You died so your ghost comes to taunt and blame them for your death

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He was sitting against the bed, panting, trying to calm down, Faust worriedly slithering to him. He thought he was ready to finally move your stuff but he wasn't, he couldn't do it. He began panicking, he began yearning for you, he began begging this was all some stupid illusion, some stupid joke the Devil is playing on him. He froze as he heard something in the store before he shakingly pushed himself up, doing a hand motion to Faust to wait here. He swallowed, trying to ignore the feeling he just had to focus on chasing away whoever broke in, hoping it's just some cat, he doesn't feel as if he can handle a thief right now. As he sneaked down and peeked inside the store, he felt as if everything stopped. You stood there, drumming your fingers impatiently on the counter, humming some song Asra thought sounded familiar, probably some song that was played at one of Nadia's balls you both went to. He slowly stepped into the shop, shakingly calling your name. He watched your head turn his way before a smile came on your face causing his breath to quiver. He can't believe it, he doesn't know what to think. He knows you are death yet here you are. As you chuckled he looks terrible, his face twisted to a frown. It sounded as if you were mocking him, but he ignored it, saying of course, he missed you. As he walked over, you walked away, as if not wishing to be near him which hurt him. You spoke again, saying he looks pitiful, you even want to bet he hasn't moved your stuff out because he's so pathetic and weak. He froze and stared before glaring, asking who you are. As you hummed as if in thought before saying your name, he shook his head, saying his lover would never act like this and he doesn't care if you want to insult him, but don't use his lover's appearance to do so. As you glared, he nod to the door, telling you to leave or he will make you leave by force. As you said fine, you will leave him to be his pitiful self, he huffed and just watched you leave the shop. Once out, he was quick to put up extra barriers in hopes that cruel ghost never returns, not feeling sad but angry, furious it dared use you to get to him, dared to use your appearance and make you say such cruel things you would never say to him.


She knew it wasn't you, she saw it in its eyes, those were not the eyes she loves staring into, those were the eyes of an evil being, something that was not her lover, and if it was you, then you were not yoursel and being controlled, because she refuses to believe you would have such an evil look and taunt her like this. So she kept working, ignoring it as it floated around her, taunting her, picking a new topic every hour to see which topic will finally make her stop her silent treatment. And it found one after many tries, it said it without actually wanting to go further into it, just a random loud out thought. It floated on its back, sighing out she must be happy you are dead, this caused her to twirl to it and shout she is absolutely not happy that her lover is dead. She was furious, it pesters her for hours and then it dares accuse her of this horrible thing, she was not gonna let it say such an untrue thing. Before it could tease her about it, she loudly spoke, saying she stayed up day and night, she has not eaten since that day as she can not stomach it, she has cried so many times, she has begged Asra to find a way to bring you back, she has done so many things to try and bring you back. She took a firm step closer to the ghost with a glare while tears formed in her eyes, sternly asking it if that sounds like a person who is happy to have the love of their life leave them. As the ghost stared at her, she turned around, feeling a tear slip, not wishing to show it to this cruel being before she politely asked it to leave her alone and walked on.


He was cooking some small piece of meat on a pan, finally gonna eat after having not felt any appetite since your death a week ago. As he reached out to take the handle, he felt this weird presence causing him to look behind him. As he saw you, he cursed as his fingers missed the handle of the pan and touched the pan instead. He shook his fingers before quickly looking back at you to make sure he saw right. And he saw right, you were floating there. He wasn't sure how to react. When you suddenly said if he intensifies the burn a hundred times, he will feel the pain you felt when he left you to die, his eyes widen before he stuttered out a what. He let out a nervous laugh, saying you shouldn't say such cruel jokes. When you hummed you aren't joking though and floated closer, whispering he knows it deep down, he frowned and stepped away, saying he felt awful. As you innocently asked why he doesn't feel happy to see you then, he wanted to say he doesn't know but you added something, saying probably because he never loved you and he was secretly hoping you would die one day, he was quick to yell of course not. He glanced around before snatching the pan and holding it to you, stuttering out he doesn't know what you are or who you are but you are not his lover so he's gonna have to ask them to leave his house. He glanced down to his fingers as they stinged a bit as they were holding the pan handle tightly. As he looked back up, he let out a confused noise, his head snapping both ways, confused where the ghost went before he rushed around the house, yelling, asking where it went. He didn't feel hungry after that and just threw the pan back on the stove and crawled in bed, curling into a ball under his bed sheet and begging you return and that weird ghost doesn't return.

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