You snap/lose your cool

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I got this idea while watching clips from Boardwalk Empire and Charlie Luciano lost his cool with Arnold Rothstein. (I really recommend the show if you are into 1920s mafia shows with a few historical figures like Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, etc... with amazing/famous actors like Steve Buscemi, Michael Shannon, etc. It's my favorite mafia show and probably my favorite HBO show. I can rant about it for hours but I will spare you that.)


The Devil decided to just randomly pop in and begin saying some weird things. Weird but very mocking and insulting things, and he got exactly the reaction he wanted when you tried to lounge at him, yelling at the top of your lungs at him. Asra had to hold you back, yelling not to do anything stupid or else the Devil will kill you both. When you stopped shouting and trying to attack the Devil, Asra slowly let go of you, staring at you as you panted, the anger slowly dying down in your eyes. Asra swallowed before he looked over his shoulder to the Devil, politely asking him to leave if he has nothing good to say. Once the Devil left, Asra told you that was exactly what he wanted. You whispered sorry, he shook his head, saying nothing bad happened so it's okay.


It was at a party, some rich man began saying things, but you could tell he was sugarcoating what he was saying so you asked him what he is trying to actually say. The man smiled and said nothing, which annoyed you more so you angrily said you do think it's something so he better tell you. Nadia realized you were slowly losing your cool so she was quick to take your arm, letting out a nervous laugh as she said to the man her lover has being working very hard so you are just tired and he must excuse you. She whispered to you to calm down so you held out your hands to show her you are no threat, loudly saying in a clearly-not-calm voice that you are calm and just want to know what this bastard is trying to say. When the man blurted out he doesn't approve of the relationship between you and Nadia, even Nadia turned to look at the man with a "what the hell did you just say?" expression. Before she could speak, you were already asking how the fuck that is his business and he's a stranger to you so you don't care about his shitty thoughts. Nadia realized if she doesn't put a stop to this, you won't be able to calm down so she called over two guards and asked them to escort the man out. When the man said you are the one being angry, Nadia calmly said he is the cause of it so if he leaves, you will finally calm down. Once the man was gone, Nadia whispered to you to go back to your room and calm down.


You already had a ton of stress and then some woman in the market said something awful about Julian so you lost it. Julian was quick to pick you up and hurry home before you destroy the whole market in your rage. You punched the wall, so he was quick to your fist, telling you not to hurt yourself. When you angrily hit his chest, yelling you don't like it, he didn't mind it so he just let you weakly hit his chest and cry, letting all that stress, sadness and anger out. When you calmed down and said sorry, he shook his head, saying it's okay before he picked you up and put you down on the bed, telling you to take a few days off and just relax before he gave your forehead a kiss, whispering he will fix you some dinner and get you a glass of water. He asked you for a few days if you are okay, worrying you still aren't okay, insisting you take more days off from all this adventure stuff.


The poor man didn't have a clue what was going on, he simply wanted to ask you what you wish to eat for dinner, when you angrily kicked the table over and shouted stuff. He stared, unsure what to do or say, before he carefully asked if you are okay. When you looked at him with a look that asked "do I look okay to you", he mumbled a sorry before awkwardly putting the table back where it stood. He decided to just make you your favorite meal in hopes it will cheer you up. Once you calmed down, he asked you if you want to talk about what happened, awkwardly adding in a mumble you don't have to tell him if you don't feel comfortable.


She noticed you have been looking upset lately so she asked you why you aren't happy. When you shrugged and said no reason really, she pout and refused to accept such an answer. She kept asking it over and over why you aren't happy, to the point it pushed you to throw your mug and yell you can't be happy 24/7. She let out a gasp, covering her mouth, watching with fear as you angrily kicked the kitchen chair, screaming you have to save the whole world from a humanoid goat so it is impossible for you to be happy every single fucking day because you have all this stress on you and everyone is expecting you to succeed in this extremely difficult journey that could end with you or her dying. It was silent for a few seconds as she still had her hands over her mouth, watching you panting before you sank through your legs, one hand holding the kitchen table tightly, silently crying into your other hand. She slowly walked to you before crouching down, softly putting her hand over the one that tightly held the table, rubbing her thumb over your knuckles, before she whispered she's sorry. When you put your forehead on her shoulder, she wrapped her arm around you, whispering she's so sorry for expecting you to always be happy. When you mumbled it's okay, she nod and gave your head a kiss, still feeling awful for expecting you to be happy always.


Both had just escaped a deadly fight. Everything was getting on your nerves. Both in this strange realm, almost died in a fight because Lucio insisted on fighting instead of running, he almost died while doing so, so when he laughed and said that was exciting, you snapped. You angrily snatched the weird snow-like ground and threw it against him making him curse and flinch, asking you what your issue is. When you angrily yelled you both almost died and he claims that to be exciting, he just rolled his eyes and said nobody died so it's fine, you angrily threw more of the weird ground at him, screaming you thought he died during the fight, he realized he fucked up and should shut up. He stayed silent, staring as you panted, fear, anger, and so much stress visible in your eyes so he slowly reached out, softly putting his hand on your shoulder before he pulled you in a soft, comforting embrace. It was silent for a few seconds before he tightened his grip, whispering he's sorry and he didn't mean to scare you like that, he just can't control it when he sees a fight, he was raised to join the fight, not run away, so he can't help it.


He can tell when you are about to snap, so he will pour an extra glass of wine before making you sit down with him, telling you to talk to him. When you try to leave, he will just tug you back down before assuring you he's here to help you so you can tell him anything. After you told him your problems, if he can help fix them, he will do so. When you get up, he will take your hand to stop you from leaving so he can tell you not to do anything stupid while softly rubbing his thumb over your knuckles in a soothing manner. When you nod, he gave you a nod in return before letting go of your hand.


Obviously he finds it greatly amusing. When you glared at him and angrily asked him if he's enjoying his own lover snapping, he just smiled and said he does. You tried to kick him for that comment, but he just moved aside, tsking before he said that is no way to treat your husband. When you angrily yelled he is laughing at you, he shook his head, saying he wasn't laughing and you shouldn't accuse him of things he didn't do before he walked past, only to stop and pat your head, saying you are so cute when angry. When you tried to snatch his arm, he was quick to pull away and chuckle before leaving.

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