You take over the Devil's position

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Sorry Zamora238 for the extremely long wait! A ton of stressful stuff happened since this was requested, but I finally got time to write this. I hope everyone enjoys this and has a nice day/night further~!


You both defeated the Devil and suddenly you just got the role. It all happened too quickly to properly process what happened or how. You just felt so tired and sank down so Asra was quick to catch you, calling your name with worry and panic. He moved your face to him, eyeing your eyes for any sign you are okay and still there. Slowly you assured you are okay, suddenly so weak yet feel so powerful at the same time. He didn't know what to do or think. All he could do was hold you, stroking your hair, whispering it will be okay. He wasn't really telling you that, he was telling himself that to stay calm and tell himself he can change this.

You tried to leave the realm but couldn't, which angered Asra greatly as this is not how it should have gone and The Devil still won in the end. He kept his anger in until he was back home, where he came to get some stuff to try and break this whole insane thing, but first he threw around stuff, shouting and screaming. So much stress, sadness, and anger was pouring out with each thing he threw or kicked. Soon he was leaning over the counter, panting, telling himself he won't let this happen. He gathered the supplies he came here for, stuffing them in the bag he used for his travels, then went back to you. He spend weeks trying various things, some feeling so weird (you think it would have hurt before you became the Devil, but now it just felt uncomfortable with the sensation as if you just slept on that area and it was tingling back awake), which he felt terrible for but whispered to endure it as it might help, but nothing worked. He was so furious. It was if he heard nothing you were saying the whole weeks; assuring him it's okay and you can handle this, but he ignored all you said. He wasn't gonna let you be this being. He can't let that happen. It was something he kept himself to for the rest of his life, each time coming up with something new to try but it failed each time, sometimes tingling you or hurting him, but he kept going. He got engulfed by this blinded refusal to allow this. It was like a person griefing and refusing to move on, because to him that's how it felt: it felt as if The Devil was taking over his lover and he fears one day you will fully turn to become like The Devil, even though you were still the same like before but he couldn't even see that in his delusion.


When you told her you are now the Devil she just stared at you with widen eyes, wearing an expression that said "excuse me?!". So once you explained the whole ordeal of how that came to be, during which she had to place her fingers to her forehead and massage it to ease an approaching headache, she asked if this means you will be as cruel. You gave her a shrug, admitting you have no clue how this works so you will see how it goes. She was very firm when she told you, with a pointed finger, that you have to try your best not to do anything cruel and unfair, and if you do to make it as quick as possible. She hated this so much but she doesn't have a clue how she could change this so the least she can do is make sure you know the responsibility you have now and don't misuse it. She visits you as much as she can, wanting to be sure you are staying yourself and not turning into someone like The Devil. Each time she saw you were still the same person she married she gets such a wave of relief and happiness over her.

She did speak to The High Priestess of this: asking how she could change this, if she even could change it. The High Priestess told her in a soothing wisdom-filled voice this has never happened before so it will be seeing how it goes for everyone but she's sure times will be better now. She advised Nadia to be there for you during these difficult times to comfort, support, and advise you, as just a bit of any of those three can do great things. Nadia nod firmly and confidently, as this was what she was already doing. If you are gonna be cruel she's quick there to pull at your ear like a mother and scold you, lecturing you about how you might be the new devil but that doesn't mean you have to be as cruel as him.

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