When you fall off your horse

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Don't worry, nothing serious like a broken bone will be described. I wasn't in the mood to write anything too serious like that, just the reader falling off their horse and being fine with no serious injuries.


He was quick to use a spell to soften your landing. He climbed off his horse and hurried to you, asking you if you are okay. When you thanked him, he just chuckled and said of course. He made sure your horse is calm before he helped you back on your horse before he joked that there is a reason he rather walks than use a horse.


She yelped your name, quickly pulling her horse to a stop and getting off. When you groaned out you are fine, she let out a sigh of relief before holding her hand out, helping you up. She eyed you to make sure you really are fine before chuckling, saying no one can ride a horse without falling off at least once.


He let out a various of weird words and noises caused by his panic and shock as he hurried off his horse and to you. When you tried to sit up, he pushed you back down, telling you he needs to make sure you haven't broken something. When you said your body just hurts from the slam but nothing more, he frowned and said you never know. So he first wanted to check all your body parts to be sure you are okay before he finally let you get up again.


He was riding aside you so when you suddenly slipped to the side, he was quick to catch you and hold you there, asking you if you are okay. When you said you are okay but this is making your back hurt, he was quick to help you sit back properly on your saddle. He mumbled to be more careful next time. As you both rode, he kept glancing at you to be sure you aren't gonna fall off again.


She let out a noise of shock before hurrying off her say, saying your name many times as she hurried over. When you grumbled that you heard her the first time she called your name, she was very happy to see you aren't passed out. She crouched down to your side, asking you if anything hurts. When you said just a scrape wound but nothing more, she couldn't help but get a big smile, happy to hear that before she helped you up and asked if you want to continue using the horses or walk.


He quickly jumped off his horse and hurried to you, asking you what happened. So while you explained what just happened, he helped you stand up before he wiped the dirt off you. He asked if you are okay. When you nod, he nod his head to his horse, telling you to get on the back of his horse. When you tried to tell him you can still ride yours, he huffed and said he's not letting you back on that horse.


He stared, wondering what just happened before he guided his horse to go stand aside you, asking you if you are okay. When you said you are fine, just a bit of pain from the fall, he got off his horse before holding his hand out, asking if you can stand up. When you stood up, he wiped your back clean for you before helping you back on your horse, telling you to be more careful from now on.


He just used a spell so you were stuck floating mid-air. He walked over and teasingly asked if you are having fun. When you gave him a frown, he chuckled and said he might just leave you floating here for a bit. When you began complaining, telling him to put you down and how this isn't the most comfortable thing, he chuckled again before putting his arms under you, releasing the spells so you dropped on his arms. You expected him to put you down but instead he began walking, carrying you bridal style.

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