When someone flirts with them

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He will just smile and hold up his hand to show the wedding ring, saying he's taken so they will have to go find someone else. When they hurried away, he just continued what he was doing, not really thinking more of it.


She gets flirted with a lot, especially by people who wish to do business with her, hoping their flirting with get her flattered and to agree with them more easily, but it never works. So when such an encounter is done, she will sigh and tell you the same boring flirting lines she heard many times before and how she hopes one day one of them will at least come up with something new because these same lines are getting so boring to listen to.


He let out nervous laughs, holding his hands up as a "wait, hold up", never having expected to be flirted with like this, awkwardly saying he appreciates this but he's already married, quickly adding happily married. As the person stormed off, he awkwardly shouted a sorry that sounded like a question, feeling bad and so awkward right now.


He froze and tensed up, only to frown as he wondered if this is some weird trick of yours or Asra"s to boost his confidence and think others want him. He gave the person a glare, which he didn't even realize he was giving, and simply said he has a spouse then left to go find you.


She doesn't mind a flirt, as long as it isn't to get with her. So if they are just playfully flirting, she will playfully flirt back, but if they flirt in hopes to get into a relationship with her, she will awkwardly tell them she's already taken.


He looked around before he spot you then pointed at you, asking them if they see you. When they nod, he proudly nod back, saying that's his spouse then walked to you to come give you a kiss, confusing you but making Lucio feel prideful to brag about having a wonderful spouse.


He will just sip his wine, staring at them with bored eyes, waiting for their dumb flirting lines to be over, not even hiding his face as he cringed at what they were saying. As they were talking, he just walked past them and to you, starting to talk to you, completely ignoring the person and what just happened.


He's more amazed this person has the guts to flirt with him. Since he admired their guts to do this, he decided to put their guts for display by ripping their stomach open and letting them drop out so now everyone can admire their guts.

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