When you use a strong glue to shut a jar and ask them to open it

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He tried but then just used magic when he couldn't open it. When you pout and said that was no fun and told him you glued it, he chuckled and asked you why you would glue a jar shut. When you told him so you can watch him suffer to open it, he just laughed it off.


She knew you did something with the jar when you handed it to her. She just chuckled and tried, mostly to amuse you before she held it to a servant, politely asking them to find a way to open the jar or get a new one if it won't open.


He tried, expecting it to open, only to stare in confusion when it didn't. He tried harder, asking why it isn't opening. He didn't care for the pain he felt in his hands as he continued. When you laughed out you glued it close so he can stop trying to open it, he shook his head, saying he can open this for you. So he spend an hour trying to open it before he finally gave up, panting out he will buy you a new jar that will open.


He opened it with ease. As you stared at it, mumbling you used the strongest glue you could find, he handed it back with a little blush on his face, mumbling he's very strong.


She proudly told you to watch her open this. She tried only to groan, asking who the hell shut this jar so tightly. She refused to give up, wishing to prove she can open it and open it for you. And she managed to open it after some slapping and struggling, making her very proud of herself.


He tried with his normal hand a few times, growing more annoyed before he tried with his golden hand, but that still failed so he just threw it against the wall in anger. Both stared at the broken jar and the ruined wall before you mumbled you think he has some anger issues he needs to work on.


He let out a confused noise when you asked him before he sighed and put his wine glass down, taking the jar. He gave it one try then gave up, telling you he can't so go ask a servant since they are being paid to help after all.


He gave you a confused expression when you asked him to open it but then took it, chuckling in amusement that you can't open it, only to glare at the jar when he couldn't open it. He tried a few more times but he put too much strenght on it causing it to break. Both stared at it before he chuckled, saying you wanted it open and now it is. 

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