When you are sick and feel so bad for them you start crying

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He keeps the store closed that day. He will mix some herbs that will make you feel better. When you start crying, saying you are sorry he has to do all this work for you; he sits aside you and assures you it's okay and this is what partners do. He waits for you to calm down then holds the herbs to you, telling you to take this for him. Once taken and drank some water he lays aside you and holds you, assuring you to not worry about anything but getting better.


She asks a maid to go get a doctor and another to give more of her work to the courtiers, that way she can spend more time with you. She'll do all the paperwork that day as then she can sit aside you and be there for you. So you couldn't help but tear up and cry out you are sorry she can't work because of you. She's quick to lay her papers away and hug you, assuring you in a soft tone to not apologize for this and you are more important than work so don't worry about it. As you cried out things she held you, debunking all you felt terrible about.


He knows exactly what to do. He turns more serious during these moments. But you want the fun cuddly Julian during these time so can't help but cry. He puts all down and hugs you, asking if anything hurts so you cry you feel bad he has to go like this and you want him to be the jokester again. He can't help but chuckle at how lovely and cute that is. So he makes sure to throw some jokes and more cuddles in there. Afterwards when you feel embarrassed about having cried he's quick to assure you it's not embarrassing and that is was so lovely.


He's not sure what to do, so when you start crying he's even less sure. Until you sob, asking why he's not hugging you and if he's disgusted by you right now. He never been so fast to hug you, assuring he's absolutely not. He holds you so gentle, like holding one of his chickens. He doesn't want to risk hurting you. He wants to go after a while to get you something but you won't let go so he just carries you and makes you some food or gets you water while holding you. He feeds you slowly, and if you refuse he will tell you softly you have to eat and drink still so please have at least a bite and sip.


She stays home so she can watch over you. She felt so bad when you cry, not wanting you to feel this bad and shitty. She rubs your hair, assuring you it's okay, she loves you, it'll be over soon, such things. When you are done crying she tells you to take a nap. So when you finally do she either goes get some medicine from Julian or prepares a meal that will be easy on the stomach.


He stays by your side. He's paranoid it's not just a simple cold or whatever but instead something fatal so he doesn't leave for a second. Only leaves to run and refill your water and get you some food or medicine. He cuddles you the whole time, rubbing wherever it hurts, assuring it's okay while you cry about how bad you feel he's stuck with you here. Afterwards, once you are okay again, he jokes about it a lot.


He feels bad when it happens, but he still stays a good distance away. So when you start crying, saying you are sorry you are sick and promise you won't get him sick; he feels guilty then sighs and approaches and sits with you, assuring you it's okay then asks if you need anything. He still goes to work, just is quicker to leave and uses you being sick as an excuse to why he's being bitchy that day and slacking at his work.


He finds it very amusing. He carries you around so you don't have to feel lonely and he can attend to you right away. So as you cry it's very soothing to just hug him or stuff your face in the fur as he walks and does his thing. 

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