When you ask a very weird question

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You asked him what would happen if all the volcanos exploded at the same time, so he told you everyone would burn. When you asked him what about the lands that don't have volcanos, he told you the bad air would kill them for several different reasons. In other words; if you ask a weird question, he will calmly give you answers to them.


You asked her if giraffe necks would break if there is too much wind, to which she told you they won't since they have very strong necks and there aren't strong enough winds where they live. When you asked her what if though, she stared before she told you it still wouldn't. When you asked her if you should make a giraffe teleport here and use very strong wind to test it out, she sighed and asked you not to involve animals in your weirdness.


You both are always asking each other weird questions. If he knows the answer, he will tell you so. If he doesn't, he will try to figure it out, which usually leads to you both asking Asra about it, who just wonders what's wrong with you two and why you are both thinking of these weird things before telling you two the answer.


He will stare before muttering he doesn't know. When you keep asking weird questions, he slowly began focusing again on what he was doing before you asked him the weird question, only half-listening to you. When you asked him if he's still listening, he flinched before stuttering out of course. When you asked him the answer to your questions, he stared before he awkwardly mumbled he has no idea what you are talking about.


She will laugh, asking you how you came up with this weird question. When you shrugged and said you just got curious, she frowned, trying to figure out the answer to your question before telling you it when she finally figured it out. She likes it whenever you ask her something weird, it always manages to make her chuckle.


He will just mumble he thought he was weird before asking you why you are thinking about this. Since he didn't know the answer, he told a servant to figure it out, who was very confused at this very weird order but went to the library to try and find the answer. When Lucio got the answer from the servant, he told it to you.


He will ignore you at first, not even bothering, but as your questions became more dumber, he got annoyed and yelled none of your questions make any sense. When you asked him if he's immortal, he gave you a "what the hell are you on about?" expression so you told him he has probably drank over 100 wine bottles in this one month so you are just wondering how he doesn't have alcohol poisoning yet, to which he told you through gritted teeth to not overexaggerate because he does not drink 100 bottles in one month.


It was a weird question while you were drunk... You asked him if he has two dicks, to which he told you he's a goat. When you gave him a "so what" look, he added goats don't have two dicks. When you said they can though, he gave you a "what the fuck" expression before he said they cannot. When you drunkly yelled he can if he just uses his magic, to which he asked why he would waste his energy on doing such a thing, to which you yelled because he can. He decided this is officially time to take away the alcohol from you and lay you in the bed so you can go to sleep and sober.

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