone. When you called out hello and nobody replied, you shrugged and said this town has no benefit for either of you so better continue the journey so you can reach another town, which hopefully will have some food.


He doesn't go with you on your adventures so when you came home, hurriedly telling him about some creepy town, he was very happy he never goes along and decides to stay home. He handed you a glass of wine, assuring you that you are home now, away from that creepy place before he told you if you need to ramble about it, he's here. So as you told him about the town, he listened while sipping some wine.


It was his town... He created a town using his magic and it was the creepiest place you ever seen. You tried to leave but the Devil stood behind you, clenching your shoulders, guiding you around, giving you a grin and saying he will gladly give you a tour.

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