Their thoughts when they are away from you

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One more chapter then this book will be finished.


When he's alone in the store he's always looking to the door, hoping you enter through it any second. His mind is only on you. It's so much more fun with you around. He loves everything about you, even the things you consider a flaw. When he sees you performing magic he can't help but stare, feeling proud and thinking of how cute you look with that focused look.


Work has become a little fun for the ending part, the part where she can stop and go back to you. So towards the end of work her mind is only filled with you, thinking of how you'll hug her, kiss her, the things you two will talk about. She always thinks she should do more for you because she feels she isn't showing the amount of love she has for you so sometimes her mind wanders off work and to other things, which is usually when Portia will politely snap her back to reality.


He thinks about you every second, even with you just in the other room. He just loves you too much to stop thinking of you, and that's how he also knows you are the one for him. He thinks of activities he can do with you, stuff he can talk with you about. Even while just reading medical books he's still thinking of you, wondering if he can use having to practice some stuff like bandaging on you so he can touch you, bond with you, and just share his interest with you.


With you he feels good, happy, normal. But when you leave, especially for long, those old insecurities creep back in and he wonders how he landed someone so wonderful. He'll try to think of ways to show his love as he's not good with words, think of the things you love and how he could make wood figurines of it. Other times he's thinking of the future with you, the possibilites that can still happen like pets or kids; just playing various scenarios in his head but then stops it before he gets his hopes up.


She'll be working and thinking of all the things you two can do. She'll be hoping constantly you drop by. Even if she comes to work or the market after both had an argument she's still thinking of good stuff to do with you, gifts to get you, and rethinking the argument and how she can fix it because she can't ruin this relationship because she'll never meet someone like you again, nor does she wish to because she plans to stick with you forever.


He's grumpy, he wants to be with you, not here alone. He will start thinking of your voice, your laugh, your smile, your body. His head just has a field day with imagining what he could do with you once he gets home, and not in the innocent way. He just loves you so much so he wants to hug you again, even if he just gave you one, and give you all the affection he can.


He likes to think he's not one of those sappy guys who is all like 'I want to see them again!' and thinks 'geez, just few hours apart, mature up', but that's not true. While working or somewhere else he'll be constantly thinking "I want to see them again...' and 'I wonder what they are doing' and thinking of how lucky he is and wondering why you are even with someone like him.


He wonders if he should go bother you, teleport you to him, scare you a bit as amusement for himself; such things go through his mind when you aren't there. Sometimes he terrifies others by staring ahead, glaring; but in his mind he's just wondering why you are with him and how he has to keep you safe from those stupid humans like Asra in case they convince you to go against him.

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